Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 5 Chapter 4: Original Tianzun's arrangement

Kunlun Mountains.

Jiang Ziyashen Gongbao went up the mountain to look for the immortal and asked, after seven years of hard work, finally, God paid off and let them find the immortal.

Looking at the two people in front of him, a young man, a middle-aged man, a proud look, and a fairy-like spirit.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao both knelt down quickly.

"Worship the gods, worship the gods, ask the gods to accept us as disciples and teach us how to become immortals."

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao knelt down in a hurry, and they were already incoherent.

Immortal gods have not appeared in the world of mortals for more than a thousand years. Everyone wants to see immortals and asks questions.

But Kuwu Wuxian taught.

Moreover, for more than a thousand years, it seems that the human race has been restricted. Although there are cultivators, none of them have broken through and become immortals.

"Friend Taixuan, this is Kunlun Mountain, aren't you okay here!" Primitive Tianzun looked at Taixuan deeply.

"Not good? There is nothing wrong, primitive, not to mention so many, you just want to accept these two destiny as a disciple."

"It just so happens that I will accept them as disciples."

Tai Xuansi said flatly regardless of the ugly face of Primordial Tianzun.

"Hmph, people of the Devil Dao, now dare to haunt the prehistoric, don't you be afraid to be on the list ahead of time!"

Primitive Tianzun said with a cold voice.

Nowadays, within the prehistoric land, three thousand great worlds are opened, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is walking outside, and it is really possible to be beheaded.

Moreover, during the Great Tribulation period, even the direct disciples of the Xumishan line and the Xuanmen line are not impossible to perish.

"Then you are not afraid that this seat will bring the senior brothers? This way you will be in danger, you may die."

Tai Xuan smiled.

Primitive Tianzun's face sank, and immediately said: "Kill the poor Dao in Kunlun Mountain? Then let them all come."

No fear at all, because the Primitive Tianzun knew that in the Kunlun Mountain realm, there was a big world, and it was still under the control of Xuanmen Sanxiu, among which there were six Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Not far from Kunlun Mountain, there are also these three great worlds, which are also controlled by Xuanmen Sanxiu.

There are a total of 17 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian,

With such a powerful background, Primordial Tianzun is really not afraid of Tai Xuan bringing people.

"I don't argue with you. Since you and I both want to accept them as disciples, then it's up to them. If they worship you as a teacher, I will turn around and leave."

After Tai Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao.

Naturally, there is a threat in his eyes.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, no matter where they had received such a look, they were directly frightened to fall down.

"Two... two... Daxian, we just want to... apprentice..."

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao said tremblingly, they could not even reach a word.

"You don't need to be afraid, you can choose, the poor way will be the master for you." Primordial Tianzun said.

I have to say that the words of Primordial Tianzun calmed Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao.

They searched for the immortal for seven years, and only they knew the hardships, and the hardship of so many years had already tempered their minds.

"I would like to worship Dao Master as a teacher." Shen Gongbao knelt down directly facing the Primitive Tianzun.

"Like my brother, I am willing to worship the Taoist master as a teacher." Jiang Ziya also knelt down quickly.

Primitive Tianzun laughed, looked at Tai Xuan, proudly said: "Tai Xuan, what else do you have to say now!"

Tai Xuan's face changed, his eyes were angry, he glanced at Primordial Tianzun, then at Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao.

When Tai Xuan saw this, Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao couldn't help shaking again.

"Well, now that they have made a choice, I have nothing to say. There will be a battle in the future!"

Taixuan looked at the original Tianzun and said with a cold voice.

Later, Tai Xuan disappeared in Kunlun Mountain.

In fact, in Taixuan's heart, he was already happy, and he was considered to have successfully completed Luo Hu's mission this time, making Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao both worship the original Tianzun as their teachers.

And there is no flaw in it.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

The original Tianzun looked at Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao. To be honest, the original Tianzun looked at Shen Gongbao, but didn't look at Jiang Ziya.

Because Jiang Ziya's idea is not firm, and his greatest wish is to enjoy the wealth of the world.

Shen Gongbao was different. This man wanted to cultivate immortality and became Taoist, and he persisted for seven years.

Primitive Tianzun didn't know, the facts were just the opposite of what he saw.

"Pan Dao is the eldest disciple of Dao Ancestor Seat, Primitive Tianzun. Before you, Pin Dao has already accepted twelve direct disciples..."

Primitive Tianzun first introduced himself, after all, his dignified Primordial Sage was also good for face.

Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao are both startled, primitive heavenly venerables, this is recorded in ancient books, and they are one of the most powerful gods in Taigu.

"Master is the original Tianzun. Fortunately disciple, fortunately!"

Shen Gongbao was a local ruffian before, and he was good at speaking, even if he was flattering.

I have to say that this flattering is very good.

Jiang Ziya was a bit dull, not as smooth as Shen Gongbao, and immediately followed Shen Gongbao's words and said it again.

There is a suspicion of you have entered the poor road, then in the future Shen Gongbao..."

"Congratulations, brother, and I have also joined the master." Jiang Ziya congratulated Shen Gongbao directly.

Primitive Tianzun and Shen Gongbao were both taken aback. It seems that the primitive Tianzun hasn't said who is bigger and who is younger?

Why did Jiang Ziya even call his junior brother?

Shen Gongbao worried that Primordial Tianzun was angry when he saw him arguing with Jiang Ziya, so he wouldn't say so much to Jiang Ziya.

"Brother, thank you very much."

Extremely speechless, I didn't expect Jiang Ziya to place one.

Primitive Tianzun saw that Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao had been separated into generations, so he didn't say much.

"Jiang Ziya, you will have something to do in the human world in the future. There are 108 books of war and tricks in the back hall."

"Shen Gongbao, you have fairy fate, and your big brother Guang Chengzi will come to lead you to practice later."

"Master, the disciple also wants to cultivate. The disciple came to Kunlun Mountain with all the hardships to become immortals and gain Taoism, not wealth on the world."

Jiang Ziya heard the original Tianzun's arrangement, almost didn't vomit blood, said quickly.

Glancing at Jiang Ziya, Primordial Tianzun really didn't want to talk to Jiang Ziya, he had already seen through Jiang Ziya's true face.

"Well, you go to the back hall to get the book first, and then follow Guangchengzi to practice the Taoism, but the book of war should not be abandoned!"

Primitive Tianzun said.

Now that the original Tianzun has a plan, Jiang Ziya is in charge of the Conferred God List and descends from the mountain to conferred God.

Shen Gongbao assisted Jiang Ziya to seal the gods. In this way, Jiang Ziya offended the Zhoutian gods, and Shen Gongbao could save himself.

After all, Primordial Tianzun valued Shen Gongbao. He couldn't let Shen Gongbao be appointed to the gods. To hold the list of the gods was to offend the gods. It was more appropriate to hand it over to Jiang Ziya.


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