Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 111: roaring dog metamorphosis

And Yao Ji was a little surprised when she saw the arrival of the Jade Emperor, because she knew that what she had done had caused a lot of trouble for the emperor. The emperor's brother didn't kill them all. Not to mention that they still come to Huashan to visit them now.

Looking at the surprised two, the Jade Emperor said directly: "Yao Ji, have you ever resented me? Resent me for keeping you locked in the lonely Huashan Mountain."

Yao Ji shook her head after hearing this and said, "I have never resented the emperor, because I know that the emperor must have his own difficulties in doing so, and this is the reason why I dare not go back to heaven after marrying Xianggong, because I am afraid Brother Huang, you are troublesome, but I didn't expect it to happen in the end."

The Jade Emperor sighed and said, "You are confused, if you had gone back to Heaven and told me about this, I could have enshrined Yang Tianyou as an immortal, so that you wouldn't violate the Heavenly Law, but now it's too late. already."

Yaoji was slightly taken aback when she heard it, yes, why didn't she think of this way, if she could find such a way, there would be nothing like what happened now, but unfortunately, as the emperor said, it was too late.

Thinking of this, Yaoji shed tears of remorse, then raised her head and said, "It's my sister's fault. If it wasn't for my sister, what would happen to the emperor's brother? Yaoji deserves to die."

Looking at the remorseful Yao Ji, the Jade Emperor sighed slightly and said relaxedly: "Fortunately, it's not too late, I have already thought of a good way to resolve these things, that is to increase the tempering for Yang Jian and the others. Experience, when they have passed numerous experiences and done something that benefits the Three Realms, I naturally have a reason to reunite your family."

Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou on the side were surprised and cried with joy. Looking at the equally surprised Yang Tianyou Jade Emperor, he chuckled and said, "You are so good that you can get my sister, I hope you don't let her down on her infatuation. , maybe you didn't know that if you had a slight shirk when I asked you, I would have sent you to a place beyond the Three Realms of perpetual redemption."

Speaking of which, the Jade Emperor had a murderous look on his face, and although Yang Tianyou was a little scared, he still said firmly: "The relationship between me and my wife is known from heaven and earth. If you betray the Jade Emperor, you can take action against Tianyou without any regrets."

"Remember what you said," the Jade Emperor turned around and left here after the words fell. He couldn't stay in this place for too long. Once someone with ulterior motives found out, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, somewhere in the wild, Yang Jian's beloved dog, the roaring dog, got a great opportunity. It turned out that they had killed a demon king in the mountains who did many evils and found a seemingly extraordinary dragon ball from him. , and the roaring dog swallowed this dragon ball as if it saw a bone, which made Yang Jian worried. After all, no one knew whether this dragon ball would have any side effects.

However, it turns out that Yang Jian is over-hearted. The dragon ball itself was deliberately placed here by the Jade Emperor. Naturally, it will not cause any harm to the Roaring Dog. Instead, it is a big opportunity for the Roaring Dog.

The roaring dog that swallowed the dragon ball made a roaring sound, and then turned into a human form under the blessing of a mighty force. Looking at the roaring dog with a master in front of him, Yang Jian was overjoyed, because this was what he remembered. roaring dog in .

After sorting out, the two continued their journey to Taoshan. After all, the greatness of the wilderness far exceeded Yang Jian's imagination. Even if he had the cultivation base of Taiyi Jinxian, it would take a long time to reach Taoshan.

In the human world, the Shang Dynasty has also undergone tremendous changes. Among them, Emperor Yi died and his son took over the position of Emperor Yi and became the new lord of the Shang Dynasty, and was called King Zhou. At first, King Zhou was very hard-working. To be a virtuous monarch, for which I have been working hard to be a good monarch.

With the efforts of King Zhou, the Shang Dynasty was prosperous. Many people thought that King Zhou was a wise ruler. At this time, a rebellion suddenly broke out in Beihai. King Zhou who had just ascended the throne was very angry. After all, in his view, this was simply naked. Hit him in the face.

However, the army that attacked Beihai was defeated again and again, and the army led by Beibohou himself was also defeated and returned. In desperation, King Zhou could only order the Taishi Wen Zhong of the three dynasties to personally lead the army to attack Beihai.

Wen Zhong naturally led his troops to expedition against the North Sea after being ordered by King Zhou. At this time, Wen Zhong did not know that the moment he left the Shang Dynasty, a shocking change had taken place, and this change completely ruined the national fortune of the Shang Dynasty.

After all, the two Western sages have been planning this for countless years, and naturally they will not let go of the Shang Dynasty easily or even at all.

At this time, on Mount Sumeru in the west, Zhunti looked at the reception and said, "Senior brother everything is going according to plan, just wait a few more years for the junior brother to take action to confuse King Zhou. It has gained a lot of benefits and is one step closer to the real Western Daxing.

After hearing the reception with a face full of suffering, he rarely showed a relaxed expression. After all, he had been thinking about the great prosperity of the West for countless years. If it was as Zhunti said, then the great prosperity of the West would not be long. As for the risks involved, they are not. Great, as long as the time comes, who can know that they did it?

It's a pity that the Jade Emperor knew everything that the two of them didn't know, and even secretly smothered them in this matter, making them dumb and unable to tell if they were suffering from Huanglian, but in the end it was them. The retribution, who made them want to plot against Haotian's sister Yao Ji in the first place?

And the Jade Emperor in Heaven also found that the Shang Dynasty was unstable, which means that the Shang Dynasty would not exist for too long, but it didn't matter to him, because the real headache was the leader of Tongtian. Intercepting is right.

As for Heavenly Court, there is no shortage of luck at all, not to mention that there is a continuous stream of Human Race’s treasures, Kongtong Yin, who share the Human Race’s luck with Heavenly Court. It can be said that Heavenly Court is the most unlucky among the major forces in the prehistoric wilderness. luck.

However, although the collapse of the Shang Dynasty had nothing to do with him, the Jade Emperor would not do nothing. Instead, he made a sound transmission for Emperor Ziwei to send his clone to the lower realm to accept a man named Boyi Kao as his disciple. .

This made Emperor Ziwei puzzled and wondered what the purpose of the Jade Emperor's move was? But after all, he was born in Ziwei Xing and is the master of the stars. He was born good at calculating the secrets. After some calculations, Ziwei found out that this person is related to the gods that the Jade Emperor said, and he also has a relationship with himself as a teacher and apprentice. May inherit his position in the future.

Thinking of this, Emperor Ziwei directly sent his good corpse to the lower realm to receive apprentices, while he himself continued to sit in the outer starry sky to prevent the invasion of the demons. After all, the actions of the demons are becoming more and more rampant.

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