After arriving in the heavenly court, the two western saints entered the holy realm of Yaochi under the guidance of the heavenly official, while Haotian and Yaochi were sitting in the center. What is going on in my heaven if a senior brother doesn't deal with Western affairs?"

After hearing this, the receptionist smiled bitterly and said: "Da Tianzun knows our intentions, so why should we pretend to be confused? We didn't think about it before we planned on Da Tianzun's sister. I came here to apologize this time. In addition, the two of us also hope to be able to redeem Returning to the third-grade golden lotus, as well as Manjusri Puxian and their spiritual treasures, please also ask the Great Heavenly Venerate to offer conditions as long as we can afford it."

Haotian heard the words and said with a smile: "I'm not being polite, I need half of your eight treasures of merit pool water, two golden lotus seeds of merit, the best innate spiritual treasure oriental blue lotus-colored flag, plus twenty innate bodhi seeds. , as long as the two can promise these, I will promise to give Manjushri and their spiritual treasures to you together."

"What about the third-grade golden lotus?" Zhunti couldn't help but ask.

Haotian chuckled and said: "As for the third-grade golden lotus, I promised to return it to you within 10,000 years. Before that, it will be kept by my Heavenly Court for the time being. The two of you don't have to worry that I will covet your third-grade golden lotus. The innate spiritual treasure of the top grade is not in my eyes yet."

Xie Yin and Zhun Ti looked at each other and felt a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes. It's not that they didn't think about bargaining, but they also knew that they didn't have the capital to bargain now, so they could only accept Haotian's conditions.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Ying Yin waved his hand, and two golden lotus seeds and half of the eight treasures of merit water appeared in the holy realm of Yaochi. He clenched his teeth when he saw this, and also put the best innate spiritual treasure, the oriental green lotus color flag. And 20 bodhi seeds were taken out.

And Haotian also kept its promise, directly took out the list of conferred gods and swiped on it, and then crossed out the true spirits of Manjushri, Puxian and others. At the same time, their innate spiritual treasures were also taken out by Haotian. After all, these Innate spiritual treasures may be very precious in the eyes of Daluo Jinxian and even some quasi-sages, but for Haotian it is really nothing.

After receiving the reference and Zhunti, they were about to put away the true spirits of several people. Haotian didn't say much about it. After all, even if Yuanyuan knew, he couldn't do anything. Among the disciples who are willing to join the Western religion, these people naturally also include the disciples of his teaching.

After chatting for a while, Yingyin and Zhunti left here. After all, they really bleed a lot this time. Not only did they lose the best innate spiritual treasure, the Oriental Qinglianbao-colored flag, but they also lost half of the eight treasures. The water of merit, two golden lotus seeds and 20 bodhi seeds were given to Haotian to think about, which made them heartache, not to mention that the two of them owed Haotian a cause and effect.

Yuan Yuan in Yuxu Palace suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time a trace of anger flashed in his heart, because Yingyin and Zhunti confuse Manjusri and Puxian early, this is not the most annoying thing to him. He was angry that Daoist Ran Deng had also disappeared, and he was obviously kidnapped by Western teachers.

Even he couldn't help but want to teach the two of them a lesson from the West, but in the end, reason suppressed him, not to mention whether he was the opponent of the joint efforts of Yingyin and Zhunti, he just said that he owed the West to teach a lesson. It's impossible to take action with a lot of favors, even if he feels aggrieved in his heart, he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Guang Chengzi, who was on the side, noticed that something was wrong and asked, "What happened to the teacher? The disciple seems to be in a very wrong mood."

Primitive suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Manjushri, Puxian and others have learned the secrets of Western teaching. Obviously they have been bewitched by Western teaching, and the same is true for the deputy leader of the lamp, and you will no longer be with them as brothers and students in the future. relationship, and must no longer have anything to do with them."

Guangchengzi and others were shocked when they heard it, and they whispered to persuade Primitive to become a Western religion. Among them, Huanglong Zhenren was the most violent, and he could not wait to get rid of Manjushri and Puxian.

Looking at the original heart of Huang Long who was angry, he was slightly stunned. In fact, he was very disliked by Huang Long before this, but until now, Huang Long has no idea of ​​apostasy, but Manjushri and Puxian took the lead in apostasy, and He has always looked down on the disciples who have been despised, and there are few apostasy.

It was the first time Primordial found out that he was wrong and it was so outrageous that he even had some regrets in his heart. Why did he bring wolves into the house just to earn so much face? Are you really going to kill yourself? Based on his understanding of Tongtian, Tongtian would never do this, but if it were him, he might not have such a heart.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yuan looked at the real person Huang Long and said: "Huang Long has seen your loyalty to Chan Jiao as a teacher for countless years. It was also a test for you not to give you a spiritual treasure before, but now you have passed the test of this high-grade congenital spiritual treasure. Huleiqin will give it to you."

Real Master Huang Long was overjoyed when he heard it. He knew that he had finally obtained the original approval. Otherwise, it would be impossible to obtain this high-grade innate spiritual treasure, Hu Leiqin. Even Guang Chengzi and others had a great change in their attitude towards Real Master Huang Long.

After seeing the real person Huang Long put away the spiritual treasure, Yuan Yuan looked at the crowd and said, "This consecration catastrophe is also a lesson for you. You must have gained a lot now, and you will go there after being a teacher for a thousand years. The chaotic Kunlun Mountain will be handed over to you to take care of it, after the teacher leaves, you should retreat with peace of mind and strive to break through the quasi-sage as soon as possible."

"Follow the teacher's orders!" Guang Chengzi and the others responded and left the Yuxu Palace. Yuan Yuan let out a long sigh after everyone left. He knew that he might find a chance to do what he did. I apologize to Junior Brother Tongtian.

At this time, Haotian in Heaven has already received the benefits from Western teaching and put them into the treasure house of Heaven, including the Oriental Green Lotus Treasure Flag, and this Oriental Green Lotus Treasure Flag is a defensive spiritual treasure. Blooming, the defensive ability is second only to the four major lotus platforms among the innate spiritual treasures.

After doing all this, Haotian and Yaochi watched the fairies dance in the Yaochi Wonderland. After all, the three worlds of peace and tranquility are now performing their duties and there is nothing for them to worry about. In this case, they might as well relax. It is beneficial to relax the state of mind, which is very beneficial to future breakthroughs. After all, cultivators attach great importance to and value state of mind.

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