Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 110: Jade Emperor breaks the curse

Looking at the sluggish Wu Gang, the Jade Emperor walked forward directly and said: "It is really unfair that the former Tianhou Xihe set a vicious curse in the Moon Palace. I will break its seal in the name of the Lord of Heaven."

The words fell to the boundless heavenly fortune shrouded in the moon palace, and then a golden energy directly impacted Wu Gang, causing Wu Gang to stop his actions, and then I saw Wu Gang's appearance began to change slowly, from The original middle-aged man has become a young adult with a pair of bows and arrows on his back.

This young and middle-aged man is none other than Hou Yi, the great witch who once dominated the world, but at this time Hou Yi closed his eyes and fell into a drowsiness.

"When will Hou Yi not wake up at this time?" The Jade Emperor on the side snorted softly.

After the words fell, Hou Yi, who had originally closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. At the same time, his breath began to soar rapidly. It is the result of Hou Yi's countless years of accumulation.

"Xianggong!" Chang'e on the side shouted happily, looking very excited.

When Hou Yi saw it, he also put down the axe in his hand and hugged Chang E tightly.

After a burst of bitter tears, Hou Yi suddenly knelt down towards the Jade Emperor and said, "Hou Yi would like to thank the Jade Emperor for his help. If you need something in the future, as long as Hou Yi is not a betrayal of the ethnic group, Hou Yi will not hesitate to go through fire and water."

As soon as these words came out of Tiandao, there was a rumbling sound, which was equivalent to the oath made by the descendants recognized by Tiandao.

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor nodded slightly, then flipped out a golden pill and said, "This is Taishang Laojun's nine-turn golden pill, as long as you take one pill, you can become a golden elixir without any side effects. , the two of you are not long apart, and I don't have any gifts, so let's give this golden pill to Chang'e."

"This is too precious, Your Majesty," Chang'e waved her hands and refused after seeing it.

The Jade Emperor chuckled and said, "Take it! After all, you deserve to assist the Taiyin Xingjun in conditioning the Taiyin Xing for many years."

After listening to Chang'e, she could only accept the Jiuzhuan Jindan, and then she respectfully saluted, and after taking her eyes away from Chang'e, the Jade Emperor looked at Taiyin Xingjun again and said, "Taiyin, you have been conditioning the Taiyin star for many years. There is merit, this lunar star has a damaged innate spiritual treasure called the Moon Essence Wheel, you can find it by yourself."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Taiyin Xingjun was pleasantly surprised when she heard it. She naturally knew that this month Jinglun was a high-grade congenital spiritual treasure. Even if it was damaged, it would at least have the power of a low-grade congenital spiritual treasure. For her It's also a nice baby.

The Jade Emperor snorted and then left the Taiyin Star, leaving only the Taiyin Xingjun to look for the innate spiritual treasure, and Chang'e and Hou Yi also returned to the Guanghan Palace to talk about the events of these years.

And somewhere in Honghuang, a young man looked at the direction of the heaven and showed a helpless look. This person was none other than Lu Yu, one of the ten princes of the year. He was in retreat and heard the voice of the Jade Emperor. Later, he was a little helpless, but he didn't get too angry, because after Empress Nuwa told him the cause and effect of the matter, he also knew how stupid they were at the beginning.

What's more, the original curse will also slowly dissipate in the future. There is no need for him to face the heavenly court for a curse that is about to dissipate. After all, there are countless experts in the heavenly court. Although he has the best innate spiritual treasure, it is difficult to fight against the heavenly court. .

Compared with these, he hopes to find a place where he can stay for a long time, instead of wandering aimlessly in the wild, and even heaven is his ideal goal. After all, he was born in heaven, but he doesn't know. Is Heavenly Court willing to accept him, the former Prince of the Demon Race?

Thinking of this, Lu Ya left here directly. He planned to go to the Wa Palace to ask the Empress Nuwa and see what the Empress Nuwa planned to go to. After all, it was the Empress Nuwa who was protecting him for so many years, and he was used to asking Empress Nuwa about some things.

Without mentioning Lu Ya's thoughts, Yang Jian was already in a state of confusion at this time, because the Jade Emperor's voice could be said to have spread throughout the three realms, and even Yang Jian also heard it. This made Yang Jian completely lost in confusion.

Because according to his memory, there is no such thing in the original work, but now the Jade Emperor has directly lifted the curse of Hou Yi, which makes Yang Jian puzzled, because it seems that the Jade Emperor is not as ruthless as in the TV series. But why is he so ruthless to his sister?

Thinking of this, Yang Jian has no idea what the real answer is? After a long time, Yang Jian reacted from the confusion and laughed at himself: "I don't even think about it, I don't think about it. One day I will know all this with my strength."

Having said that, Yang Jian is full of confidence, and the source of confidence is naturally because he knows most of the direction of the flood. Based on this alone, Yang Jian believes that his room for manipulation is still very large.

Glancing at the gradually darkening sky, Yang Jian patted the head of the roaring dog and then took the roaring dog to find an inn to live in. After all, although he has cultivated successfully, he still maintains many of the habits of the human race. .

"I don't know what happened to the big brother and the third sister?" Yang Jian, who was lying on the bed, muttered to himself, and then fell asleep drowsily.

Yang Jian, who was in a drowsy past, did not know that in the near future, he would meet his eldest brother and third sister, who he was thinking about at night, and they would also overcome many difficulties and go to Huashan, and finally reunite with their parents.

The Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court looked at Yang Jian, who had fallen asleep in the Clear Sky Mirror, and sighed. He was actually paying attention to Yang Jian's journey all the way. Some powerful demons and ghosts have long been eliminated by Heavenly Court, and the remaining ones are just the objects of Yang Jian's training.

Putting away the Jade Emperor Haotian Mirror in his hand, he went directly to Taoshan. He also wanted to see how his sister was doing now? Although he has taken care of Yao Ji as much as possible, Momoyama has the nature of imprisonment after all, and his sister may sometimes blame him.

After shaking his head slightly to put these troubles out of his mind, the Jade Emperor waved his sleeve robe and disappeared in the Lingxiao Palace. The next moment his figure came directly to Taoshan, looking at the forbidden Jade Emperor on Taoshan. With a flick of a finger, the ban was temporarily lifted, and then he went straight to the interior of Taoshan, where he saw Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou feeling depressed, naturally because he missed his children.

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