Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 164: Going out to the west, turning Hu into Buddha

This scene also attracted the attention of many great supernatural powers. In the Lingxiao Palace of Heavenly Court, many immortals gathered, not only the elders of Heavenly Court, but also the disciples of the three religions saw this scene again. , even the hostile chanting immortals could not help but be infected.

Among them, the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Mansion’s thunder, the Universal Heavenly Venerate Wen Zhong respectfully walked out and knelt down and said, “Great Heavenly Venerate, dare you ask if there are other ways to keep Grandmaster out of the West?”

Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, shook his head slightly and said, "Turning a Hu into a Buddha is the number of days in Xuanmen, even I can't easily change it, not to mention that Duobao's entry into the West this time is not a good thing, and he can take advantage of the luck of the West to go further. As for breaking away from the interception, there is a day when the calamity comes in the future."

Wen Zhong was overjoyed when he heard that. For him, as long as the day when the master returned, it would be fine. On the sky mirror, and in the Haotian mirror is Lao Tzu's group.

As for the other great magical powers and saints, they were also watching this scene, and they were very emotional about the scene in front of them. Even Yuanyuan sighed inwardly. Some things have been done, and there is no room for regret. How could he do such a stupid thing?

If there is a medicine for regret, he will buy one even if he loses his family. Unfortunately, although there are many treasures, there is no medicine for regret. Thinking of this, he can only observe this scene silently.

At this time, the two Western Saints in the Western Land are also watching this scene. They don't understand what Lao Tzu is thinking about? But soon they understood what Lao Tzu wanted to do.

I saw Daoist Duobao respectfully said: "Master Shibo and nephew are ready to invite Shibo to do it."

Lao Tzu nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then waved his whisk and started to move. I saw bursts of golden light from the whisk falling on Daoist Duobao. When Bao was reincarnated, Zi Qi came to the east for 30,000 miles and instantly covered the six reincarnations.

Immediately after, Duobao's soul entered the Six Paths directly under the protection of Ziqi, and was reborn in the city of Kapilavastu in the west, becoming the child of Madam Maya, the wife of the city's owner, King Jingfan. As this sound resounded through Western Zhunti, he couldn't help being furious, and the face of the receptionist became more and more distressed.

I saw Zhun Ti said: "Senior Brother Lao Tzu insults us like this, we can't bear it, otherwise we won't be able to hold our heads up in the Six Saints of the Great Desolation."

When the words fell, Zhunti left the Mount Xumi with the Seven Treasures Tree in his hand, and waved the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree to kill the Daoist Duobao Daoist. In the fight, the two magic treasures are both top-quality innate spiritual treasures and both are treasures for evangelism, but the gap between the two sides is very large, and Zhunti has been pressed and beaten by Lao Tzu.

Just at this moment, the Yingyin Buddha Chen suddenly appeared and joined the battle. After forcibly separating the two sides, Yingyin suddenly said: "Senior brother Laozi doesn't have to chase and fight hard, the poor monk that senior brother is today has been allowed. , and then gave up the position of the ancestor of the ten thousand Buddhas to the Taoist Duobao."

"Junior Brother's words are great!" After I heard it, I started to recite the scriptures, as if nothing had happened before, but Zhao Gongming, who was standing beside him, knew clearly that the master in front of him was real. The and quasi-submissions are over.

Not to mention the fight between Lao Tzu and Zhun Ti, at this time, the Taoist Duobao in the western land has also been successfully born, and was named Prince Siddhartha. The prince could walk on his own when he was born, and he was born every seven steps. The lotus shows many of them, and at the same time, he looks up at the sky and shouts the slogan of the only one in the sky and the earth.

Just as his words fell, two dragons descended from the sky, one spit warm water and the other cold water to bathe him. At the same time, his oath moved the western world and the ten directions of the world to shake, and the western paradise landed mandala flowers for no reason. Rain, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are at a loss.

Looking at the rapidly draining Qi Yun Zhunti, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "Senior brother, this old man is a saint to do such a shameless thing."

However, there was not too much anger in the reception. Although his face was worried, there was a hint of joy in his eyes. Zhunti saw his brother's appearance and began to count, and after a while, he was also unstoppable. Self-prohibition.

It turns out that although Lao Tzu's move has divided the original luck of Buddhism, it is also an opportunity for Buddhism as it is said that there is a gain and a loss. After all, at this time in the West, there is only Theravada Buddhism, no Mahayana teachings, and at most, there is no great prosperity. ability.

However, although the establishment of Mahayana Buddhism today has driven the reception from the position of the ancestor of all Buddhas, it has also indirectly supplemented the luck of the West, making the West change from the original Dangxing to Daxing, although it is only a flash in the pan. But if you plan properly, it will definitely be better than now, which is why the two are so excited.

However, even the two Western sages can see it, how can Lao Tzu, the strongest among the six sages, not see this? It's just that he didn't say much. After all, if he continued to toss like this, it was possible to force the two of them to work hard, and then it would really be worth the loss.

Now he can only bet, betting on Duobao will not betray Xuanmen completely. Although the chances are very slim, I still want to give it a try. It turns out that I will bet right in the future, but all of this is for later.

And Haotian in Heaven is also thinking about the difference between Duobaohui and the original trajectory? Whether it will be completely integrated into the West from the interception, but in the end he came to the conclusion that it is not necessarily.

Why did Duobao in the original trajectory betray the interception and go to the West? Some people say that Duobao's heart is moved by the promise of the two Western sages with heavy profits, but in Haotian's opinion, Duobao, who can attack the sage for the sake of his teacher, would really betray and intercept the teaching for this benefit?

At least Haotian thinks it is unlikely. A person who is not afraid of death really cares about this interest? In his opinion, the real reason is that Duobao's heart died, the death of the gods in the battle of the gods was killed and injured, and the remaining three or two big cats and kittens had no hope of rising, and they were connected to the sky by the ancestors of Hongjun. When Zixiao Palace faced the wall, Duobao became disheartened and naturally chose to rely on Buddhism completely.

However, it is completely different now. Although the interception still suffers heavy losses, it retains some of its vitality and leaves hope for future rise. In this case, Duobao may not be as resolute as in the original trajectory to join the West, but this is only Haotian's speculation is nothing but the facts, and we will have to look at it later.

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