However, the Jade Emperor was also a little unhappy, and the reason for his unhappiness was naturally because of Yao Ji. From the Jade Emperor's point of view, his younger sister liked mortals and could tell him that although Heavenly Court had the rule that immortals could not fall in love, but her body For the Jade Emperor, he could use his privilege to turn Yang Tianyou into an immortal, wouldn't everything be fine?

But her own sister would rather hide it from herself than tell her, and she hides all day for fear of being discovered by others, and at the last moment she is discovered by someone with bad intentions.

This made the Jade Emperor very unhappy, because he didn't know when he found out that his sister had become a little estranged from him, and the situation of sticking to him every day was no longer the same as before. , Now that he is no longer attached to himself, he has a sense of loss, which makes the Jade Emperor feel an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Alas~ The Jade Emperor sighed slightly, and then prepared to go out to have a look. At this moment, a heavenly general suddenly appeared and reported: "Your Majesty's eldest princess Yaoji and Yang Tianyou have already brought it here."

"Bring them in," the Jade Emperor said directly after hearing it, and then sat directly on the throne above. After a while, Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou were brought into the hall.

"Yao Ji, are you guilty?" The Jade Emperor sat above and looked at his younger sister.

"Yao Ji is guilty and asks the emperor to punish him, and only asks the emperor to let my husband go," Yaoji raised her head and looked at the Jade Emperor with pleading eyes.

Looking at his sister's pleading eyes, the Jade Emperor's heart was like melted ice, but he also knew that as a Jade Emperor he couldn't ignore the rules of heaven, otherwise he would not be able to take it with him in the future.

After a light cough, the Jade Emperor said coldly: "Yao Ji, it is hard to convince you that you have violated the heaven's rules without being punished. I have decided to suppress you under the peach mountain for 5,000 years. As for your husband and children, I will not be embarrassed, but I will also Won't give them any help so you're convinced?"

Yaoji breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. She knew that the emperor still cared about her. After letting go of the last concern in her heart, Yaoji was about to be convinced, but Yang Tianyou, who was on the side, suddenly interrupted: "Wait! Jade Emperor, do you know Yaoji? Why did she break the rules? It's because I gave her my heart, so what she did all these years was controlled by me. If the Jade Emperor must punish me, punish me. Otherwise, I'd rather be with the lady. suppressed.

Yao Ji had tears in her eyes when she heard Yang Tianyou's words, and the Jade Emperor also gave Yang Tianyou a high look. If Yang Tianyou was really the kind of person who didn't care about his family, even if he was resented by his sister for a lifetime, he would be beaten into the house. Eighteen layers of **** can never be turned over, but this is not the case with Yang Tianyou at this time.

Gao glanced at Gao Gao, but the punishment that should be given is still indispensable. Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor said directly: "So you are both at fault, then suppress both of you under the Taoshan Mountain as an example. ."

When the words fell, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals directly pressed the eldest princess Yaoji and Yang Tianyou into the mortal world. After the Jade Emperor in Heaven saw it, he directly threw a peach on the main root from the sky, and then the peach turned into a huge giant Momoyama suppressed the two of them.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon. This peach mountain has its own space, which can be said to be very spacious, and it is also very rich in spiritual power. How can Yang Tianyou be with a mortal body for five thousand years? And the spiritual power inside is enough to keep Yang Tianyou from dying for a long time.

Because he didn't want his sister to experience the pain of parting from life and death, after suppressing Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou, the Jade Emperor immediately announced loudly to the Three Realms: "The eldest princess Yao Ji and the mortal Yang Tianyou are guilty of violating the laws of heaven. Forgive me, I have been suppressed under the Taoshan Mountain by Zhen, and I hope the immortals in the heavenly court will take this as a warning and will not violate the laws of heaven again.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone from all walks of life gasped. They didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would be so cruel to his own sister. Although this has the means of the Lord of the Three Realms, it is a little bit unfamiliar.

At this time, in the dojo of Master Yuding, Yang Jian also recovered after a brief shock, and Yang Jian, who was still young when he looked at Master Yuding, couldn't help but ask: "Master, is the owner of that voice just now my so-called uncle? "

Yu Ding nodded when he heard it, while Yang Jian clenched his fists and knelt down and said, "Please teach me my skills, I am going to save my mother, father, brother and sister, and I also want to ask the ruthless man. Why did my uncle do this to us? What did we do wrong?"

Seeing Yang Jian's hateful tone, Master Yuding smiled bitterly in his heart and secretly said, "If you knew about your uncle's good intentions for you, I wonder if you would still hate him?"

However, these words can't really be said to Yang Jian now. Master finally has the opportunity to repay Haotian's favor. If he messes up, he will definitely be blamed by Master.

Let’s talk about this when you grow up. Master Yuding said helplessly, and then brought Yang Jian into the dojo to prepare to bring him into the cultivation system. As for Yang Jian’s long-awaited brother and sister, Master Yuding, of course, also knew about them. the place to go.

One was taken away by Zhao Gongming, who was intercepted for teaching, and the other was taken away by Empress Nuwa, and then the three brothers and sisters naturally met at that moment.

And Xumi Mountain in the west said with a sad face: "Junior brother, you are calculating heaven, once Haotian deity breaks through, I am afraid you will have to do it once."

Zhunti said with a smile: "Don't worry, senior brother! Junior brother is confident in what he does, and as long as he plans properly, Haotian will never find out, and maybe he will be angry with Yuanyuan and others. By then, not only will we be able to prosper in the West, but also Can Tianting and Sanqing be separated from virtue, why not do it?"

"I hope it's as Junior Brother said," Receiver sighed after hearing this. For some reason, he always felt that things wouldn't be so simple, but he couldn't tell why.

And the Jade Emperor in Heaven looked at Haotian's retreat and muttered to himself: "Everything is as expected by the deity, and the next thing is to wait, waiting for the day when Yang Jian and the others grow up."

After taking another look at the place where Haotian retreated, the Jade Emperor sighed softly, and then left here and returned to the Lingxiao Palace. After all, there are still many things he needs to deal with today.

And Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou under Taoshan were not abused as people imagined. In fact, they just couldn't leave Taoshan. The rest of the food and clothing were provided as usual, and there were even special maids to serve them. They, it can be said that this is just a repression in name and it is actually no different from enjoying the blessings of heaven.

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