Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 5 Chapter 3: The man of the destiny of the gods appeared (part 2) four thousand words

Mount Xumi, Zizai Palace.

Luo Hui smiled faintly, the Primitive Tianzun held the Conferred God List and beat the whip, holding the Conferred God.

However, the Primitive Tianzun was not a man of destiny, and could not preside over the confinement of the gods. If he wanted to confine the gods, or if he wanted to destroy the magic way, he needed to find the two flying bears and black panthers.

Since Primordial Tianzun wanted to accept disciples, Luo Hu asked him to accept them, and also helped him to take the two destined persons to the seat.

"Master, that disciple will go now?" Tai Xuan hesitated, then asked.

Luo Hu nodded.

Tai Xuan didn't say anything any more, and disappeared in the Palace of Freedom.

At the moment Tai Xuan left.

Luo Hu also disappeared. Since he was going to a place to be chaotic, then Luo Hu completely caused the entire prehistoric chaos.

Fengshen, plus Westward Journey, is it more fun?

Luo Hui appeared on the shore of the East China Sea, looking at a sacred mountain not far away.

The mountain is not high, only a thousand feet, this can only be regarded as an ordinary sacred mountain in the great land.

However, after the great famine is broken, this mountain will become a sacred mountain and the ancestral vein of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Luo Hui stepped out and appeared on Huaguo Mountain. The aura here is not strong, but the scenery is very beautiful.

On the top of Huaguo Mountain, there is a fairy stone.

The stone is three feet, six feet and five inches high, with a circle of two feet and four feet. Three feet, six feet and five inches high, three hundred and sixty-five degrees per week; two feet and four feet round a circle, twenty-four qi in accordance with the political calendar. There are nine orifices and eight holes, according to the nine palaces and gossip. There are no trees on all sides to shade, and there are shilan on the left and right.

This is exactly a piece of colorful stone that Queen Mother of the West dropped to fill the sky, but it has attracted a part of the origin of Chaos Demon Ape.

After so many years of absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, this fast immortal stone has a sense of wisdom.

It has bred life.

Looking at this immortal stone, Luo Hui smiled and said, "If you have a relationship with Mount Xumi, you can be the protector of Mount Xumi."

Having said that, Luo Hu set up a large formation around the immortal stone, gathering the spirit formation, directly pulling the great gathering spirit formation in the chaos, and then gathering innate aura into the immortal stone.

But next, Luo Hui used his great mana to awaken the power of the World Tree, and accelerate the time within a hundred miles of the fairy stone.

One year outside, one hundred years inside.

Luo Hui wants to speed up the birth of the monkey within this immortal stone and strive to be born within 50 years. Of course, it would be even better to be born within 30 years.

The divine light in his eyes flashed, and a ray of magic energy was injected into the fairy stone.

Afterwards, Luo Hu left Huaguo Mountain and the chess pieces were laid. As for what effect this chess piece can play, it depends on the future fortune.

When Luo Hu reappeared, he had already arrived at the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

There was no hidden aura, so when Luo Huo appeared, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was frightened and threw off the dragon chair.

"Magic Ancestor!"

When he was busy, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, came outside the Crystal Palace with a kind of dragon power.

Sure enough, he saw Luo Hu's slowly coming figure.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor."

Ao Guang led the dragon clan's great power, all respectfully worshipping the master possessed.

Luo Hu nodded and walked directly into the Crystal Palace, but instead of entering the main hall, he went to the place of Haiyan.

"You all retreat." Ao Guang said to a group of dragons, and then followed Luo Hu.

Came to the sea eye.

"Magic Ancestor, is there something wrong here?" Ao Guang said cautiously.

Because this is where the Dragon Clan’s treasure house is located, Luo Huo came here directly, and Ao Guang was naturally taken aback.

"There is something wrong."

Luo Hui said lightly.

Ao Guang was so frightened that he knelt down, and said quickly: "Magic Ancestor, what's wrong here, Xiaolong will change it immediately."

"Don't be nervous, I just see that something that suppresses the sea eye is missing here." Luo Hu smiled.

Ao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Luo Hu didn't blame it, everything would be fine.

"Xiaolong will take an innate spirit treasure to suppress the sea eye."

"Xiantian Lingbao? I'm afraid it won't work."

"Magic Ancestor, Dragon Palace has no innate treasure!"

Ao Guang said helplessly, he is extremely speechless now, the Dragon Palace is not Mount Xumi, let alone the innate treasure here, even the superb innate spirit treasure is not there.

"The day after tomorrow's treasure is enough."

Luo Hui said.

The treasure of the day after tomorrow?

Ao Guang is a little unclear, so the acquired treasure suppresses the sea eye, how about using Xiantian Lingbao?

It happens that Dragon Palace has a high-grade innate spirit treasure that can suppress the sea eye.

In fact, this sea eye didn't need to suppress it at all, but when Luo Hui said it, he could only do it.

"I have one here, it's best to suppress it here."

Luo Hu waved his hand, a golden needle appeared, flew to the sea eye, and slowly enlarged.

But in a moment, the original gold needle became ten thousand feet thick, not knowing how high it was.

On this huge pillar, there are five big characters: Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

"Ao Guang, how do you think this will suppress the treasure?" Luo Hu asked while looking at Ao Guang.

Ao Guang was flattered, and Mozu asked his opinion.

Immediately, Ao Guang said, "The Demon Ancestor is really the best, and it is most suitable for suppressing the sea eye."

"Since I can, then I will leave."

Luo Hui stepped into the sea and disappeared.

When Luo Hu disappeared, Ao Guang felt his legs soft and knelt down.

It was terrible to be by the Mozu's side. Although it was only a quarter of an hour, Ao Guang felt that his strength was gone.

I am afraid that the Dragon Clan, and only the Dragon Emperor can serve the Demon Ancestor.

But what did the Mozu do with an iron rod here?

Although this Wishful Golden Cudgel is an acquired treasure, it gives Ao Guang the feeling that it is comparable to an innate treasure.

Used to suppress Haiyan, it is really wasteful.

However, Ao Guang didn't dare to think too much about the thoughts of the Demon Ancestor, as long as he ordered to do so, it was useless to think too much.

Kunlun Mountains.

Two mortals are climbing the mountain hard.

Fang Yuan doesn't know that Kunlun Mountain, which is tens of thousands of miles away, can hardly climb Kunlun Mountain for the rest of his life with a mortal body.

"My dear friend, this Kunlun Mountain is too high, can we really climb it?"

Both are in their thirties, one wears a plain gown and the other wears a black gown.

They have been climbing Kunlun Mountain for five years. Of course, the two of them also met while climbing.

It was the man in black who was talking.

"Brother virtuous, don't give up. We have been sleeping and sleeping for five years. As long as we persist, we will be able to see immortals."

The man in the plain robe said firmly.

"But my dear friend, there have been no fairy gods in the world for thousands of years, and those fairy gods are also recorded in ancient books. Whether they are or not is the same thing."

"Virtuous brother, there will be immortals."

The man named Jiang Ziya wearing a plain robe is addicted to reading ancient books, especially when he sees the fairy gods in ancient books, saying that the gods have the ability to move mountains and fill the sea, chase stars and catch the moon, so he yearned for it, so he came to Kunlun Mountain to seek Fairy god.

Wearing a black robe named Shen Gongbao, he is not addicted to reading ancient books, nor does he pursue immortals.

He was because he owed too much foreign debt, and he came into the mountains to hide the debt, but he met Jiang Ziya.

Under Jiang Ziya's persuasion, Shen Gongbao decided to find a fairy with him.

Don't talk about becoming immortal, but just ask for a little bit of stone to become gold, so that you can enjoy the glory of the whole life.

After crawling for another three months, looking ahead, they are all books, with no end in sight.

Looking up, I vaguely saw the towering Kunlun Mountains.

The two of them have been climbing for five years and are still dangling at the foot of the mountain.

"My dear friend, it really doesn't work. If this goes on, we will be exhausted here." Shen Gongbao was discouraged again.

Jiang Ziya put his hand on Shen Gongbao's shoulder, and comforted: "Brother Xian, imagine that you will become a fairy **** when you see the fairy god. Aren't you excited?"

"Not excited." Shen Gongbao shook his head.

Jiang Ziya was stunned and looked at Shen Gongbao in surprise, like a fool.

It was the first time he encountered such a person. Isn't it good to be immortal, immortal, and possess great supernatural powers.

"Don't you yearn for power?" Jiang Ziya asked.

"No, I long to go home."

Shen Gongbao looked back and saw that the endless dense woods showed hopelessness.

Obviously, there is a price to go home, at least five years.

After losing ten years of time for no reason, Shen Gongbao felt that his life was too tragic.

In the past ten years, if you go to work part-time, won't you change your foreign debt?

Maybe you can save a little money and ask for a wife.

Maybe he even has a baby now.

It's the **** stick in front of him, if he didn't fool himself, would he waste these ten years?

"My dear friend, there are no fairy gods in the world, don't dream of fairy gods, go back." Shen Gongbao said bitterly.

If it weren't for the danger of going back alone, Shen Gongbao would have left by himself.

"In this way, we have been walking for three years. If we haven't met the gods in these three years, we will go back. So what do you think?"

Jiang Ziya said.

If it wasn't for the fear of going up the mountain alone to meet the wolves, tigers and leopards, would Jiang Ziya not bring Shen Gongbao?

In short, the two now dislike each other in their hearts.

"Three years? No way!"

Shen Gongbao directly refused. If he had been walking for three years, it would take eight years before he returned.

Now I am thirty-five, three years plus eight years equals eleven years, and then another thirty-five years are forty-six years.

Nima, it's forty-six when I go back, can I still pass on the clan?

"Two years will be fine, if Brother Xian doesn't agree, just go back by yourself."

Jiang Ziya pretended to be angry.

But this is all pretend, as long as Shen Gongbao still disagrees, then Jiang Ziya will say one year.

"Well, two years is two years," Shen Gongbao said helplessly.

After getting on the thief ship, Shen Gongbao found that he could not get off.

Hidden in the void, Tai Xuan, seeing Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao's dialogue, was a saint, and was shocked and speechless.

"The two are pregnant with ghosts. From the first first acquaintance, the later reliance on each other, and now, they all hope that each other will not die. It can be described as a variety of life."

Wait two more years for them to see if they will fight.

Tai Xuan also wanted to see what moths these two mortals could make.

Two years are very fast.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao sat on a rock to rest, and had not eaten for three days.

Both their mouths were dry and cracked.

"Can I go back?"

This was not asked by Shen Gongbao, but by Jiang Ziya.

Without eating for three days, Jiang Ziya felt the fear of death.

He doesn't have any fairy dreams now, he just wants to go home now, he yearns for steamed buns.

"Go back? No! I won't give up when I reach the top of the mountain!"

Now Shen Gongbao is struggling, because he knows that he can only move forward now, because he can't eat anything for at least three days back.

In other words, they will starve for another three days.

Hungry for six days will undoubtedly lead to death, and there may be a chance to move forward.

"Brother Xian, forget it, there is no fairy **** in this world." Jiang Ziya kindly persuaded.

Shen Gong almost vomited blood out of anger. He had said so many times along the way that there was no fairy, but Jiang Ziya just didn't listen. He was about to starve to death and said there was no fairy.

Shen Gongbao now hopes that there will be immortals. He doesn't want to die. He thinks of immortals to help him.

"My dear friend, don't talk about it, there are gods three feet above the head, the immortals must exist, and we will not die!" Shen Gongbao said firmly.

"Brother Xian, don't be obsessed with enlightenment. If there are any gods, how can we not see them for more than seven years?" Jiang Ziya now has only one purpose, that is, to go back and eat.

Shen Gongbao was not talking.

But the action told Jiang Ziya that there was a fairy in front of him.

Watching Shen Gongbao move forward step by step, Jiang Ziya stood up and followed.

After another two days, there were still no small beasts around, and they were hungry for another two days.

There are ghosts in front of me, and even hallucinations.

"Brother Xian, if you are asked to make a wish, what wish would you like to make?" Jiang Ziya said Gongbao, touched the eight-character Hu, took a breath, and said, "I want to be a fairy god."

"My dear friend, how about you?"

"I don't believe in immortals anymore. I will live a good life in the future, it is the best to enjoy the glory of my life, and the most important thing is not to go hungry."

At first, Jiang Ziya believed in immortals, but Shen Gongbao did not. Now the two have turned the other way around.

By coincidence, five days ago, the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign appeared, and in order to test them, he expelled the beasts in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Now, in the eyes of Primordial Tianzun, Jiang Ziya is just a mortal who is greedy for wealth, while Shen Gongbao is a mortal with dreams.

"A flying bear and a black panther are the people of the destiny that the master said. If you accept them as disciples, the magic way will be destroyed!"

The original Tianzun is about to appear.

But at this moment, a figure appeared faster than him, it was Tai Xuan.

Tai Xuan appeared out of thin air, making Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao both talking to themselves.

"There is another hallucination."

Tai Xuan waved his hand, a devilish energy made the two of them sober instantly, and the hunger in their abdomen disappeared.

"Fairy God!"

Jiang Ziya Shen Gongbao was shocked, but he didn't expect that there would be a fairy.

"Jiang Ziya (Shen Gongbao) pays homage to the gods and asks the gods to hold them in their hands and wait as disciples."

"Well, you guys do have a destiny with the devil's way, no matter what, this seat is..."

"Friend Taixuan, this is Kunlun Mountain. You are accepting disciples in a poor Taoist place. It's hard to say, and these two people came to Kunlun Mountain to apprentice. Didn't you see?"

Primitive Tianzun hurriedly appeared, and said to Tai Xuan.

The fairy gods appeared, and two more appeared, seemingly vying to accept them as disciples!

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao immediately felt full of happiness.


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