Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Pangu Enze

Among the underworld.

Over the Yan Luo Temple, thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians have gathered, and they are divided into two factions.

One faction headed by the ancestors of the Styx, sheltered Yama of the Ten Temples.

One faction wanted to destroy the Yama of the Ten Temples and then take charge of the underworld.

"Styghe, you really don't let it!" A Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian peak said in a deep voice.

In fact, in the eyes of these great powers, if you can do it without talking about the ancestors of Styx, you can't do it.

No one is willing to confront the magic way so early.

And this is the direct line of Modao.

"You can do it now." Old Ancestor Styx said softly.

He must keep the Ten Temple Yama. This is Luo Hu's decree. Although he knows that it is difficult, he must do his best.

Although he didn't know what Luo Hu did with the ten great Luo Jinxians, he would listen to what Luo Hu said.

More than eight hundred great powers had murderous look in their eyes.

next moment!

Ready to do it.

The ancestors of the Styx are also preparing to fight back, but they have more than three hundred Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, desperately fighting, can take away more than half of the power opposite.

But at this moment, a ray of light came quickly, with a strong chill.

Whoosh! !

The three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fell down, although they were all in the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but this was too shocking.

That is arrow light.

With one arrow, three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were killed!

Who made this?

"After so many years, do you really think my Wu Clan has fallen?"

A figure slowly walked out of the void, it was the great witch Houyi of the ancient times.

With each step, Hou Yi shot an arrow, and each arrow took away three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Hou Yi!"

Everyone exclaimed.


An axe appeared from the void, and the great axe smashed into eight hundred powers, and each power quickly dodged.

A rugged man with a giant axe in his hand, as if Pangu was alive.

Rumble! ! !

This axe is really Pangu's magical power, the three forms of opening the sky.

Some Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's early powers were too late to dodge and fell directly under the axe.

The power of an axe actually killed nine Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and a scepter appeared, accompanied by the endless peach blossoms falling down, which was a beautiful sight.

But the next scene was extremely infiltrating.

The scepter swept across, shattering the early flesh of the five Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and swallowing their souls!


"Isn't he dead?"

Three figures appeared in front of Yama of the Ten Temples, and their cold eyes looked at those mighty powers, and there was a murderous intent in their eyes.

"I have seen ten ancestral witches."

Xing Tian, ​​Hou Yi, Kuafu respectfully bowed to Yama of the Ten Temples.

Yama of the Ten Temples was also shocked at this time. The three of them turned out to be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Kuafu actually lived. What happened?

"What happened? Kuafu you?"

King Qin Guang looked at Kuafu in shock, and Kuafu was resurrected. He was naturally happy, but he was puzzled.

"Father God Grace, I was resurrected again and became the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Kuafu said with a smile.

"We are also favored by the Father God and broke through to the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Xing Tian and Hou Yi said together.

Yama of the Ten Temples was very happy, but there was a trace of loss in his eyes.

Xing Tian, ​​Hou Yi, Kuafu, they all received the favor of God the Father, but their ten ancestral witches did not. How could this make them feel better?

"Even if the three of them joined, it would be difficult to protect you, so we went to find it just to save it."

These great abilities were fear at first, but now they are anger. Just now, they directly lost more than 20 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the early stage.

"Then what about me?" At this moment, a thick voice sounded, causing the entire underworld to tremble.

The void opened up, and Gonggong appeared in front of all mighty eyes.

That vigorous cultivation base, powerful momentum is like a prison.

"Heaven Realm!"

All the great abilities are one of them. This is the aura of the heavenly realm. The Gonggong who was suppressed by the demon ancestor in Buzhoushan turned out to be the heavenly realm!

The witches can't move.

These are all powerful ideas, they don't have the power of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and no matter how many Hunyuan Golden Immortals, they are not the opponent of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

"Gonggong, you are out of trouble!"

Qin Guang Wang said with joy.

"The Demon Ancestor didn't really trap me." Gonggong laughed.

"Your cultivation base?"

"Father God Grace, it is now in the early days of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Although it is not very high, it is enough for them."

Gong Gong looked at those great abilities, and the great abilities that Gong Gong saw in an instant were all lowered their heads for fear of being remembered by Gong Gong.

Heavenly realm!

Even at the peak of the powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he is not an opponent of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Even in the early days, they were not able to deal with it.

Even if the Primordial Celestial Lord brought a thousand powers, it was useless.


Eight hundred can prepare to leave, after all, co-working has come, they no longer have an advantage.

"If you want to come and leave, I really don't know if I have no temper!" Gonggong said in a cold voice.

"Gonggong, you are powerful, but we have more than 800 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Once we fight, do you think the Ten Temple Yama can live?"

When even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian said Gonggong was furious, but I have to say that this sentence is true. Once he starts his hands, he really can't protect the Ten Temple Yama.

After all, he was just a great power who had just cultivated to the early stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Seeing those great abilities leave one by one, there is no other way to work together. After all, it is still too weak. If you are raising a realm, you don't need to put these people in your eyes.

"Stay, thank you very much," Gonggong said.

"No, it's just a commandment."

After saying this, the ancestor of Styx brought more than 300 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian into the sea of ​​blood.

These people of the Wu clan entered the Yan Luo Temple.

At this time, King Qin Guang couldn't help it anymore, and asked directly: "What kind of blessings have you got? You have raised your cultivation to such a terrifying level."

"Brother, all of you can restore your witch clan status, you of Yama King, you won't get any grace from God Father."

Gong Gong said.

How can Gonggong know what Dijiang and their inner thoughts are, I am afraid they are all uncomfortable!

Di Jiang nodded, thinking about it, they are not the Witch Clan, how can they still get the favor of Pangu?

Thinking of this, there was no hesitation.

The Ten Temple Yama announced together to Hong Huang.

"Our ten temples of Yama will no longer be Yama from today, and will be restored to the ancestral witch body of the Witch Clan!"

This is not to swear to heaven, because it is not necessary.

One, they don't believe in the way of heaven, and second, the way of heaven is dead in name.

The entire prehistoric land heard the voice of the Ten Temple Yama, but there was not much shock, after all, it was just ten big Luo Jinxian.

At Mount Xumi, Luo Hu's expression changed, and he saw everything about the underworld really.

"Great God Pangu, what do you have to follow!"


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