Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 127: Feng Yin Xiqi, Long Yin Donglu

With the abdication of King Zhou, the 800 princes had different thoughts and had their own plans. Some of the princes who were not very strong formed a group to form a new powerful country, or they were attached to the four princes to follow their lead.

It's just that even those feudal feudal states that form a group are not as strong as the four feudal feudal lords. If things go on like this, they will definitely be wiped out. By then, they will be in a state of true four-legged confrontation, but the most powerful of them must be Xiqi.

After all, Xiqi has the support of the two major sects, the Chanjiao Renjiao, and maybe the Western Church will join it in the future, while the rest of the small forces will not have such good luck. Swinger.

The advantage of having the support of the two major sects is also obvious. I saw a phoenix suddenly appear in the sky above Xiqi and keep calling, this is the famous Fengming Xiqi.

This method attracted countless people. Many people believed that Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, was a bright ruler, so they chose to seek refuge. Even some loose cultivators joined the camp of Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo, and prepared to assist Ji Chang to become the co-lord of the world.

The East Lu under the control of the Intercept Cult also has the ambition to conquer the world. As for the Beihai Rebellion, which had been a headache before the Shang Dynasty was dissolved, it was secretly supported by the Western Cult. Resist it.

As for the selection of the co-lord of the human race, it is natural to unify all the forces before the split of the Shang Dynasty, because only in this way can he become the new king of the human race. If Xiqi can rule the world, then the interpretation and human education supported by the back will be able to reap countless rewards. believers, and a lot of human luck.

On the other hand, if Donglu dominates the world, then not only will Intercept Cult not destroy the country, on the contrary, Intercept Cult's luck will rise a lot. Who can win the world will depend on the contest between the forces behind the two.

As for Beibohou and Nanbohou, there are no forces to support them, and their outcome is destined to be annexed by these two major forces. As for Beihai, which is supported by Western religions, it is even more unusable. Bargaining capital.

Compared with these heavenly courts, it is much better, because no matter who dominates the world, it is impossible to put aside the heavenly courts, not to mention that Haotian sits on the human race's most treasured Kongtong seal, and itself has 40% of the human race's luck, and there is no need to fight for a little luck. , which is also one of the reasons why the strength of the court is getting stronger and stronger today.

At this time in the Biyou Palace on the Golden Turtle Island, the Tongtian sect master sneered at the Fengming Xiqi, who was originally created by his senior brother. After all, it was only the Phoenix clan. He could also get the dragon clan out. But the relationship between him and Haotian is not bad.

If only a Dragon Clan member was seconded to Donglu Zhuangzhuang, Haotian would agree. Thinking of this, Tongtian would directly transmit his voice to Haotian. Haotian, who had just returned to Taiwei Yuqing Palace, raised his eyebrows slightly. Lu Zhuang's momentum, Haotian did not object to it, and directly selected a golden dragon of Da Luo Jinxian to be Tongtian Zhuangwei in Donglu. Sure enough, with the appearance of the dragon's roar, Donglu has also become the destination of many people.

As for Beibohou and Nanbohou, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't win over many people, unless they could also create this kind of vision, but the question is is this possible?

With the emergence of the two great visions, both Donglu and Xiqi sent troops at the same time. Among them, the former Shang Dynasty Taishi Wen Zhong became Donglu's Taishi, and personally led millions of troops on the expedition, conquered which small princes and then The target points to the territory originally under the jurisdiction of Bei Bohou and Nan Bohou.

Moreover, there are many masters under Wen Zhong, including the Four Saints of Nine Dragons Island, the Four Generals of the Demon Family and other outer disciples. Although they are only outer disciples, it is enough to deal with these small forces, not to mention that if they really run into a tough sect Zhao Gongming I won't sit idly by, not to mention that Nezha Li Jing and his son are also in the lineup. These two are now the masters of Lingbao.

Xiqi is also not bad. The three generations of disciples received by the Twelve Golden Immortals can be said to be basically all of them except Yang Jian, who was specially banned by Haotian for cultivation. Among them, the eldest disciple Guangchengzi and the second disciple Chi Jing also received He took the two sons of King Zhou as his disciples.

And he gave them the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Falling Soul Bell and Yin-Yang Mirror without hesitation, and gave them access to use them. In addition, the Twelve Golden Immortals and the Vice-Cult Master Ran Deng were also on standby at any time. help.

In Haotian's view, once the two major forces launch an attack, the eight hundred princes will definitely be defeated like a mountain. If it is short in one year or long in two to three years, they will all be captured. As for the stronger Beibo Hou and Nanbo Hou are estimated to be able to support a year and a half.

As for Heavenly Court, you can sit back and watch the situation, anyway, no matter who wins or loses, Heavenly Court can make a profit, the difference is only the size of the benefit, but if Lao Tzu and Yuanyuan pull in the Western Second Sage, then Haotian must make a move, and it is bound to Stand on opposite sides of the two.

Not only Haotian, but even Nuwa, who has always been neutral, would do the same.

Because even if he has a good relationship with Tongtian, it is impossible to rashly intervene in the internal affairs of Sanqing, but can Laozi and Yuanyuan really not do it? In Haotian's view, it may not be the case. Once things continue to develop, there may be a scene where the Four Saints meet and kill Immortals.

After all, the Immortal Execution Formation is a dead end. I am afraid that the saying that the four saints are indestructible has been in the hearts of Lao Tzu and Primal for a long time. Lao Tzu may not ask the two Western Saints, but Primitive is always proud of himself and thinks he is stronger than Tongtian. It is possible to invite the Western Second Saints to enter the game.

Just when Haotian analyzed the development of the follow-up, the human world below was already full of war. Donglu and Xiqi divided troops to attack 800 princes, especially Donglu from time to time to attack some princes supported by Western religions to eliminate them. The influence of Western religions on this place was increased, but it also indirectly hated the two Western sages, which also gave reasons for the latter to intervene in this matter.

In contrast, Primitive is much more rational. Although he also doesn't like the Western Second Sage, he has not deliberately suppressed the Western Second Sage's power within those princes. After all, his main opponent now is his younger brother Tongtian. It would be bad for the Second Saint to force Tongtian.

At this time, Yuanyuan had not yet had the idea of ​​pulling the Western Second Saint into the game, and the reason why such an idea was born was naturally because the Immortal Execution Formation suffered a loss, so Yuanyuan made this decision.

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