After a few more years, the stone monkey finally came to Fangcun Mountain, and came down to the Xieyue Qixing Cave under the occupation of a local hunter. Little do they know that this hunter is disguised as the local land. If the Sun Wukong of later generations can naturally distinguish it, However, the stone monkeys who have no cultivation base today can't tell the difference.

And Subhuti, who was in the cave, naturally sensed the arrival of the stone monkey, so he directly asked the boy to bring it in and asked, "Who are you and why did you come here?"

When the monkey heard it, he immediately said: "I heard the seniors in the tribe say that you are an old immortal with a high cultivation base, so I want to worship you as a teacher and learn to benefit the tribe."

Ancestor Bodhi said with a smile: "You monkey with a good heart, but you still want to benefit the ethnic group. Seeing how sincere you are, I will accept you as an apprentice and teach you some skills."

When the words fell, the ancestor Bodhi deliberately told the monkey about a few supernatural powers that were not very profound. However, the monkey lost interest immediately after hearing that there was no immortality. Seeing that the monkey did not learn this or the other, the ancestor of Bodhi pretended to be angry. Holding the teaching ruler, he tapped the monkey's head three times and said, "You monkey is really unreasonable! Pindao teaches you this and you don't learn this and you don't learn that. Is it possible that you are here to have fun?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ancestor Bodhi pretended to be angry and left here. The two boys on the side also looked at the monkey with reproach, but the monkey didn't care and fell into contemplation alone, because he felt that Ancestor Bodhi was not. It was intentional to knock him on the head on purpose. If he really didn't like him, he would be expelled from his teacher's door. Why would he say so much?

Not to mention the doubts in Sun Wukong's heart, Haotian, who had just learned about the situation from the Jade Emperor, went straight to Yaochi Fairyland, where Nuwa was whispering something to Yaochi, but immediately after seeing Haotian's arrival. He stopped the conversation just now, and sat there pretending to be nothing.

The so-called "see through but not reveal", although Haotian has discovered Yaochi and Nuwa's little actions, but did not directly point them out, after all, everyone has their own little secrets, and he is not the kind of psychologically distorted person who must know the hearts of others the secret.

Seeing Haotian's tired look, Yaochi came over and said with concern, "Is there any important thing going to happen to your brother this time? Why do you look tired?"

Haotian rubbed his brows and said: "Except for the monkey thing, it is the border outside the territory. Emperor Ziwei just sent someone to report that many demons have entered Honghuang in batches, although they have already caught some of them. There's also a part of the secret that's been hidden, which they've obviously been planning for a long time."

Hearing Haotian's words, don't say that Yaochi is Nuwa, and frown slightly. After all, no matter who talks about foreign demons, the face will not look good, because the original battle between Dao and demons almost destroyed the entire West, and this cause and effect is also grafted. The body of Hongjun Daozu caused him to owe the two sages of the West, and finally had to compensate the two Westerners with the holy position, even if the two apostates Hongjun Daozu can't express anything.

If it wasn't for Tongtian's persuasion by Zhao Gongming, he finally went into a rage and forced the Western Second Sage to stay behind to guard the Xuanmen to offset the cause and effect, I am afraid that the loss of Xuanmen would definitely be far greater than it is now.

Seeing Haotian's worried look, Nuwa pondered for a while and said, "Actually, the husband doesn't have to be like this. Now that the three worlds are in good order under the husband's management, what if some demons sneak into the prehistoric wasteland? Do they dare to be in the heavenly court? Are you going to make a public appearance under the chase?"

Hearing Nu Wa's words, Haotian slapped his forehead and his eyes lit up, because he found that he was really a bystander who was fascinated by the authorities. After all, this is not the Buddhist catastrophe of later generations. After all, the Buddhist catastrophe has not even begun. Turning down, what's the use of worrying about yourself now? It is better to take this opportunity to prepare a plan in advance to deal with the catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Haotian was in a particularly comfortable mood, and the fairies who were present without any scruples directly hugged Yaochi and Nuwa with one hand, and the three sat on the throne together and enjoyed a peaceful time.

And Yaochi and Nuwa didn't have the slightest resistance to this, but they were a little ashamed, because Haotian's approach was too direct, and it was a chance for them to have no preparation, but in another way, if Haotian didn't directly, I'm afraid they wouldn't either. would be happy.

Just when the Yaochi Wonderland was enjoying itself, Subhuti's dojo had arrived at midnight and the monkey entered alone, and stood there respectfully. Not long after he entered, the ancestor Bodhi also suddenly appeared and watched. Looking at the monkey, he said, "Why don't you go to rest in the middle of the night and come to me?"

The monkey scratched his head and smiled and said, "Actually, I know that you didn't hate me when you beat me, teacher, but made me come here at midnight."

Ancestor Bodhi said with a smile: "You are a smart monkey. If I don't pass on some real skills to you, I won't be able to explain it. I have 36 transformations of Tiangang and 72 transformations, as well as somersault clouds and many other supernatural powers. You can do whatever you want. Pick a few."

"Is there no magic of immortality?" Monkey said in disappointment after hearing it.

Ancestor Bodhi stroked his beard and smiled and said, "The so-called immortality is also related to strength. When you break through the Golden Immortal Daluo one day, you will be able to jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements and live with the sky, as long as you don't make some You can live forever by courting death, and even when your strength becomes stronger, you can help your monkey grandson live forever."

Hearing this, the monkey was overjoyed, and began to select several supernatural powers, including Disha 72 Transformation and Somersault Cloud. However, what the monkey did not notice was a look of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Bodhi when he selected the Disha 72 transformation. , after all, although the Disha 72 change is twice as much as the Tiangang 36 change, it is not the same.

It's a pity that the monkey is just greedy, so he chose the Disha 72 transformation, and did not choose the Tiangang 36 transformation, which is better and stronger. However, the monkey has already made this choice, and the ancestor Bodhi will naturally not stop him, but As promised, the monkeys began to teach these supernatural powers.

The monkey's talent can also be said to amaze many people. It can be said that these supernatural powers can be learned in one go, and they can also initially master these supernatural powers to fight against the enemy, and their own cultivation base is also from the original immortal. Ascended to the gods, you must know that this is only one night.

If the situation here spreads out, I don’t know how many monks will lose face, and it is estimated that they can’t help but find a hole to bury themselves. Although there is help from heaven, it cannot be denied that the monkey himself is also gifted. Otherwise, if the monkey does not live up to his expectations, even the Dao of Heaven can't make the monkey progress so fast, unless the Dao of Heaven is openly open to forcibly improve the monkey's cultivation, but as the so-called Dao of Heaven is so open, it is not allowed by the Dao of Heaven. of.

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