Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 188: Heavenly Court Recruitment

At this moment, a Tiannu suddenly came to Lingxiao Hall in a hurry and said, "Qi Zong, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Guang and King Qin Guang, ask to see you."

"Let them come in," Haotian said lightly after hearing the words and fell silent.

Soon Ao Guang and King Qin Guang came to Lingxiao Hall and said respectfully: "I have seen Datianzun, and I hope Datianzun's cultivation will further enter Wuji."

Haotian waved his hand and said, "If it's irrelevant, don't say more. Why did you two come to heaven when you two did not perform your duties in the lower realm?"

When Ao Guang heard it, he immediately cried and said, "Your Majesty Xiaolong has a grievance to sue! That Monkey King, who is proud of Dongsheng Shenzhou Aolai Guohuaguo Mountain, doesn't know the whole thing, not only disturbing my East China Sea Dragon Palace, but also stealing the great king of the year. Yu's Dinghaishen, the **** of the waters, wants His Majesty to call the shots."

King Qin Guang, who was on the side, quietly expressed his admiration and also cried: "Your Majesty, Xiao Wang, also wants to sue the Huaguoshan Monkey Monkey who doesn't know what's wrong, even making a riot in the Hell of Hell and forcibly selling the book of life and death, if it wasn't for his mistake If the roster is destroyed as a book of life and death, I am afraid that the entire underworld will be in chaos."

Some immortal families in Heavenly Court who did not know the truth were surprised when they heard it. They never thought that a demon monkey in a mere mere would be so bold, and Li Tianwang, who was standing beside him, came out directly and said: "Your Majesty, the demon monkey flouted the rules of heaven and made a dragon palace entry. It is an unpardonable crime for the underworld to disturb the Three Realms, so the minister asks you to lead troops to capture the demon monkey."

Taibaijinxing, who was among the civil servants, immediately sang the opposite tone when he heard it: "The king's words are bad, the monkey is just ignorant, and since he was born a long time ago, he doesn't understand the rules of the Three Realms, so it would seem like killing him. It's too cruel, the Great Heavenly Venerate is in charge of Heavenly Court and doesn't like killing things. I think it's better to recruit security."

Li Tianwang snorted coldly after hearing this, but he didn't say anything after that. After all, all this was just a show, so he didn't need to take it too seriously, and Haotian pretended to be contemplative after hearing it, and then looked at Qin Guangwang and Ao Guangdao. : "The two of you go back first. I will send someone to bring that monster monkey to heaven for a good life, and I won't let him do anything wrong again."

"Great Heavenly Venerate is kind!" King Qin Guang and Ao Guang said at the same time and then withdrew respectfully, because the next thing had nothing to do with them, it just had to see how Heavenly Court completed the monkey show.

After King Qin Guang and Ao Guang retired, Haotian looked at Taibaijinxing and said: "Taibaijinxing, you can recruit that demon monkey yourself, remember to give him face twice, and if you have more heaven, you will be fine. I'm losing face, you can take care of it yourself and don't let this monkey run wild."

"Xiaoxian obeys the order!" Taibaijinxing left Heavenly Court and went to Huaguo Mountain after answering. When he was about to arrive at Huaguoshan, Taibaijinxing suppressed his cultivation to the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian. Don't let Sun Wukong find any clues.

Sun Wukong, who was playing with the monkeys and monkeys in Shuiliandong, learned that the Taibaijinxing in the sky was coming, don't let the monkeys and monkeys put up a battle and let the people in the sky take a good look at his majesty, but he did it all by himself. It's just ugly, what kind of battle did Taibaijinxing, a quasi-sage powerhouse, have not seen? How could he see what Sun Wukong put on, but even if it is so Taijinxing, he has to pretend to be surprised.

Looking at Taibaijinxing's surprised appearance, Sun Wukong was very proud and asked, "The old angel doesn't know why you came here this time?"

Taibaijinxing laughed when he heard the words: "My lord, I have a good thing here this time. Because of your great powers, Datianzun decided to let you go to the heavenly court to be ranked in the immortal class. I wonder what the king thinks?"

Sun Wukong was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words. Although he was arrogant and unruly, he still yearned for the ethereal heaven. Therefore, Sun Wukong accompanied Taibaijinxing to Nantianmen without thinking much. Heavenly Soldier and Heavenly General Sun Wukong's face was a little red, after all, he was really nothing compared to the battle of Heavenly Court.

At this moment, the mirror outside Nantianmen shot a golden light on Sun Wukong's body, which made Sun Wukong puzzled, Taibaijinxing on the side hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this golden light is not harmful, just see if there are demons on your body. The breath prevents the demons from disturbing the heaven."

After hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded. Although he had not debuted for a long time, he still heard about the embarrassing reputation of the demons. Therefore, after the inspection, he followed Taibaijinxing into the Lingxiao Palace. Once he arrived at the Lingxiao Palace, Sun Wukong was like a country bumpkin. Looking left and right looked curious, while all the immortals in Heavenly Court laughed secretly.

Taibaijinxing, who saw this scene, sighed secretly and then hurriedly said, "Your Majesty can't be rude and don't hurry to see the Great Heavenly Venerate."

Sun Wukong only reacted when he heard Taibaijinxing's voice, but to be honest, the immortal family of Lingxiao Palace disappointed him a little, because most of them were Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian, and even Taiyi Jinxian didn't seem to be better than himself. Instead, the Great Heavenly Venerate did not disappoint himself and reached the Golden Immortal Daluo. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong bowed respectfully.

Haotian nodded slightly when he saw it, then looked at Xingjun Wuqu and said, "If there is an extra position for this monkey in the court today?"

Wuqu Xingjun, who was hinted by Haotian, immediately stepped out and said, "Your Majesty Qizao has no vacant positions in all the palaces and palaces today. Only the Imperial Horse Supervisor still lacks a post of supervisor."

After hearing this, all the immortals shook their heads secretly. Although it is true that Heavenly Court does not have many free positions now, there are still some if they insist, but now it seems that this demon monkey is going to be unlucky!

After hearing this, Haotian thought for a while, then looked up at Sun Wukong and said, "You should take up this position, Monkey King. I hope you can do your best during this period and if you perform well, you will be promoted naturally."

When Sun Wukong heard it, he was overjoyed and said, "My old grandson, thank you His Majesty for your gift."

At this time, Sun Wukong thought he was a big official, but he didn't know that this Bi Ma Wen was a low-ranking position, in order to make him dissatisfied with the heaven and finally against the sky. "

Under Haotian's signal, Tiannu directly took Sun Wukong to the Imperial Horse Prison, and Haotian then announced that the Sanchao would let all the immortals return to their own positions. As for Haotian, he knew very well that it would not take a few days for this monkey to be sure. It will be unbearable to be bullied and start to turn against the sky, and then it will also mean that the plan has really begun.

At this time, the monkey didn't know about it. On the contrary, after coming to the Imperial Horse Prison, he had a lot of fun everywhere. It can be said to be very unhappy to mix with these heavenly horses. Only those subordinates shook their heads secretly and sympathized with this monkey in their hearts. Suffering from not being able to tell the truth, he could only sigh in secret.

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