Just when the people of Chanjiao went back to their caves, in the Heavenly Court, Chanjiao and Interceptors began to take over their respective priesthoods. However, there was a special person who came here in Yaochi Fairyland. This person is none other than what he is today. Intercepted the elder brother Zhao Gongming from the outer sect.

As for Zhao Gongming, the reason for coming is naturally because of the heavenly priesthood, because he wants his three corpses to get a position in the heavenly court. In this way, he can not only take care of the disciples more easily, but also bring the relationship between the disciples and the heavenly court closer. The relationship between them, after all, the current force of interception has been greatly reduced.

Although because of his own efforts and the intervention of Haotian and Nuwa, the loss of the interception was far less than the battle of the original book, but the 3,000 red dust guests were still inevitably led and led away. , so that the loss of interception is still not much small.

After all, in addition to these 3,000 red dust guests, there are still many disciples who have been cut off from life and death. Although many of them are of bad character, there are also many who have brought disaster to Chiyu, making today's cut off teaching no longer the same as the original ten thousand immortals. However, It's not like there are only three or two big cats and kittens left in the original trajectory. At least there are thousands of people who have survived the current interception, and they are basically in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, which can be regarded as the essence of the interception today.

However, in contrast, the interception of the sect only kept a part of the book. It is far from being the winner of the Conferred God War. If there are only two real winners, that is today's Heavenly Court and the Western Sect. After all, these two major forces have made a lot of money because of the conferred gods, and only the three Xuanmen sects are the biggest losers.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming shook his head helplessly, while Haotian looked at the other party and said, "Why don't you come to my Heavenly Court when you are free in Emei Mountain?"

When Zhao Gongming heard the words, he said respectfully: "I have seen the Great Heavenly Venerate and the poor Taoist this time to ask for a priesthood for my three corpses. I wonder if the Great Heavenly Venerate can agree?"

After hearing this, Haotian stopped playing with the Innate Spirit Orb in his hand and said with a half-smile: "I don't know what priesthood I want, little friend?"


Pindao came for the position of God of Wealth," Zhao Gongming said respectfully after hearing this.

Haotian was silent for a while after hearing this: "Since you want to apply for this position, you must know the importance of this position. Why don't I give it to my confidant but to you?"

When Zhao Gongming heard it, he immediately said: "My teacher said that if the Great Heavenly Venerate is willing to promise this position, I can owe His Majesty's favor, and at the same time send the best innate spiritual treasure Myriad Immortals."

Haotian laughed after hearing this and said, "Senior Brother Tongtian is really willing to pay for you, Wanxiantu is second, but this kind of human relationship is not ordinary, in this case, I will designate you as the True Monarch of the Dragon and Tiger Xuantan. Send Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao to help you manage."

Speaking of this, Haotian couldn't help showing a joking smile. After all, Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao were Zhao Gongming's mortal enemies in the original trajectory. Although they have not joined the God-Conferred Calamity in Heavenly Court, they are also very suitable for Zhao Gongming. "

Zhao Gongming smiled bitterly after hearing this, but nodded respectfully. He had long expected that Haotian would not give him complete financial power, and would definitely send someone to supervise and restrain him, but he didn't expect to send someone here. The people in his life turned out to be Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, his nemesis in his original trajectory, but he didn't plan to admit it any more.

After seeing that Zhao Gongming had no objection, Haotian began to write the imperial decree, and it was all written after a while. After picking up the imperial decree and glanced at it, Haotian immediately closed it. The imperial decree turned into a golden light and left the Yaochi fairyland. At the same time, all the immortals in the heavenly court knew the news of Zhao Gongming's entry into the God of Wealth.

The people who heard the news were both happy and worried, and they were naturally the ones who cut off the teaching. After all, they don't have to worry about being discriminated against. As for the worried people, they are naturally preachers, and they are already on the list. Cultivation is slow to improve, and if this salary is deducted from those who have been intercepted, they will have no future.

However, how could Haotian not expect this, Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao were sent by Haotian to monitor Zhao citizens in the past, in order to prevent Zhao Gongming from abusing his power, although Zhao Gongming may not do this, but still do it Certain precautions.

In contrast, the original team of Heavenly Court seemed very calm. For them, whether it was humanism, interpretation, or interception, they didn't care who was the God of Wealth. Is the salary of the old man in heaven not enough? Therefore, I don't care much about Zhao Gongming's appointment.

When Zhao Gongming in Yaochi Wonderland felt a surge of luck pouring into his body, he realized that he had officially become the God of Wealth, so he left here after bowing his hands respectfully.

After leaving the Yaochi Wonderland, Zhao Gongming let his good corpse enter the God of Wealth Palace to exercise his powers, while he himself returned to the Biyou Palace on Golden Turtle Island to prepare to return to the Tongtian sect master.

At this time, on Mount Sumeru, Zhunti looked at his brother and said, "Can't you make up your mind, brother? We have been ignored for so many years, and both Sanqing and Nuwa are rejecting us. , Even the now growing Heavenly Court is becoming more and more difficult for us. If we continue like this, when will the West be able to prosper? If we can't fulfill the oath to Heaven, the two of us will fall to the Holy Throne."

If the previous words did not make Yieyin make up their minds, then this sentence is tantamount to making Yieyin make up their minds completely. After all, Daxing in the West has always been the most hopeful thing in their hearts, and only a saint can do this. Not to mention the great prosperity of the West under the Holy Throne, even the two of them will not be able to save their lives, after all, they offended quite a few people in the first place.

Thinking of this, I have made up my mind and said: "Since this is the case, junior brother, you will prepare. When we are ready, we will make an oath like Tiandao to officially withdraw from the Xuanmen and establish a side door from today."

Zhunti was overjoyed when he heard it, and then nodded excitedly and prepared to arrange everything. At this time, no one except Haotian knew that the Second Saint of the West was ready to betray Xuanmen. The reason why Haotian knew this was because He is familiar with the trend of the prehistoric world, and he knows that the Second Saint of the West will definitely betray Xuanmen, but he just doesn't know when.

But even so, Haotian is always ready. When the West is about to betray Xuanmen, he will send troops to attack the West. Not to mention that he can stop the West from betraying Xuanmen, but at least he must make the other party bleed heavily, and even leave his own three corpses behind. One guards the Xuanmen.

However, the two Western Saints did not know about this, and after notifying all the disciples, the two were ready to swear to the Tao of Heaven.

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