Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 163: Duobao knelt down and burst into tears

After hearing this, Haotian smiled and said, "It turned out to be Fairy Chang'e's kindness, but I am disrespectful."

The words fell on Haotian's mind, and a box of laurel cakes in Chang'e's hand appeared in Haotian's hands, and then Haotian took the box of laurel cakes and left here and returned to heaven.

After seeing Haotian leave, Hou Yi suddenly laughed wickedly and said, "Since Your Majesty said that he was not here at the right time, let's start now."

Chang'e blushed when she heard this, but she was hugged by Hou Yi and returned to the Moon Palace. Chang'e did not resist this, but her face became even redder.

However, this scene was seen by the Moon Rabbit that Chang'e raised all the year round, which also paved the way for the Moon Rabbit to descend into the world during its journey to the west.

Not to mention all the things that happened on the lunar star, it was in the human world at this time. Yin Xi, an official at Hangu Gate, loved to read astronomy and read ancient books when he was young. Although he is a general, he has a wide range of knowledge, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a son in time.

On this night, Yin Xi came to look at the starry sky with nothing to do, but found that purple clouds gathered in the sky above the east. She was overjoyed in her heart, because she knew that this was a sign of the coming of the saint.

Thinking of this, Yin Xi immediately sent people to clean the road forty miles and burn incense to welcome the saint, because he knew that this was one of his greatest opportunities.

Perhaps it was his sincerity that played a role. On the 12th day of the seventh lunar month, an old man riding a green bull came here with two young people. Yi Xi immediately knelt down respectfully and said, "Little man Yin Xi has seen him before. The sage wishes the sage's life to be boundless and early to realize the great road."

When Lao Tzu heard it, he pretended to shake his head and said, "Your lord is serious. This old man is just fleeing with his two grandchildren. How dare you compare yourself to a saint. Your lord must be mistaken."

After hearing this, Yixi shook her head and said, "The saint doesn't need to hide anymore. Although the villain is not talented, he is good at watching the sky at night. The last time he watched the sky at night, he noticed that the purple air was coming 30,000 miles from the east, and there were old people riding on it. The image of a green ox, so boy is sure you must be a saint."

After I heard it, I stopped hiding it and said with a smile: "You are a person with spirituality, but you can see through my identity, but you have some relationship with me as a teacher and apprentice. Name a disciple for me?"

Yin Xi couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard it. Even though he started to worship and kowtow three times, Lao Tzu nodded with satisfaction and took out two immortal swords and combined a charm. You looked at each other and said, "This is the two swords of Ziqing and Qing. The Xiantian single is the low-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and the combination of the two is the middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao, which has more combined power. In addition, there is this mixed-energy, one-qi and two-meter rune that can be used as a mountain protection formation, and at the same time, I will give you the Tao Te Ching. If you have these in one volume, you can rest assured that you can walk down the mountain."

When Yin Xi heard it, he immediately took the Lingbao respectfully, and in addition to the two Lingbao and Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu also handed him a Jiuzhuan Jindan, so that Yin Xi could directly break through to become a Daluo Jinxian. Although there is not much combat experience, it is not comparable to the ordinary Taiyi Jinxian.

Zhao Gongming on the side couldn't help but be slightly surprised when he saw this scene. After all, the other party is just an ordinary mortal, but now he can get two innate spiritual treasures. Even if the two swords are combined, they are only mid-grade Innate Spirit Treasures, people who have several top-quality congenital spirit treasures like him don't like these at all. What really makes him care about this great array of mixed vitality, qi and two ceremonies, after all, this thing is one of the four great killing arrays in the Great Desolation. One, even the weakest of the four killing formations is known to be unbreakable by non-sages.

This is something that ordinary people can't ask for, but Zhao Gongming soon thought of something, because this person is called Yi Xi, doesn't it mean that he is the head of Shushan in the future, Changmei? Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming was relieved, after all, these things should have been obtained by real people with long eyebrows.

Not to mention the thoughts in Zhao Gongming's mind, at this time Lao Tzu has already started preaching for Yixi, and this lecture has lasted for several days. In these few days, Yixi has officially stepped into the realm of immortality, although it is only a matter of time. The lowest Earth Immortal can safely take the 9th-turn Golden Elixir to break through Da Luo.

After the sermon was finished, Lao Tzu and his group left Hangu Pass under Yixi's respectful eyes, and after coming here, Lao Tzu looked at Duobao and said, "Okay Duobao, if you have anything else to explain, just let me know. Let’s finish it in one breath, I’m afraid it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.”

Duobao nodded after hearing this, then looked at Zhao Gongming and said: "Junior brother, I still have dozens of innate spiritual treasures and some acquired spiritual treasures that are useless to me, leave them all to you, I will not be able to accompany the teacher in the future. I hope my younger brother will take good care of me."

When the words fell, Duobao bowed solemnly towards Zhao Gongming. After seeing it, Zhao Gongming hurriedly avoided and complained: "Brother, why should I accept your salute?"

After hearing this, Duobao smiled and did not speak. He just turned and knelt down in the direction of Chaos and respectfully kowtowed three times, and then said with tears in his eyes, "I am afraid that I will not be able to accompany you in the future if you are not filial. "

When the words fell, Duobao knelt down and kowtowed several times heavily. He didn't use the protection of mana to kowtow but used his normal body to kowtow, so after a few times, blood was already flowing from his forehead.

Zhao Gongming on the side saw red eyes and resented his own powerlessness. Even Lao Tzu on the side sighed. He really envied Tongtian Junior Brother to have such a disciple. If it weren't for this division of Buddhism, Qi Luck was the most suitable candidate. Nor would he choose to let Duobao enter the West.

Tongtian, who was far in the chaos, naturally sensed this scene and finally sighed, and a few tears flowed from his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Am I crying?" He muttered to himself as he watched the tears falling to the ground.

Since he became a saint, he has never cried, even when he was bullied by his eldest brother and two brothers and outsiders, but this time he actually shed a rare cry, and at the same time he also remembered the first time he met when he traveled to the great wasteland. The treasure scene.

At that time, Duobao had not yet transformed, but it was just an innate spiritual treasure, Duobaota, but because the birth of Lingzhi attracted his attention, he had the idea of ​​accepting him as a disciple. Since then, he has been carrying this The small pagoda traveled in the wilderness until the creation of the multi-treasure metamorphosis of the interception, and the scenes kept appearing in his mind, which made Tongtian feel a sense of heartbreak.

At the same time when the sky was crying, a vision also occurred between heaven and earth. All the prehistoric creatures faintly felt that the prehistoric world was crying, which affected them and could not help but grieve from their hearts. In the end, they cried a lot. In the sky, it rained continuously without the order of Heavenly Court.

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