Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 5 Chapter 7: Yang Jian 1

Xumi Mountain, next to the Sanguang God Pool, Luo Hu sits on top of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus.

"Pangu is really alive."

Luo Hui asked himself, he was really puzzled now whether Pangu had left behind, or was he in the prehistoric state at all.

Anyway, Luo Hu can be sure of one thing, that is, Pangu is alive.

Must be alive!

Otherwise, how could it be possible for Gonggong to become a realm of heaven in just a thousand years?

Gonggong's savvy is the same as other ancestral witches, it is waste to scum!

But how did Pangu do it?

Luo Hui didn't understand, because he didn't have this method.

If anything, he wouldn't worry about the great horror after ten thousand years.

"Pangu is in Honghuang, or does Pangu have left Honghuang?"

Luo Hui was very uncertain.

His spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire wilderness, without the breath of Pangu, only some Pangu remnants.

However, Luohu's spirit cannot cover the three thousand worlds, so it is impossible to determine whether Pangu is in the prehistoric world.

But there is another point, Luo Hu can't figure it out, that is, Pangu is alive, how did this prehistoric come from?

Taishang, primitive, and how did they get here?

Pangu's body was transformed into a prehistoric creature, and the soul was transformed into Sanqing.

In other words, Pangu only left the true spirit.

But with such a powerful existence, how could only the true spirit remain?

"After I fell asleep, what happened?"

Luo Hui now wants to know what happened after falling asleep when the sky was opened.

At that time, he blocked the aftermath of Pangu's blow with the Destroying Mill, but he was also deeply injured and fell asleep.

Pangu opened the sky, and a purple light fell.

Luo Hu didn't know what happened afterwards.

What is that purple light?

Now the Ten Temple Yama has recovered the ancestral witch's body, that is to say, if Pan Gu is alive, it will definitely make Dijiang and the others become heavenly realms.

Luo Hu couldn't wait to see Pangu's methods now.

He wanted to see how to make ten great Luo Jinxian become heavenly realm!

This is a desperate leap!

At this time, Kong Xuan appeared beside Luo Hu.

"Master, you call me?"

Kong Xuan respectfully said.

"Go to the Yang family village and accept the two sons of the Yang family as disciples."

Luo Hui said lightly.

"The disciple must abide by the decree of the law." Kong Xuan did not ask extra words.

After Kong Xuan left, Luo Hui showed a faint smile, and the catastrophe was about to begin, and no one could be alone.

The waves are scouring the sand, and if you don't want to be cleaned up as sand, you can only get stronger.

Luo Hui is to test the entire prehistoric creature again.

Three thousand great worlds are also in the midst of the catastrophe.

at the same time.

Wa Huang Tian, ​​Nu Wa opened her eyes, and slowly stretched out her jade hand, with a bead in her hand.

"Master asked you to be the demon guardian of the future. This is your chance, go."

Nu Wa waved her hand, and the spirit beads sank into the void.


Taoshan area, Yangjiacun.

A group of golden Jiatians will surround a yard, and the leading one will enter the courtyard.

"Your Majesty has a purpose. The eldest princess Yunhua went down to the mortal world to unite with the mortal Yang Tianyou, offending the rule of heaven, and escorted the eldest princess Yunhua back to the heavenly court, and the ordinary Yang Tianyou's family went to 18 hells.

The voice of the Golden Armor Heaven General entered the room.

A delicate man trembled all over, and in front of him was a beautiful woman with fair skin.

On the bed, there are three children, one is five or six years old, one is more than one year old, and the other is only two months old.

"Yang Tianyou, you are a man of Buddhism and Taoism. You have tried to harm me. Now that the heavenly gods are going to the lower realms, it's all right if you don't save me. Don't you even save your children?"

This woman is the eldest princess Yunhua of Heaven.

"Yunhua, how can I save it? I can't even save myself." Yang Tianyou fell on the ground with a trembling body.

Yunhua glanced at Yang Tianyou, her eyes were full of disappointment. She didn't expect that she would have liked such a man in the first place.

Even though she knew that he was a trap set by Buddhism and Taoism, she still fell in love with Yang Tianyou.

Otherwise, Yang Tianyou would not give birth to two men and one woman.

"Princess, are you going to invite you out?"

The voice of the golden armored general outside came in, extremely cold.

Yun Hua picked up the younger child while the older one was pulling Yunhua's dress, and they slowly walked out.

"I am sorry for my brother. I am willing to be punished. As for Yang Tianyou, I don't care what the brother will do, but the child is innocent. Please let the army spare my three children."

Yunhua knelt down facing Jin Jiatian.

The Golden Armor Heavenly General hurriedly avoided. Although Yunhua had committed the Tian Tiao, he was still the eldest princess. He was only a general of the day. How could he dare to receive the princess' worship?

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has already issued the decree and cannot be changed. You will go to the Heavenly Court at the end." said Jin Jia Tian.

Looking at her three children, Yunhua felt extremely painful. She knew that her brother was ruthless, and she was afraid that this time her children were really in danger.

Everything is my own fault.

"Jiao'er, wait for you to run quickly, and my mother will block these bad guys for you." Yunhua said, looking at his elder son.

"Mother, I won't leave, I want to protect you, brother and sister."

The six-year-old Yang Jiao is like a man, UU reading www. stood in front of Yunhua.

Seeing this scene, Yunhua's eyes burst into tears.

A six-year-old child is better than Yang Tianyou.

I am sorry for my elder brother, and for the three children.

"Jiao'er, obedient." Yunhua said.

Although Yang Jiao was young, he was Linglongxin. He was even more immortal, and he understood what his mother meant.

But the man man did something and didn't do something. If he left his mother and his younger brothers and sisters fled alone, he would regret it all his life.

Death is not terrible.

If he can die with his younger brother and sister, he can also protect his younger brother and sister on Huangquan Road.

"Mother, I will not leave. Even if I die, I will die in front of you." Yang Jiao stood motionless, standing in front of Yunhua, looking at the golden armored general, his eyes full of anger.

"In that case, go and die!"

Jin Jiatian yelled, the golden gun appeared in his hand, and one shot stabbed Yang Jiao.

Yunhua couldn't stop it at such a close distance.

Qiang Qiang! !

Jin Jiatian flew out, and a figure appeared in front of Yang Jiao, it was Kong Xuan who had been ordered to come.

"You take Yunhua away, these three children can't move."

Kong Xuan said lightly.

"Who are you? How dare you prevent Heaven from doing things!" Jin Jiatian shouted.

"Kong Xuan."

The two faint words, but like a sacred mountain, pressed against the golden armored general, his body trembled.

He knew that the identity of Kong Xuan was too big for him to offend, nor was he able to offend Heavenly Court.

"I will report the matter to your Majesty." Jin Jiatian said, but his tone was obviously lacking in confidence.


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