Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 176: Jinnara enters the world (below)

Haotian didn't say anything more after seeing it, but continued to look at the picture in the Haotian Mirror with all the immortals in the heavenly court. After seeing Jinna Luo, Ah Dao said arrogantly and unreasonably: "You are that Jinna Luo. I heard that you are very capable, and you can actually restore someone's severed hand, so how about this uncle asking you to dig out your eyeballs?"

Kinnero nodded after hearing this, and then he actually dug out his eyeballs and handed them to Ah Dao and said, "This is my eyeball, do you want it? If you want, take it as a souvenir. "

Saying that, Jin Naluo handed over his eyeballs as he walked, but Ah Dao was so frightened that he stepped back and didn't dare to take the eyes. Not to mention Ah Dao, even the high priest was taken aback. Thinking of this, Kinnara had also done everything he could to gouge his eyes in order to spread the Dharma, but the more he did this, the more he could not let the other party teach the Dharma, otherwise he would no longer be respected as a high priest.

Looking at the frightened Ah Dao, he squeezed his eyes tightly and said, "Why are you afraid? Isn't this the eyeball you asked me to dig out? Say you have a ghost in your heart at all?"

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Ah Dao, who was frightened, said timidly.

Jinna Luo snorted coldly after hearing this: "It doesn't matter whether I am a human or a ghost, the important thing is that a person like you who makes people gouge out your eyes is not even more abhorrent than the evil ghosts in the underworld?"

Saying that, Jin Naluo directly threw his eyeballs on the ground. A Dao, who was completely frightened, didn't even dare to say ruthless words, so he took his subordinates and left here in despair. The man named Kinnaro beat him hard to vent his frightened dissatisfaction, but he didn't know he wouldn't have this chance.

Because Kinaro planned to visit his house tonight to teach him a profound lesson, and let him do good and not evil.

After Ah Dao left, Ali looked at Jin Nara and said worriedly: "Master, this guy named Ah Dao is not easy to deal with! It is said that he still has some relationship with the high priest. I don't know if it is true or not."

Jinna Luo was slightly taken aback when he heard it, but then he felt that the high priest had nothing to do with this matter, otherwise, why would he let him tame the three? If Haotian knew what Jin Naluo was thinking, he would definitely laugh at him for being too naive. After all, the high priest didn't plan to let him preach successfully at all.

At this time, all the immortals in the Lingxiao Palace of Heavenly Court were amazed. At the same time, they also believed that even if they were replaced, they would not do better, and maybe even not as good as the other party. From this, it seems that this is tight. Luo is completely different from some people in Buddhism, and it can be said that it can really be called great compassion.

There are absolutely not many people who can do this in the whole Buddhism. The original Cihang person may be regarded as a character because she was born with great compassion and great compassion, so when Yuan accepted her, she knew that she had a great cause and effect with the West. But even so primitive did not cut off the cause and effect.

The first is because Yuanyuan disdains doing this, and the second is that he wants to see if he can make Cihang completely reconcile, but he is still weaker than the West in terms of calculation, so he confusedly surrendered several disciples. It was given to the West, but he couldn't find trouble with the West, because this bitter fruit was naturally planted by him and he could only swallow it himself.

Not to mention the fact that Primitive was forced to swallow the bitter fruit he planted. At this time, at the Taoist Temple on Mount Bodhi, Bodhi Patriarch, who was preaching to his disciples, suddenly smiled wryly in his eyes, and then turned into his own disciples and went back first.

Although many disciples were puzzled in their hearts, they still listened to the words of the Patriarch and dispersed, and after the many disciples dispersed, Patriarch Bodhi suddenly bowed his hands in the air and said, "It turns out that Saint Zhunti is here, why don't you show up to see it in person? "

As Bodhi Patriarch's words fell, Zhunti's avatar suddenly appeared here, after looking at Bodhi Patriarch with a complicated expression, Zhunti said lightly again, "Friend Daoist, I came here to invite you. Bring a few requests to Da Tianzun for me."

"Why didn't the saint go in person?" Patriarch Bodhi asked in confusion.

After listening, Zhunti smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't want to go, but my few requests are really too much. I'm afraid that after reading it, the Great Heavenly Venerate will kick me out without listening to the benefits I give, but fellow Daoists are different. Now that I am a member of the Xuanmen, if you go to spread the word, I think the Great Heavenly Venerate will be able to listen to it. If the daoist is willing, the cause and effect between you and me can be cut off, and the rest only needs to be taught by the monkey. It was completely over and I don't know what your friends think?"

"Since the saints have said this, what else can I say? Patriarch Bodhi smiled bitterly.

Zhunti was overjoyed when he heard it, and then he said his request. After hearing it, Ancestor Bodhi felt helpless. No wonder Zhunti let him go. It's weird, but now that you've already promised, you can't go back on it, right?

Thinking of this, Ancestor Bodhi let out a helpless sigh, and then drove the clouds away from the Qixing Cave of Xieyue Mountain towards the heaven. After seeing the clone, Zhunti breathed a sigh of relief and then dissipated on the spot. After all, it was just one of his clones. There is a time limit, and it will be almost the same after the message is delivered.

Just when Patriarch Bodhi rushed to the heaven with Zhunti's request, the time in the human world below had come to night. At this time, A Dao's family was enjoying dinner. The face man suddenly broke in and started killing them. The guards in the nursing home rushed over after seeing it, but without exception, no one was the opponent of the man in black. Dozens of guards were all beheaded by the man in black. .

Such a big movement naturally also alarmed Ah Dao, and saw that he put down his chopsticks and quickly picked up a knife and rushed out. After seeing the casualties of his own servant, Ah Dao, who had always been conceited, immediately raised his weapon and wanted to kill him. Drop this masked man to relieve the hatred in his heart, but the opponent's martial arts are strong, and he can only retreat under the opponent's attack.

Suddenly the masked man changed the direction of the attack and directly hacked to death Ah Dao's father, mother, child and wife. Seeing this scene, Ah Dao looked at the masked man and roared angrily: "Why do you do this? Why did you kill them? innocent?"

After hearing this, the masked man disdainfully said: "You should be the one who killed the innocent, right? Have you killed fewer people over the years? Now all this is just your retribution. From the day you killed you You should have known, so now you should go to **** for me too."

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