Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 108: conferred gods and calamities

Thousands of years have passed by, and during these thousands of years, the prehistoric times can be said to be very peaceful, although there are some places where there are fights, neither the scale nor the area is large.

The three brothers and sisters of the Yang family, who were originally abandoned, also have their own achievements at this time. Among them, Yang Jian reached the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Daluo Jinxian. As for Yang Jiao and the delicate Yang Chan, they also reached the Tailuo Jinxian under the guidance of Nuwa's mount Jinfeng. Out of the period, such a cultivation base can be guaranteed as long as it does not provoke the life of a quasi-Saint.

Even if they really provoke quasi-sage powerhouses, these quasi-sages have to see who is behind the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family on the platform? Therefore, unless it is an enmity between life and death, no quasi-sage would dare to be detrimental to the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family. After all, there is a saint behind the three of them.

The saying that there are ants under the saints is not a flat statement. The way of heaven does not destroy the saints and the saints will not be destroyed. This is the confidence of the saints who dare to say these words.

"Wait, come to Zixiao Palace!" At this moment, Hongjun's voice rang in the ears of the saints and the Jade Emperor. The saints and Jade Emperor who heard the sound put down their things and rushed to Zixiao Palace.

When he came to the Zixiao Palace, the Jade Emperor had already discovered that Sanqing had also arrived here. After meeting with Sanqing, the Jade Emperor took out two 9000-year-old peaches and gave them to the previous virgins, and then went straight to Zixiao. in the palace.

"Teacher, I don't know what you mean by calling us?" Lao Tzu from the Six Saints of the Great Desolation asked first. "

Hearing Lao Tzu's words, Ancestor Hongjun glanced at the crowd lightly and said, "I called you here this time to tell you that the new calamity is about to begin, so you should be prepared."

Yuan Yuan was puzzled when he heard it: "Teacher, the Lich Tribulation has just ended, why did a new catastrophe appear so quickly?"

Ancestor Hongjun glanced at Yuanyuan and said, "In the end, this catastrophe has something to do with your teaching. Those disciples under your sect committed a lot of murders during the Xuanyuan period, and after the grievances of those fallen creatures accumulated less and more. Accelerates the arrival of the quantity.

Yuan Yuan was very embarrassed when he heard it. He didn't expect that the reason for the coming of the calamity was because of his disciples, and even other saints looked at Yuan with some dissatisfaction.

Lao Tzu sighed when he saw this scene, and then continued to bite the bullet: "Then dare to ask the teacher, what is the difference between this catastrophe?"

After hearing this, the ancestor Hongjun immediately told the saints the origin of the Conferred God Tribulation and what he needed to do. After listening to this, the six saints of the Honghuang wilderness were not very good-looking except for Nuwa. After all, Nuwa has no sect and is a noble human race. Our Lady, enjoy the luck provided by the human race all the time.

But the other five saints can't do it. After all, they want their disciples to serve in the heavenly court, and they also engrave their true spirits into the heavenly book, which makes 100 of them unwilling in their hearts. Besides, the heavenly court is not really short of manpower. There are as many as a dozen quasi-sage powerhouses, and there are as many as hundreds of Daluo Jinxian, whose strength can hang all their saint sects, and now the tribulation of the gods has even increased for the heavenly court. 365 righteous gods and 3650 auxiliary gods are really unreasonable!

Well, no matter if there is a reason for heaven or not, but they can't keep silent. In the end, Lao Tzu, who is the leader, said, "I only have Xuandu under my sect, and I have good morals and deep blessings, so I shouldn't be on the list."

As soon as Lao Tzu said this, the other four saints nodded in agreement. After all, they knew that Lao Tzu was telling the truth.

Seeing that Lao Tzu finished talking Yuan Yuan, he coughed lightly and said, "All of our next dozen disciples are all meritorious gold immortals and are not suitable for the list, but there are many disciples under Tongtian's disciples, but they are not good or bad and should be on the list."

Tongtian didn't expect Yuanyuan to sell himself, so he could only stare at Yuanyuan angrily and said, "My disciples are not good and bad, where are the good ones? Is it because of your sect? Why let the disciples I intercepted to fill the list?"

Tongtian blushed as soon as he said these words, he didn't expect Tongtian to not give himself face so much, exposing his shortcomings in front of so many people is really outrageous!

However, this is not the end, only the two saints in the west said in unison: "This is your business in the east and has nothing to do with my west."

As soon as these remarks came out, some people, including Nuwa, scolded them for being shameless. When there are good things, they have something to do with you in the West.

But they couldn't refute them. They went around and went around and finally went around Yuanyuan and Tongtian's heads, but neither of the two were willing to give in, so it was not the way to keep stalemate like this.

Seeing the two younger brothers, Lao Tzu could only scold them like they were older brothers: "Okay! Let's see how you look like! Since none of you want your disciples to be on the list, then it's just up to God's will. ."

"Big brother is right," Yuanyuan and Tongtian said in unison. "

"Have you discussed it?" Ancestor Hongjun, who was sitting above, looked at everyone and said.

In fact, the tribulation of the gods was also promoted by the ancestors of Hongjun. In his opinion, his disciples are basically impossible to count on. In this case, he should just put all the treasure on his own boy. The tribulation of the Second Conferred God just gave him an excuse to strengthen Haotian's Heavenly Court.

When Lao Tzu heard the words of Ancestor Hongjun, he immediately folded his hands and said: "Teacher, I have discussed it and no one will sign the list. It is all up to destiny."

Ancestor Hongjun said indifferently when he heard it: "If you wait like this, let's go separately. Two thousand years later, someone with the intention of flying bears will appear and preside over the conferred gods. When you find out, you can put it in your door. ."

"Yes!" After hearing this, the Six Saints of the Great Desolation left one after another. As for the Conferred God List and the Six Sages of the Great Desolation Whip, they didn't ask who they should give to, because if unexpectedly, these two things would still be handed over to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is really trustworthy.

Seeing the Six Saints of the Great Desolation leaving, the Jade Emperor knelt down and said, "Haotian, thank you for your love for the boy."

"Children, get up," Ancestor Hongjun said humanely as he looked at the kneeling Jade Emperor: "The reason why the poor man chooses to fully support you is not only because you are a poor boy, but more importantly, you The performances over the years have been very good, especially for the Xuanmen who has made a lot of contributions, which you deserve."

The Jade Emperor didn't say much after hearing it, but he always remembered Hongjun's kindness in his heart. After all, if it wasn't for the support of Hongjun Daozu, he probably wouldn't have achieved what he is today, and he would even repeat the original trajectory. He looked like a fool, so after a respectful salute, the Jade Emperor left Zixiao Palace directly.

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