Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 189: Monkey King against the sky

After Sun Wukong happily served as Bi Ma Wen for several days, Buddhism finally couldn't help but began to transmit one after another, hoping that Haotian could abide by the agreement. If they find any excuse to procrastinate, then they really can't even cry.

Of course Haotian would not make excuses to delay, because he didn't bother to do so, so Haotian directly asked Wu Dexingjun to come here. After seeing Haotian, Wudexingjun respectfully said: "I wonder what your Majesty is looking for Xiao Shen?"

After hearing this, Haotian said lightly: "I and Buddhism have reached an agreement to make this monkey turn against the sky. You can find a way to go to the Imperial Horse Supervisor to provoke him, but remember not to reveal your own strength."

Wu De Xingjun was slightly taken aback when he heard it. Although he didn't understand why he did this, he wisely left the place respectfully without asking any more questions.

After leaving the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, Xingjun Wude directly drove the clouds to the Imperial Horse Prison. The imperial guardian of the Imperial Horse Prison saw it and immediately said respectfully: "It turns out that Lord Wude is here. I don't know what the Lord ordered."

After hearing this, Wu Dexingjun said lightly: "I want to pick a good horse to go hunting with Li Tianwang. You immediately ask Bi Ma Wen to come over."

After hearing this, the supervisor was a little embarrassed, but responded respectfully, and then returned to the mansion to look at Sun Wukong and said, "Your Excellency Wu Dexing has arrived, and let you choose a good horse for him."

When Sun Wukong heard it, he said dissatisfiedly: "Everyone is an immortal official of the Heavenly Court, why should I let my old grandson pick a horse for him? He should come to meet me."

"Humph! How dare you, a little Bima Wen, dare to speak madly," Sun Wukong said angrily as soon as Wu Dexingjun's words fell.

"You are Wude Xingjun, everyone is an immortal officer in the heavens, why are you so arrogant?" Sun Wukong got angry when he heard it.

Wu De Xingjun snorted coldly when he heard the words: "This Xingjun is a high-ranking official in the heavenly court, how can you be compared with a low-ranking low-ranking official like you? If you are sensible, go and lead the horse, otherwise treat me. Tell the Jade Emperor that he will never forgive you."

"You said that my old grandson is inferior to others?" Sun Wukong said in disbelief.

When Wu Dexingjun heard it, he snorted coldly and said, "It's natural, otherwise you think you can get a high-ranking official and rich salary with just a demon monkey in your area? It's already a great blessing to let you raise horses for the heaven. How many people think about it? I'm not qualified to go to heaven to raise horses."

Although Wu De Xingjun was telling the truth, how could the arrogant and arrogant Sun Wukong suffer such a blatant insult, and directly picked up the golden hoop and hit Wu De Xingjun with great strength.

When Wu De Xingjun saw it, he first lowered his strength to the peak of Taiyi, and then summoned the immortal sword to block Sun Wukong's attack, but in order to act like a little bit, he still pretended to step back and shouted angrily: "Boldly. Demon monkey, how dare you attack Shangguan!"

Although Sun Wukong was surprised that Xingjun Wu Dexing was fine after being hit by him again, he still said very stubbornly: "My old Sun has cultivated the art of immortality and can turn a somersault for 108,000 miles. Let my old grandson raise horses for you, and I will go to heaven if I don’t wait.”

When the words fell, Sun Wukong turned into a streamer and left the Imperial Horse Prison. He also left Nantianmen and headed for the lower realm. Because the defenders of Nantianmen did not know what happened on the Imperial Horse Prison, and Sun Wukong was still a Celestial Court Immortal. Therefore, he did not block and directly watched Sun Wukong leave.

Wu De Xingjun of Yumajian snorted coldly when he saw this scene, and then directly restored his cultivation from the peak of Taiyi Jinxian to the peak of Da Luo. This is the true strength of Xingjun Wude. I don't know how many times he died.

It's just that the order Wu De Xingjun got was to force him to the lower bounds, so he did not kill the Monkey King. After arranging the affairs of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, Wu De Xingjun returned directly to the Lingxiao Palace. Emperor Shi Yu and others were discussing matters in the hall.

The news that Sun Wukong was forced to go to the realm was immediately known by many great supernatural powers. The Tathagata Buddha of Lingshan was relieved to see this scene. At least Heavenly Court did not take advantage of it and did nothing, and finally forced the monkey to go to Heavenly Court. . "

Seeing this, the Tathagata said directly: "The Venerable Guanyin has now started the plan, and we should make some preparations."

"Follow my Buddha's will," Guanyin standing on the lotus platform respectfully responded.

After the words fell, Guanyin left here, preparing to pave the way for the following things, in order to speed up the progress of Sun Wukong's second anti-sky.

At this time, in the Lingxiao Palace of Heavenly Court, Wu De Xingjun walked into the Lingxiao Palace unhurriedly and said, "Your Majesty Qizao asked Bi Mawen to lead the horse today, who would have thought that Bi Mawen would learn that the official title is small after He even uttered wild words to attack the little god, and now this monster monkey has gone to the lower realm."

A group of immortals were shocked when they heard it, and then they angrily denounced the various rude behaviors of the demon monkeys. Many immortals even asked to send Tianbingtian to bring him to justice, but in the end Haotian suppressed these voices and said nothing. Said: "It's just a monster monkey to the left and right, just let him go."

After hearing Haotian's words, the other immortals didn't say much. After all, in their opinion, even the Jade Emperor didn't care about them, so why are they so anxious? So we started to discuss other things.

If it was just like this, maybe Sun Wukong would still not be so tragic, but unfortunately he couldn't stand his brothers. After hearing that Sun Wukong was sealed a position of Bi Ma Wen, the Bull Demon King and others all held back their laughter and said: He pretended to be angry and said, "What? This Heavenly Court is too much, how can you humiliate you, seventh brother? If I think this Heavenly Court is unfair, we will turn against him."

Peng Demon King and others also nodded after hearing it, and they all thought what the Bull Demon King said was right. One of the old monkeys also said indignantly: "Why don't the kings call themselves a title to strengthen our army."

The Bull Demon King and others all took a meaningful look at the monkey who made the sound, but they didn't say much. Instead, they pretended to be very satisfied. Sun Wukong naturally agreed, and each came up with his own title.

Among them, the Great Bull Demon King is called the Great Sage of Pingtian, the Peng Demon King is called the Great Sage of Huntian, the Macaque King is called the Great Sage of Tongtian, the Demon King of Jiao is called the Great Sage of Covering the Sea, the Lion Camel King is called the Great Sage of Yishan, and the King Yurong is called the Exorcism. The Great Sage, the Monkey King Monkey King, is known as the Great Sage Equalling Heaven and openly raised the banner of the Great Sage Equalling Heaven on the Huaguo Mountain to demonstrate.

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