Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 177: Jinnara enters the world (end)

When the words fell, the masked man cut him down with a knife. As the knife light flashed, Ah Dao suddenly got up from the bed and touched his head with his hand. Only then did he realize that it was all just a dream.

"Are you scared?" Kinara suddenly appeared and asked at this moment.

"It's you!" Ah Dao said in surprise when he looked at Jin Na Luo who suddenly appeared.

Ignoring Ah Dao's shock, Jin Na Luo said lightly, "Although everything you encountered in your dream was false, but if you are obsessed with it, it will become a reality one day."

When Ah Dao heard it, he immediately knelt down and said, "I beg you, sir, to save my family members. I know that I have a lot to die for, but my family members are innocent!"

After hearing this, Kinaro said: "It's not that there is no way to solve this matter, that is, from now on you have to put down the butcher's knife and return to the righteous. Only in this way, what happened in the dream will not become a reality."

When Ah Dao heard it, he immediately said, "I am willing to correct my evil from now on, please accept me as a disciple."

Jin Nara nodded and then accepted Ah Dao as the second disciple, and the time of the night passed in a hurry. In the morning, Ah Dao dismissed all the others, and looked at the surrounding villagers solemnly. He said: "My fellow villagers, for so many years, I've been guilty of being a disaster. Now that I've been taught to do good, I'll apologize to everyone here."

Neighbors felt very strange when they heard Ah Dao's words. They didn't understand how the notorious Ah Dao changed his wickedness overnight? But this is a good thing for them, and at this time, Jin Naluo is ready to complete the last task, which is to persuade the prostitute Ah Shao. This task is difficult to say, simple or not. Everything can only be handled by Naluo himself. That's all, thinking of this, he immediately walked in the direction of Ah Shaizai.

At this time, Bodhi, who was guarding the Xuanmen outside the Nantianmen of the heavenly court, suddenly came here, and led by Tiannu to the Yaochi fairyland, looking at the thick chaotic aura, Bodhi was envious. You must know that his dojo is all innate aura. But Heavenly Court's Yaochi Wonderland is full of transformed chaotic aura for people to absorb. Cultivation in this place can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. It is no wonder that Heavenly Court can cultivate so many strong men above Daluo Jinxian.

Just as Bodhi fell into his reverie, Haotian, who had returned from Lingxiao Palace, looked at Bodhi and said, "Why did Daoist Bodhi not guard Xuanmen's luck in Mount Sumeru, why did you come to my heaven?"

Ancestor Bodhi smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Lao Dao came this time because he was entrusted by the sage Zhunti and wanted to discuss a matter with the Great Heavenly Venerate."

Haotian chuckled and said, "As far as I know, you should have cut off contact with Zhunti, right? What's the point of coming here on behalf of Zhunti now? Or you want to cut off the last trace of cause and effect with him."

Ancestor Bodhi said with a wry smile: "The Great Heavenly Venerate is so impressed by the ingenious skill of the poor Dao, what the Great Heavenly Venerate said is true, and the poor Dao came here for the cause and effect of the two knots and the sage, and how to settle the knot, the Great Heavenly Venerable should know a little bit. It is precisely related to the natural stone monkey in Huaguo Mountain, because it is related to the great prosperity of Buddhism, and I would like to ask the Great Heavenly Venerate to make it easier."

After hearing this, Haotian put a congenital strawberry into his mouth with great interest, and after slowly eating it, he asked, "I don't know if you want to make it convenient and what is the benefit?"

Ancestor Bodhi heard Haotian's words and thought of Zhunti's request, and his face became bitter, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "Because this time is related to the general trend of the spread of Buddhism in the future, so in order to make his name famous There are three things that must be done. The first is to make trouble in the Dragon Palace to win the Sea God Needle, the second is to enter the underworld to destroy the book of life and death, and the third is to make a scene in heaven."

After finishing talking, Patriarch Bodhi looked at Haotian worriedly, for fear that the other party would make any drastic actions, but what he didn't expect was that Haotian chuckled lightly: "I can agree to all the conditions you said, but this Journey to the West The merits of this must be shared by my Heavenly Court, and the number of nine is the extreme number, and you can only pass on at most nine Buddhist scriptures and one more than one."

Ancestor Bodhi looked a little embarrassed when he heard it, but he still said, "I'm afraid it's inappropriate for Da Tianzun to only spread nine Buddhist scriptures? of."

Haotian sneered when he heard the words: "Do you need them to agree? If you don't agree, then it's a big deal and why waste your time."

The Second Saint of the West, who was far away in the chaos, was also very angry when he heard Haotian's words, and Zunti said angrily: "Senior brother, Haotian is really too much, since he has insulted me like this."

After hearing this, the receptionist said helplessly: "What else can I do? Datianzun has reached the peak of Hunyuan Daluo's unparalleled cultivation base. You and I are not opponents when you join forces, not to mention that Datianzun still has many pieces in his hands. Treasure, the battle power of the Heavenly Court completely suppresses our Buddhism, so we cannot avoid Heavenly Court if we invite the Dharma to spread eastward.”

"But there are too few Brothers Nine!" Zhunti said in a slightly crying voice.

After hearing this, the receptionist said indifferently: "Junior brother, don't worry, in my opinion, this is nothing more than the Great Heavenly Venerable bargaining, even if Great Heavenly Venerate can cut a knife, we can also add some more, as long as it is not too much, the Great Heavenly Venerable will agree. ."

After hearing this, Zhunti nodded helplessly, and then began to discuss with the receptionist. In the end, after considering Haotian's bottom line, he tentatively set the disaster of Journey to the West as nine, nine or eighty-one, and this also represented eight As for the eleven Buddhist scriptures, how many are passed on depends on the abilities of both parties. "

After confirming this, Zhun Ti will pass on their determined ideas to Bodhi Patriarch, and Bodhi Patriarch also conveyed the meaning of the Western Two Saints to Haotian.

Hearing the words of Ancestor Bodhi, Haotian fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said: "I can agree to this condition, but half of the merits of the journey to the west will belong to Xuanmen, and I will take out two golden lotus seeds of merit and 20 bodhi seeds plus 1 /3 water of merit and treasures of heaven and earth will do."

Old Ancestor Bodhi smiled bitterly after hearing this. Although he knew that this person was talking at the lion, he knew that the two Western sages had no right to refuse. Sure enough, when he passed the news, Zhunti scolded Haotian for being shameless, but when After Zhunti finished scolding, he had to accept his fate and prepare what Haotian wanted.

Especially the golden lotus seed of merit has never been produced since the 12th grade golden lotus became the 9th grade. Now these two golden lotus seeds are their last stock, but no matter how reluctant they are, they can only do it. Leave it to Haotian, because all of this is nothing to Buddhism Daxing.

And Patriarch Bodhi who was in the heavenly court also said goodbye, because according to his agreement with Zhunti, he only needs to teach the monkey once, and then he can completely end the cause and effect between him and Zhunti, and then he can be at peace. Peace of mind guarding the Xuanmen, no need to be rejected by other Xuanmen daoists.

As for Haotian, he also left the Yaochi Wonderland, and asked the Four Heavenly Kings to prepare to wait for the gift-giving from Western Buddhism, and put these things into the heavenly treasure house as a reserve for the heavenly court.

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