Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 112: King Zhou inscribes the anger of Nu Wa

It has been several years since Taishi Wen's crusade against Beihai. During this period, the Shang Dynasty was somewhat stable. The four princes were very responsible and had no idea of ​​causing trouble, especially when King Zhou married Dong Dong. The daughter of the uncle, indirectly made the alliance between the east uncle and the Shang Dynasty more stable.

But this is not what the two Western sages want to see. At this time, the two Western sages have already begun to calculate secretly, and Shang Rong said in the palace of the Shang Dynasty: "Your Majesty today is Nuwa, one of the six saints of the human race. Empress's birthday, according to the previous etiquette, we should put on the Wa Palace."

After hearing this, King Zhou nodded and said, "Old Chancellor's words are justified. If so, then you can set up the Wa Palace with your loneliness."

"I will obey the will!" The civil and military officials responded after hearing it, and then went to the Wa Palace with King Zhou to offer incense, and Zhunti, one of the two Western saints, also began to secretly arrive at the Wa Palace, ready to disturb Zhou here. The king's mind made King Zhou deliberately blaspheme Nuwa to anger Nuwa.

At the same time, in the Taiwei Yuqing Palace of Heavenly Court, the closed door suddenly opened, and Haotian in a Taoist robe walked out of it. At this time, he had completely broken through to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and because of the deep accumulation, he directly He skipped the early stage and reached the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which also means that he has also become one of the great chess players.

At the same time, his own good corpse Jade Emperor also rushed over, but the Jade Emperor did not say anything because he was connected with the deity, and the deity naturally knew what he knew.

Sure enough, after understanding the events of these years, Haotian sighed deeply. He knew that some things were unavoidable after all, and he couldn't blame the Jade Emperor for these things. As his good corpse, he had done a good job.

As for Xie Yin Zhun Ti who dares to plot against his sister, he must be prepared to bear his anger, otherwise, do you really think that he is a goddess who is easy to bully?

But now Haotian doesn't plan to showdown, and when the gods are conferred, Haotian vows to make Yieyin and Zhunti regret what they did.

After forcibly calming down the anger in his heart, Haotian said to the Jade Emperor, "Heaven is still under your control for the time being. I'll go to the Wahuang Temple first to see what Zhunti wants to do?"

"Understood the deity!" The Jade Emperor nodded and left here, and Haotian also flicked his finger to instantly disrupt the heavenly secrets about the heavenly court, and then the whole person turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Wahuang Temple.

As soon as he entered the Wahuang Temple, Haotian directly concealed his own aura. After all, Zhunti's cultivation base was only in the early stage of the saint, and Haotian has helped him with merit and virtue after a long period of retreat. Now his cultivation base has reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In the mid-term, it is naturally impossible to be easily discovered by Zhun mention.

At the bottom of the Wahuang Temple, King Zhou had finished offering incense with the ministers and was about to leave. At this moment, Zhun Ti, who was hiding in the dark, flicked his finger, and a line of causation entered King Zhou's mind. King Zhou also suddenly changed his face, and then he drew out his sword and carved a lewd poem on the wall.

Shang Rong and the others were shocked when they saw it, because this is equivalent to the naked blasphemy of Our Lady! Unfortunately, when they reacted, King Zhou had already left, and Shang Rong and the others could only hurriedly wipe off the poems on the wall and then left.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that the poem they just erased would reappear after they left, and Zhunti, who was hiding in the dark, left after finishing all this, unaware that Haotian had borrowed Haotian. Tianjing recorded all Zhunti's actions. On the contrary, Zhunti was complacent about his plan, but he didn't know that he would have his good fruit to eat in the future.

At this time, Nuwa, who had just arrived at the Wahuang Temple, was furious after seeing the lewd poems on the wall, and was about to use her saint's ability to overthrow the entire Shang Dynasty. However, before Nuwa could make a move, Haotian suddenly appeared in the came here and stopped Nuwa.

"Junior brother, what do you mean?" Nu Wa asked, holding back the anger in her heart. "

Haotian said with a smile: "Senior sister, please temporarily put out the anger of thunder in your heart, and when you return to the Wa Palace, the junior brother will tell you all the reasons."

Nuwa was stunned for a moment, but then she understood that things were definitely not easy, otherwise Haotian, who had always had a good relationship with her, would not have played such a nonsense to herself.

So after just hesitating for a while, Nuwa and Haotian returned to the Wa Palace, and after dispersing the people around, Nuwa immediately asked, "Junior Brother, can you tell me why you stopped me now?

Haotian nodded and said, "Didn't Senior Sister realize that there are still more than 20 years of the Shang Dynasty's current national fortune? If Senior Sister forcibly takes action, it will definitely be backfired. As for the mastermind behind the scenes, the younger brother has already recorded it, senior sister and let's see."

When the words fell, Haotian threw out the Haotian mirror, and the Haotian mirror floating in the air immediately showed a picture, and the picture was exactly how Zhunti bewitched King Zhou's mind, looking at the picture in the Haotian mirror Nuwa gritted her teeth. Said: "Zhunti Xiaoer Bengong is at odds with you."

Talking about Nuwa, she was going to find Zhunti's bad luck, but she was stopped by Haotian again, and Haotian said unhurriedly: "Senior sister is not the time to go with Zhunti, after all, I also have a relationship with Zhunti. Old grievances, and today's conferring gods is not easy, Senior Brother Tongtian's Four Swords of Execution of Immortals will inevitably be jealous of Senior Senior Brother Primitive, if Senior Sister, you are Senior Senior Brother Primordial, what would you do?"

Nuwa said thoughtfully: "If it were me, I would definitely look for foreign aid. However, the Sword Array of Execution of Immortals cannot be broken by the Four Sages. Apart from Senior Brother Laozi who might help Primitive, there are only two Western Sages left."

Speaking of which, Nu Wa's face changed: "You mean Yuan Yuan will invite Lao Tzu and the Western Second Sage to join forces against Tongtian?"

"Senior sister, don't you think you can't?" Haotian looked at Nuwa and smiled. "

Nuwa heard this and said worriedly: "How can Yuan Yuan be like this? Isn't this ruining the luck of Xuanmen? No, I'm going to stop him."

Haotian looked at Nuwa about to leave and immediately said, "Senior sister, don't go, even if you go to Senior Brother Primitive, you won't listen. On the contrary, Senior Brother Primordial will hate you. Now we can only wait and see what happens. When Sheng enters the game, it is not too late for us to directly intervene."

Nu Wa sighed helplessly after hearing this, and finally seemed to think of something and called Ling Zhuzi, who was playing, and said: "Ling Zhu is now a god, and this palace needs you to be reincarnated. It is best to experience you. Would you like to?"

"Follow your mother's will!" Lingzhuzi, who looked like a child, said in a milky voice. "

"Then let's go," Nuwa said after a wave of her sleeve robe and sent the spirit bead into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and Haotian returned to the heaven after seeing it. After all, even the spirit bead was in the lower realm. Returning to Heavenly Court to plan for the conferred gods, although Heavenly Court is not weak today, but if he can strengthen it a bit, why would he be unwilling?

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