Taibaijinxing, who knew Sun Wukong's dissatisfaction, smiled and said: "Your Majesty misunderstood, it was not the Jade Emperor's original intention to send troops to attack the Heavenly Court before, but the reason why the immortal family of the Heavenly Court's main war faction offered slander to the Jade Emperor, now Li The Heavenly King was defeated and returned to the main battle faction. The immortal family was suppressed by the Lord He faction. Therefore, the Jade Emperor also agreed with the Lord He faction and granted you the title of the Great Sage of Equaling Heaven. The little old man came this time to invite the great king to become an official again. Yes, even the Jade Emperor has asked someone to build a Monkey King's Mansion for you, with the Second Division of Purity and Concentration inside."

Hearing Taibaijinxing's words, Sun Wukong immediately smiled and said, "I knew that the Jade Emperor was so sensible and reasonable, I should have been merciful in the first place. What are you waiting for and not take me to the newly established Monkey King's Mansion to see."

Taibaijinxing said with a smile: "Before this, the Great Sage needs to go to Lingxiao Palace with me to thank His Majesty for the grace."

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong nodded. After all, he is not the kind of unreasonable person. If others treat him well, he will naturally respect others. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong and Taibaijinxing came to Nantianmen, the important place of heaven.

After a series of inspections, the two came to the place where the heavenly court discussed matters again, which is also the most glorious place in Lingxiao Palace, and here the heavenly court immortals are still discussing with Haotian, but after seeing Taibaijinxing and Sun Wukong They all stopped what they were doing.

Looking at Sun Wukong below, Haotian put one hand on the armrest and said: "Sun Wukong, I will no longer pursue your previous faults, and now I have decided to confer you the title of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, but there are officials and no money. Entering the post of immortal, but you don’t need to participate in the court meeting, you only need to put on a name, even so, you are now a top official, and you must not do anything wrong.”

"My old grandson is grateful for His Majesty's grace!" After Sun Wukong said anxiously, he couldn't wait to let Taibaijinxing take him to the Great Holy Mansion of Qitian, and Taibaijinxing did not delay in Haotian's acquiescence and sent Sun Wukong He took it to the Monkey King's Mansion, and then left here and returned to Lingxiao Hall after asking him for a while.

However, how could the lively Sun Wukong stay in the Monkey King's Mansion? After staying for a few days, he began to wander around, and from time to time, he made friends with the immortals in the sky. Whether it was the twenty-eight stars, twelve yuan Chenyi, or Jiuyi Xingjun Wufang Jiedi, he found him. What's more, even the five emperors, five old and four imperial emperors have been visited by the lawless Sun Wukong.

Looking at the lively and active Sun Wukong, whether it is the Five Elders of the Five Parties or the Great Emperor of the Four Emperors, they all sigh in their hearts. This monkey's heart is not bad, but it is a pity that it is destined to be a Buddhist chess piece and cannot be changed, and if Sun Wukong is just like this, he can still go on at ease, I'm afraid I am afraid that those people in Buddhism will not be able to bear it.

And the fact is exactly the same. The Buddhist side has already sent Guanyin to the heaven to inquire about the situation, but on the other side, Nezha and Sun Wukong are not acquainted with each other, but they have established a good friendship.

I saw that Nezha came directly to the Monkey King's Mansion on this day, and encouraged Sun Wukong to bring two heavenly horses. Then the two started a horse racing competition, flying around in the heaven all the way, although many people watched. When it came to this scene, they didn't care much, no matter how crazy they were, it wouldn't stop them.

However, the two may have gone crazy, and even some places not far from Lingxiao Palace are on their route.

In the corridor, Li Tianwang and Taibai happened to meet, and Taibaijinxing looked at Li Tianwang and said with a smile: "I don't know where Tianwang is going?"

After hearing this, Li Tianwang said quickly: "It turned out to be Taibai Shangxian, and I was going to the Jade Emperor to report the reorganization of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals."

Taibaijinxing responded and didn't ask any more questions. Although Li Tianwang's cultivation was only at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, he was second to none in the entire heaven in terms of leading the army to fight. Now he is the commander of the Nantianmen Legion. Therefore, reporting to the Jade Emperor on the work of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals is completely normal.

Just when the two of them wanted to continue talking, Sun Wukong and Nezha's Tianma suddenly galloped past, and the speed was so fast that Taibaijinxing, who had no external spiritual sense, was a little caught off guard, and Li Tianwang not to mention directly. Angrily said: "Whose furry child is this riding around on a Pegasus."

Nezha, who was riding the Pegasus, obviously heard his father's words, so he hurriedly rode the Pegasus to hide in the clouds, but it was obviously impossible to hide from Taibaijinxing.

I saw Taibaijinxing directly out of his own consciousness and then said with a strange expression: "One of the kings is the monkey, and the other seems to be your son, the third prince of Nezha."

Li Tianwang looked embarrassed when he heard it, so he walked towards Lingxiao Palace after hurriedly saying a few words, because today was really embarrassing. His own son made him feel so bad! When Taibaijinxing saw this scene, he didn't say anything but left directly.

On the other side, Nezha was very embarrassed to know that he had been arrested. He didn't even feel in the horse racing mood. He left here after apologizing. .

Once or twice, it’s okay. Over time, some immortals can’t bear Sun Wukong’s idleness, especially Sun Wukong is very fond of making trouble. Not to mention the four great heavenly masters who have nothing to do with playing chess are all disturbed by Sun Wukong and have no interest at all. , So after the discussion, the Four Heavenly Masters decided to go to the Jade Emperor to sue the monkey, and even if it didn't help, he would find something to do for the monkey.

Just as they were discussing this, the Eight Treasures Luanyu that Haotian was riding in suddenly flashed past, and Haotian, who was sitting in it, confirmed that he was going to Yaochi Fairyland to relax. .

Looking at Haotian sitting on the Eight Treasures Luan Yu, Zhang Tianshi, the leader, said directly: "Your Majesty, this monkey is too active, although he is destined to go to heaven, but if it goes on like this, heaven will be before he goes to heaven. It's been messed up."

Ge Tianshi also said: "Yes, Your Majesty, I have a lot of things here, but I was dragged by this monkey and wasted a lot of time. In my opinion, I should find something to do for him and then find a chance to force him. Go to heaven."

The other two celestial masters also nodded their heads. After all, if you don't do anything for this monkey, Heavenly Court will really be disturbed by this monkey. Hearing the complaints of the four celestial masters, Haotian couldn't help but smile bitterly, because he didn't expect this monkey. To be able to toss the original book so much has never happened before? Could it be because of the reason that he passed through?

Thinking of this, Haotian pondered for a while, and then said, "So let him take care of Pantao Garden. I don't believe that a monkey can endure Pantao's temptation."

"I'll follow the will!" The four celestial masters responded after hearing it and then withdrew. After all, this idea is really good, just to see if the monkey can stand the temptation.

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