Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 101: Punish the sky against the sky

At this time, outside the Nantianmen, Xing Tian, ​​armed with a weapon, came directly to the Nantianmen.

Xing Tian snorted coldly after hearing this: "You guys quickly ask Haotian to come out. I want to ask him for a brother Chiyou who will explain why he suppressed me? Why should he intervene in the battle of the emperor?"

After hearing this, the guardian of the gate snorted coldly: "Boldly Xingtian dares to call the name of the Emperor of Heaven. It's more than enough for someone to take it down for me."

As his words fell, the guards of the heavenly soldiers rushed to Xingtian, but these people were not many or strong, so they were beaten down by Xingtian not long after.

Fortunately, Xingtian didn't want to make things too big, and he only injured but not killed these heavenly soldiers. After all, if he really angered the heavenly court, I am afraid that the entire Wu clan would be buried with him because of his recklessness.

I have to say that Xing Tian did live up to the name of the God of War. After rushing into the Nantian Gate, he began to slaughter the Quartet. The surrounding Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were not the enemy of Xingtian. With one exception, they all lost, but they were not really defeated. At least Xing Tian wasted some mana and scars, although it was nothing to Xing Tian.

When the head of Haotian, who had just returned to Lingxiao Palace, had a meeting with the other immortals, a heavenly general ran over in a panic and said, "Your Majesty Qizao, that Xingtian came from outside the Nantian Gate and killed him from the bottom to the top, and now he has been hit. Triple Heaven."

The immortals were a little shocked when they heard it. It took a long time to hit the third heaven. Haotian, who was sitting on the throne, was not surprised but said lightly: "Go check it out when you know it."

Tian Jiang nodded when he heard it, and then left the Lingxiao Palace. At this time, Haotian also became silent. He admired Haotian, who had never traveled through Xingtian alone in his previous life, and even felt secretly for Xingtian. It's a pity, but now that he is the Lord of Heaven, it is impossible for him to indulge Xingtian anymore, but he is not in a hurry to see where Xingtian's limit is? Thinking of this, he began to wait quietly.

After a while, another heavenly general came over in panic and said: "His Majesty Qi Zuo's Xingtian deserves to be called the God of War, and now it has been marked in the Jiuzhongtian!"

If the immortals didn't care about it before, then it would be really surprising now. There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers from the first to the ninth layer, and they can't stop a mere Xingtian. Is this Xingtian really so powerful Can't do it?

Before they could figure this out, another celestial general came over and said, "Your Majesty Qizao Xingtian has already reached the 15th level, and the 28 constellations, the 12 Yuanchen, and the Jiuyi Xingjun have all been defeated. "

One Xianjia was surprised when he heard it: "How is this possible? This Xingtian's combat power is only at the initial stage of the quasi-sage. How can so many immortals join forces to compete with the general quasi-sage so badly?"

Haotian, who was sitting on the throne, said indifferently: "If my guess is correct, the word Xingtian should be the bloodline of the anti-ancestor and become a new ancestor."

All the immortals were shocked when they heard it. They didn't expect Xing Tian to be able to reach this level. This was something they had never imagined. Hao Tian shook his head slightly when he looked at the shocked expression of the crowd, although he admired Xing Tian for himself. The power can hit the fifteenth layer, but that's it. "

"Sword is coming!" Haotian, who was sitting on the throne, snorted softly and then stretched out his hand, and the Haotian Sword hanging in Taiwei Yuqing Palace appeared in his hand.

For him, a Xingtian was only enough to use the Innate Supreme Treasure Hunyuan Sword. After grabbing the Haotian Sword, Haotian disappeared in the Lingxiao Palace with a robe, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the fifteenth layer of heaven. .

And there are already many immortals and heavenly generals surrounding Xingtian. After receiving the news, these immortals and Tianbingtians rushed over from the upper heavens, which made Haotian very satisfied, at least Today's heaven is of one mind.

Thinking of this, Haotian looked at Xing Tian and shouted in a cold tone, "Xing Tian, ​​why are you crazy? How dare you trespass into the heavenly court."

After seeing Haotian appear, Xingtian roared with anger: "Haotian, you are unfair and difficult to be the master of this world. I think the position of this emperor should be changed."

The Six Saints of the Great Desolation and the Great Magicians were very disdainful after hearing it. Haotian's position is not something that anyone can change. Haotian's own strength is not weak. It can only be said that Xingtian is too naive, not only naive but also naive. It's stupid, and it's the kind that makes people want to laugh.

And Haotian couldn't help sneering after hearing Xing Tian's words: "It's not up to you to decide whether I am qualified to sit on this Heavenly Court Lord, but since you dare to hit Heavenly Court, I will leave something on you and talk about it."

The words fell into Haotian's hands with a heavy wave of the Haotian Sword, followed by a sharp sword qi that directly hit Xingtian. Xingtian hurriedly used his Xingtian shield to block it when he saw it, but it was completely useless.

The sharp sword qi directly slashed through Xing Tian's shield and then hit Xing Tian's huge body. A huge mist of blood sprayed out. Xing Tian's chest was directly cut with a huge scar by the sword qi from the Haotian Sword. Even more pale, he flew out and collapsed on the ground.

This shocked the Six Saints of the Great Desolation and other great supernatural powers, because Haotian has rarely shot since he took over as the Emperor of Heaven. Except for the first battle with Kunpeng, Haotian has never shot again, and now Haotian's strength seems to have become more powerful. He was so strong that he seriously injured Xingtian, the **** of war, with just one sword. It must be known that Xingtian is an ancestral witch, and his strength is equivalent to that of a mid-stage quasi-saint, but he was directly hit by Haotian with one move.

It can be seen that Haotian's strength is already very terrifying, and the most shocking one is Tongtian, because Tongtian, who has been intensively practising kendo, has keenly found that Haotian's kendo achievements are no weaker than him. The seemingly ordinary blow is filled with the profound meaning of the sword, and even if he can reach the sky, he is not fully confident that he can cut it out.

Not to mention the shock in Tongtian's heart, Haotian who was in the heaven at this time looked at Xing Tiandao: "I won't kill you in the face of fellow Daoist Pingxin, where are you going now? As for Xiangliuhe Jiufeng, they are called I will naturally let them go back when the time comes."

"I hope you will do what you say." Xing Tian clutched his chest and struggled to get up and left. When he left, he was full of unwillingness. He didn't expect that he would be completely defeated, but he also knew that if he stayed, he would only continue to lose face. .

And the Six Saints of the Great Desolation and many great magicians also retracted their gazes, because they knew that they had to re-examine Haotian.

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