Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 102: Xuanyuan wants to give in

In the prehistoric times, the year is not recorded, and hundreds of years have passed by in the blink of an eye. Xingtian, who had been seriously injured by Haotian, was quiet after his defeat, and some unwilling people in the Wu tribe finally gave up after this battle. Back to the peak of thinking.

Because they know very well that this idea is impossible to realize at all, because neither the great supernatural powers of the prehistoric nor the six saints of the prehistoric will allow the Wu people to become the overlords of the earth again, even Haotian who is friends with the Wu people will not be able to. No exception.

Because the loss brought by the Lich War to Honghuang was not small, and even many great supernatural powers were bitten by snakes for ten years and were afraid of the rope, and they did not want to repeat the original thing again. People naturally don't want to have a group that is beyond their control.

Why can the human race be the protagonist of heaven and earth? In addition to the favor of the heavens, the more important thing is that the human race has always followed the heavens and will not act against the heavens. Only when such a group is the protagonist of heaven and earth can the prehistoric become better and better, and it can prevent the prehistoric from consuming too much infighting and depleting vitality.

It's just that although the human race is favored by the Tao of Heaven, the Tao of Heaven will not always pay attention to these human races, and this gives the Sanqing Western Second Sage and others an opportunity. Good luck, but what makes them depressed is that the results have not been very great for so many years.

The Western Second Saints don’t say much. The fate of the human race itself has nothing to do with them. Even if they want to grab it, they will be collectively rejected by the Sanqing. However, even the Sanqing does not have much human luck. Tongtian and Yuanyuan obtained 10% from Nuwa through various means and exchange of interests, but Nuwa would not give more if she wanted more.

Although Tongtian and Yuanyuan were helpless about this, they had no choice but to stop for the time being. After all, if they continued like this, they might cause Nuwa's bad feelings, and it would be worth the loss.

Although the Second Sage of the West was jealous of the luck of the human race, they could not succeed because of the strict defense of Haotian Sanqing Nuwa and others. For this reason, the Second Sage of the West had to suspend the movements in their hands and wait for the opportunity, but this also made them He became more and more dissatisfied with the people in the east and laid the groundwork for his future departure from the Xuanmen.

In the celestial court, Taibaijinxing is respectfully reporting to Haotianhui: "His Majesty is inspecting the prehistoric barrier of the heavenly soldiers, and there seems to be a change in the prehistoric barrier recently, and it seems that someone has broken through the prehistoric barrier and entered the prehistoric and hidden."

Haotian frowned slightly after hearing this. He didn't expect that there are demons who have penetrated into the interior of the prehistoric wilderness from outside the prehistoric barriers. It seems that the figure of this demon ancestor Luohu is not small. Maybe it will be the return of the demons after the Westward Journey. related.

Because Haotian is very clear that Journey to the West is both a great prosperity for the West and a disaster for the West, because after the Journey to the West, the demons overthrew Buddhism, causing Buddhism to suffer heavy losses in that catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Haotian immediately said: "Taibai, you go to pass the decree, and the emperor of the Zhongtian North Pole Ziwei will lead his heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and a kind of immortal family to go to the prehistoric barrier and the starry sky. Infiltrate the flood and waste without needing to report and kill them all.”

When Taibaijinxing heard it, he nodded, and then left here to convey his will. After Taibai left, Haotian was about to rest for a while, but suddenly found that Kongtong Yin had changed, and looked at Kongtong Yinhao who was constantly in different directions. God knows that this should be a sign that Xuanyuan is about to complete his merits.

And this is the truth, because Xuanyuan is indeed going to complete his merits and virtues in the past 100 years. Not only Haotian sensed this, but the Six Saints of the Great Desolation also sensed this. Therefore, they all waited after discovering that Xuanyuan was about to complete his merits and virtues. At the moment when Xuanyuan's merits were consummated.

And Fuxi, who was in Huoyun Cave, also said: "It seems that Brother Xuanyuan is about to complete his merits and virtues. We should be ready to pick up Xianxi Xuanyuan."

Shen Nong nodded after hearing this, and then asked people to prepare a car to leave Huoyun Cave. After hundreds of years in the human capital, Xuanyuan has unified all the ethnic territories including Jiuli.

Although they encountered some troubles in the Jiuli Tribe, Xuanyuan's Xiaozhi was moved by his affection, and the Jiuli Tribe finally accepted Xuanyuan's Zhao'an and officially merged into the human family. At the same time, Xuanyuan also issued the emperor's order. , From today onwards, no human race is allowed to join the Jiuli Tribe, so the people of the Jiuli Tribe who have merged into the human family begin to gradually return to their hearts.

In addition to the peaceful integration of the Jiuli tribe into the human family, Xuanyuan has also made many outstanding contributions to the human race. That is the issue of copper coins. Although Shennong issued copper coins, due to the rough workmanship at first and the irregular shape First, it is not easy to assess its true value, and some contradictions often occur when purchasing items.

After discovering this, Xuanyuan was also very distressed, but Xuanyuan, who had left Jiutian Xuannv, brought the copper coin specimen to Xuanyuan. Looking at the well-made copper coin specimen, Xuanyuan liked it very much, and thought that this kind of copper coin was very suitable as the currency of the human race. It didn't take long for the order to replace the original currency with copper coins in the name of the emperor.

The Terran people are also willing to accept copper coins, because this greatly improves the currency confusion in the Terran market, making the Terran market more extensive and circulation, and people's lives are getting better and better.

In addition, Xuanyuan also formulated various policies to rectify the management of officials, which completely suppressed the corrupt official atmosphere among the human race, and the entire official system became a new look. It is polite to say that this period can be regarded as the peak period of human race development.

However, as Xuanyuan made more and more contributions and stayed in power for longer and longer, Xuanyuan also felt that he had completed his merits and was ready to give in. After some investigation, he found that his grandson Zhuanxu had been very intelligent since childhood. , and Zhuanxu was also kind and generous and put forward a lot of good suggestions when Xuanyuan governed the human race, which was very much loved by Xuanyuan.

In this case, Xuanyuan had the idea of ​​letting Zhuanxu inherit his position, but this was just an idea. Before that, Xuanyuan specially found Zhuanxu and tested him to ask him for various ideas on the governance of the human race. .

And Zhuanxu was really eloquent, and Xuanyuan was overjoyed at the same time, and finally decided to pass his position to his grandson Zhuanxu, who would replace himself and lead the human race to a better future, and he could also go to Huoyun Cave after his merits were completed. Suppress the luck of the Terran so that it will not be lost.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan immediately asked people to prepare the ceremony of renunciation, but the ceremony of renunciation cannot be prepared in an hour and a half, and it will take an hour or two anyway, so Xuanyuan did not push them too much. And Fuxi Shennong they have not arrived yet.

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