And Sun Wukong was also shocked. All he could do was a golden cudgel, but because of his strong nature, he was unwilling to admit defeat and directly turned into a clone to fight with Nezha's three heads and six arms. Sun Wukong, who had the advantage of being rich and powerful, threw out one after another of Lingbao to fight, so he was very embarrassed.

Sun Wukong, who was so angry that he was about to explode, directly broke out, and beat back the Lingbao that Nezha had thrown out one by one, and the momentum between the two had approached Daluo. Obviously, both sides now have a feeling of not admitting defeat. They all want to overwhelm each other.

Li Tianwang, who was watching the battle on the cloud, saw that the situation was not right. According to the script, they should have come back after a big defeat, but Nezha seemed to be addicted to fighting and did not have the consciousness to return after a big defeat. His heart was so anxious that he even secretly sent a voice transmission to Nezha to tell him not to forget the plan.

In desperation, Nezha could only reveal a flaw. One was accidentally hit by Sun Wukong in the arm, and then he was defeated by covering his arm. The big and small demon kings below watched Sun Wukong's losing streak and the two generals in the Heavenly Court suddenly boosted their morale. Coming to this heaven is nothing more than that.

Li Tianwang didn't care about this at all, instead he looked at the Monkey King below and said: "Monkey monkeys should not be mad, don't think that if you have some ability, Heavenly Court can't do anything about you, you need to know that Heavenly Court's vast heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are waiting for this king Xiangyu. After the emperor asks for an increase in troops, he will definitely take you down."

Speaking of which, Li Tianwang took the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals back to Heaven, and they didn't have the slightest sense of defeat. In fact, they didn't defeat the battle, but just acted. Otherwise, they could easily win the battle with the lineup just now. The next Monkey King, the ignorant demon monkey.

However, Sun Wukong and the other big and small demon kings didn't care, but they looked proud, and they were more and more disdainful of the heavenly court. In their opinion, the heavenly court only has these two brushes, and these two brushes have been cracked by them, and even Sun Wukong even thought that it was okay for Heavenly Court not to provoke him.

After seeing the bull demon king on the side, he laughed and said with a group of little demons: "Happily, the seventh brother is indeed extraordinary, since this time, since the two generals of the celestial body have been defeated in a row, especially that the third prince of Nezha is the heavenly court. A well-known warrior, he has all been defeated by your seventh brother. It seems that Heavenly Court is really declining now."

Sun Wukong, who was stupefied by the praise of the Bull Demon King, said proudly: "It's natural that my old grandson fights for thousands of miles, and there are seventy-two changes to take out a third prince of Nezha, isn't it easy?"

"If someone really broke out, you should have been taken down with ease," the Bull Demon King couldn't help thinking when he heard Sun Wukong's words.

Of course, this kind of words cannot be said. Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King made a haha ​​and said: "This time, seventh brother, you have greatly frustrated the spirit of the heavenly court. Presumably, the people of heavenly court will no longer underestimate you. It happens that there are some of our brothers. Things have to be done, so I can't stay for long and see you later."

Sun Wukong nodded when he heard it, and then watched the Bull Demon King and others leave Huaguo Mountain, and the heavenly soldiers and generals who were defeated and retreated to the heaven on the other side also returned to the heaven. Therefore, there is no such thing as defeat and retreat.

In the Lingxiao Palace, King Tota Li, who had returned from a great defeat, walked in and said, "Your Majesty's demon monkey is quite capable. Wei Chen urges His Majesty to send more heavenly soldiers to continue to capture the demon monkey."

Taibaijinxing hurriedly said after hearing it: "Your Majesty, please think again, this demon monkey is good, but it is only because he has been wronged that he will resist the heavenly court. According to the old minister, this monkey just wants to be treated fairly, so I gave him one. Great Sage Monkey King, forget it."

Li Tianwang immediately frowned and said: "Although Taibai old man is a kind person, are you being too polite to this demon monkey? If I give him the title of Monkey King today, what will my face in heaven be? Who else will treat me in the future? Heaven in the eyes."

An immortal family belonging to the main battle faction series also stepped forward and said: "Please, Your Majesty, think twice about how I am the heavenly immortal and how can I be in the company of the demon monkey? Wouldn't it make me, the immortals in the heavenly court, to surrender my identity to this demon monkey? peer."

And an immortal family of the Lord Hepai saw it and said the same: "That's a bad statement, Your Majesty has always managed the Three Realms with benevolence, if you kill the demon monkey just because he made some small mistakes, it will not show me. The majesty of the heavenly court will reduce the majesty of my heavenly court, and if I can teach the demon monkey to be good, it will show that my heavenly court is capable."

Seeing that the two immortals were about to quarrel again, Taibaijinxing, who has always been a peacemaker, immediately said: "My colleagues, don't worry about arguing about the old ministers before they have finished speaking. This so-called identity and status are based on strength. Who would look at him with the title of Monkey King? What's more, this title is just an empty title, and there is no need to give him any salary, just find a place to circle him and prevent him from causing trouble."

After hearing this, all the immortals who were still noisy didn't make any noise anymore. At the same time, they all felt good about Taibaijinxing's proposal, but Haotian pretended to consider Taibaijinxing's suggestion and said: "It's so Taibaijinxing, you can do it. Let's go for another trip and bring that demon monkey back to Heaven to give him a Monkey King and let him take care of his temper."

"Old minister obeys the order!" After Taibaijinxing responded, he left Heavenly Court and headed to Huaguo Mountain. As for Haotian, he looked at a group of immortals and said, "Let's not mention about the demon monkeys for the time being, but the Pantao event should not be neglected. , you still have to come up with a charter as soon as possible."

After hearing it, the immortals responded, and then reported other things to Haotian, some of which were related to the Demon Race, and the rest were the development of the four continents and the rebellion of some uneasy factors in various places.

Although the rebellion of the ambitious people in these places was quickly suppressed, it was still necessary to report to Haotian.

On the other side, Taibaijinxing came to Huaguoshan again after suppressing his own strength, but this time he was not treated with courtesy, but was pressed in by a group of monkeys and grandsons. It was ostentatious, but I didn't plan to do anything to the other party.

Therefore, Sun Wukong did not get too angry after seeing Taibaijinxing. After all, this old man is still good in his opinion, but in order to show his dissatisfaction, Sun Wukong said casually: "Why are you looking for me again, old man? If not, do you still want me to raise horses for you?"

PS, readers greatly feel whether to write a lotus lantern plot.

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