When Ji Chang saw the old man sitting by the river fishing alone, he knew that this should be the so-called great sage of the human race, so he immediately dismounted and bowed respectfully and said, "Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, has seen the great sage of the human race."

After hearing this, Jiang Ziya pretended to be high and deep: "No, no, this old man is just a fisherman, how can he afford such a big gift from the Duke of Xibo?"

Xibo Hou Ji Chang still said respectfully: "Da Xian is too modest, Xiao Hou once was instructed by a fairy in a dream, so you are the great sage who was instructed by the sage, and I hope that Da Xian will not give up and help me."

Jiang Ziya heard the reason behind it: "Alas! I've been sitting for too long and I can't stand up!"

After hearing this, Ji Chang immediately gave Jiang Ziya his car to do, and to show his sincerity, he personally pulled the car for Jiang Ziya.

After returning to the Xibohou Mansion, Ji Chang and Jiang Ziya also asked and answered questions to discuss important matters. Captain Jiang Ziya was like a cow, making Ji Chang more sure that this person must be a great man of the human race, so he treated Jiang Ziya more politely and appointed him as the leader. The Prime Minister of Xiqi helped him manage various government affairs in Xiqi, and Jiang Ziya did not disappoint him in handling all things in an orderly manner.

At this time, the two of them would not have thought that a major event was about to happen in Chaoge, and the initiator of this incident was King Zhou. It turned out that as a human king, King Zhou knew that the luck of the Shang Dynasty was slowly declining, and then it must be The people were devastated by the war.

King Zhou, who was baptized by Kongtongyin, had long been cherishing good intentions and was unwilling to let the people suffer for his own reasons. Therefore, after several weighings, he made a bold decision. to inherit the new throne.

But this is just what he thought in his mind and he has not discussed it with other ministers, but King Zhou has made up his mind, even if others object to him, he will firmly carry out the matter.

Therefore, after the court in the early morning, King Zhou looked at the ministers and said: "This king has been thinking about some things for the past few days, and he regrets what he did in the past. Now the movement of the Shang Dynasty is going to break out. Once the war breaks out, the people will be ruined. , This is not something that this king wants to see, so after weighing it several times, I decided to follow the example of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, so I don't know what you Aiqing think?"

Whoa! As soon as King Zhou's remarks came out, the entire hall suddenly became noisy. Some people praised King Zhou and the great duke who tried his best to persuade him. There were also people who had nothing to do with their own affairs, and some people were secretly happy.

As for some elders, they also disagreed. As the elders of the three dynasties, Shang Rong and Uncle Bigan persuaded King Zhou not to do this, but after seeing King Zhou's confidence, they knew that it would be useless to persuade him. Knowing that the Shang Dynasty was volatile, it may not be a bad thing to follow the example of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

"This king has made up his mind to wait and don't need to persuade him any more," King Zhou said very aggressively, and then brought the ministers directly to the Sacrificial Sky Terrace. After arriving here, King Zhou immediately burned incense and prayed, and then said with a serious expression. : "The way of heaven is in the Shangben Wang Cha knows that the Shang Dynasty is full of vigor and vitality. In order to avoid the displacement of the people in the future, I hope that the throne will be handed over to the winner. May the way of heaven learn from it."

"Boom!" A roar sounded in the sky. It turned out that Tiandao acknowledged King Zhou's oath, and then a golden cloud of merit appeared, and then some merit entered King Zhou's body, and quickly raised King Zhou's cultivation base. The realm directly breaks through the realm of Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heaven Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Jin Immortal, Taiyi Jin Immortal, and reaches the realm of Daluo Jin Immortal.

At the same time, the oath of King Zhou also spread throughout the floods, and shocked countless great supernatural powers and saints.

"Kid is rude!" Western Zhunti roared angrily, when he was about to take action to teach the other party, but found that the other party was blessed by the luck of the human race. Although he could kill the other party by forcing a shot, he would also be backlashed.

Not to mention Zhun mention, even Yuanyuan was a little angry. After all, they were prepared in all aspects. They even said in front of Jiang Ziya that King Zhou was a foolish monarch, but now King Zhou suddenly announced his renunciation. Is it really like what a foolish monarch does?

This made Primitive's face aching hot, because what he said before was equivalent to slapping himself in the face, knowing that what he said was a saint, how could it be false? But what King Zhou is doing now makes him speechless.

Because this is equivalent to a game of cheating. The person who is about to be cheated suddenly says no to play. What should you do if you ask other people who are about to cheat? This is really what a shame!

However, Yuanyuan is a saint after all, and he quickly reacted from his anger. Although King Zhou's sudden abdication caught him by surprise, he still thought of some methods, and that is to directly put Xiqi on the bright side to compete for the co-lord of the human race. s position.

Thinking of this primitive, I started to figure out how to put Xiqi on the bright side? At the same time increase the influence of their teaching.

As for the sect leader Tongtian who was intercepted, he was not as angry as others after hearing King Zhou abdicated, because although the disbandment of the Shang Dynasty caused the sect to lose a lot of luck, it also allowed them to have more choices. There is no need to hang on a tree in the Shang Dynasty as before.

And in Tongtian's view, as long as they can win over Nuwa and Haotian, then they will become friends in this calamity of conferred gods, even if they can't be truly invincible, the loss will definitely not be big.

And Zhao Gongming, who has been busy with the tribulation of the gods, is also surprised. He has to know that he is ready to defend the border gate with his master. As a result, this action of King Zhou is really a move Thunder is not light.

However, he was also very relieved, because for him, the dissolution of the Shang Dynasty was a good thing, and he thought the same as the leader of Tongtian. Without the constraints of the Shang Dynasty, they have many more choices. Nuwa, then their interception will definitely be much better than the original trajectory.

Haotian, who was relaxing and watching the dance together in Yaochi Wonderland, twitched his mouth slightly. Of course he knew why King Zhou made such a choice, because it was Kongtong's influence on King Zhou, making King Zhou a benevolent and great love. Therefore, he resolutely gave up the throne.

At this time, Haotian can already imagine the ugly faces of the second sage of the west and the original. He may still hold on to the original Haotian, but he has no plans to keep the second sage of the west. They will set up a side door to get away from Xuanmen, and Haotian, who is a member of Xuanmen, will naturally not let these two people go easily.

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