Just after the stone monkey officially worshipped Subhuti, some of the top supernatural powers and saints already knew the cause and effect of the matter, and at the same time began to arrange various backhands and means.

At this time in the Biyou Palace, Zhao Gongming looked at Kui Niu, who was already known as the Bull Demon King and said, "Kui Niu, you can prepare now, the monkey will return to Huaguo Mountain in a few years, and then it will be a turn. It's your chance to play."

After hearing this, the Bull Demon King laughed and said, "Don't worry about teaching, I promise to play the monkey head to the death."

Zhao Gongming nodded slightly after hearing this. To be honest, he had no prejudice against Sun Wukong. He even admired the great sage Equaling Heaven who was fighting against the sky and the earth before he crossed the road. Although this was just a monkey trick of many great supernatural powers, But it is rare for Sun Wukong to have this confidence, but it is a pity that it became a Buddhist battle to defeat the Buddha later.

But he can't control so much, no matter how sad Sun Wukong is, how much he once worshiped the Monkey King, but now it is still necessary to calculate, it has nothing to do with personal preferences, but about the interests of the sect. .

Not only Zhao Gongming is in action, but other places are also in action. All other forces have secretly sent people to start action. Although it is still a long time before Journey to the West, it is always right to plan ahead.

At the same time, the Western Second Sage also reached an exchange of interests with Lao Tzu, specially refining some special medicinal pills for the monkeys to wait for the monkeys to steal, and even the Pantao Garden in Heaven will be open to the monkeys, but it is only limited , that is to say, no matter how monkeys eat, they can only eat 3,000-year-old peaches.

However, even if there are so many 3,000-year-old peaches, it is enough for the monkeys to improve their cultivation. What's more, Haotian will not tell the Western Second Saint Monkeys that they eat only 3,000-year-old peaches, but will rudely take the 6,000-year and 9,000-year-old peaches. All the peaches of the year are included, even if the monkeys didn't eat it at all, it didn't hinder the West of Haotiankeng.

At the same time, in Guanjiangkou, Yang Jian was training his 3,000 elite grass-headed gods. Since the Heavenly Court gave him a normal system, his grass-headed gods are no longer a miscellaneous army, but a regular heavenly court elite. Teachers, in terms of treatment, are far more than ordinary soldiers and generals. The salaries and resources are also fully distributed.

Just kidding, Yang Jian is Haotian's nephew. Even if some people in the heavenly court have dirty hands, they would not dare to stretch their greedy hands to Yang Jian's side. Otherwise, Yang Jian would sue Haotian directly and they would all be unable to eat. go.

However, what they would not have thought was that Haotian had always looked at their greed for money, and the reason why he did not touch them was because he always believed in the principle of future generations that when water is clear, there are no fish. In terms of proportions, what can be greedy, what cannot be greedy, and how much? These are clear in their hearts and they are very good at grasping the scale.

It is precisely because of this that Haotian didn't move them, but if they were not greedy enough to swallow elephants or had a connection with Buddhism, then Haotian wouldn't mind replacing them. After all, their positions could be watched by people.

After all, in today's Heavenly Court, as long as it is an official position, there are people who sharpen their heads and drill in, but the number of people that Heavenly Court recruits every time is limited, so many people wait for those people to commit crimes before they can ascend.

Not to mention the various changes in the heaven, Yang Jian, who was training the grass-headed **** at Guanjiangkou, could not help but ask after seeing Yang Jiao and Yang Chan, "Why are you guys here?"

After hearing this, Yang Jiao chuckled and said, "The battle in the field outside the territory has come to an end temporarily. I will come to see you with my little sister when I have nothing to do."

Yang Jian nodded when he heard it, and then arranged for someone to prepare some food, and started chatting with his elder brother and younger sister. After eating for a while, Yang Jian asked directly, "How is the situation over there on the battlefield outside the eldest brother?"

After hearing this, Yang Jiao sighed softly: "It is still in a controllable state, and most of our army in the heavenly court has true spirits on the list of conferred gods, so the loss is not very big, but the mobilization of the demons is strangely stopped in the past. The large-scale attack of the CCP turned to infiltrate the flood through various channels, and although many places have been discovered by us, there are still fish that slip through the net.”

Yang Chan on the side was also surprised: "No way, big brother, there are millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in the outer battlefield, and there are Emperor Ziwei and several quasi-sacred powerhouses guarding them. How can people infiltrate the floods?"

Yang Jiao smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "You are thinking too simple about this little girl. Millions of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals seem to be a huge number, but they are still too few in the extraterritorial starry sky. The vast starry sky defense line only requires millions The defense of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals is really stretched, and it was good to say that Emperor Gouchen led the troops to assist in the defense, but after Emperor Gouchen was transferred to the west, the infiltration of the defense line became increasingly serious."

Hearing this, Yang Jian also looked grim, because he remembered the catastrophe of the demons in later generations. The catastrophe affected the entire Three Realms, and even Heavenly Court was not spared. Although the strength of Heavenly Court today is much stronger than in the original trajectory, it is also I don't know if I can survive this demon catastrophe.

Just as Yang Jian was thinking about this, Yang Chan on the side seemed to have thought of something and then asked: "No, there are tens of millions of heavenly soldiers in Heaven, how can you be stretched after deploying one million in the outer battlefield? ?"

Yang Jiao and Yang Jian looked at each other after hearing this, and finally Yang Jian said: "You don't know about this little girl, although there are tens of millions of heavenly soldiers in Heaven, there are many places where soldiers are used, and nothing else is said. If it is the 36th layer, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals are needed to defend, and each of the four continents has to station millions of troops to deter Xiaoxiao, so now there is no extra force to reinforce the battlefield outside the territory."

When Yang Chan heard it, she suddenly realized, and only then did she realize that the seemingly strong Heavenly Court's troops were not so sufficient, and could only barely maintain the garrison in various prehistoric places.

But what the three did not expect is that this is actually Haotian's intention, because Haotian has always paid attention to quality and not weight, and adhered to the principle of "absoluteness rather than lack". What's the use of being inconsistent? The combat power may not be as good as the current million, what is the use?

Suddenly Yang Jiao looked at the training ground and said, "It's almost the same food. Why don't you second brother let us see how your grass-headed **** is training?"

After hearing this, Yang Jian laughed loudly and said, "It's natural that the eldest brother is on the battlefield outside the territory all the year round, so I can comment on how the grass-headed god's training is going?"

Yang Jiao nodded after hearing this, and then took Yang Chan and Yang Jian to watch the battle training of the head gods.

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