Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 194: Stealing Peach and Stealing Dan

Angered Sun Wukong knew that he had been tricked by the old Jade Emperor again. The front was raising horses and the back was watching peach. It was really tolerable and unbearable. Thinking of this, he directly used a self-immobilization technique to deliberately guard against the seven. The princess was all immobilized, and then she took away all the peach trees from the surrounding peach trees, and then angrily left the peach garden and rushed to the Yaochi fairyland.

However, how could Sun Wukong think that the seven princesses would be released after his forefoot left, and then Pan Taoyuan land also appeared here and looked at the princesses and said: "Well, how many of the demon monkeys have left. Princess, hurry up and pick peaches."

The seven princesses responded after hearing it, and then began to pick peaches, because they knew that this little old man was only a land, but his cultivation was a real quasi-sacred realm that was worthy of their respect.

On the other side, Sun Wukong, who was furious, encountered the Barefoot Great Immortal. Speaking of which, the Barefoot Great Immortal is also a loose cultivator. He did not dare to be slighted when he received the invitation to the Pantao event. After preparing the gifts, he was ready to rush to Yaochi. Wonderland, but was stopped by Sun Wukong on the way.

I saw Sun Wukong smiled and said: "It turns out to be a barefoot fairy, don't know where to go?"

The Barefoot Great Immortal said immediately after hearing this: "It turns out to be the Great Sage! I was invited to attend the Peach Festival this time, why didn't you receive the invitation, Great Sage?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said: "Of course my old grandson has also received the invitation, but the Jade Emperor has tight hands and asked my old grandson to run errands for him, let me inform you that the venue of this event is not in Yaochi, but in Tongming. temple."

The Barefoot Daxian said incomprehensibly: "How can it be the Tongming Hall? Usually, we perform the ceremony in the Tongming Hall and then go to participate in the Yaochi event."

Hearing that, Sun Wukong snorted and said, "I don't know about this old grandson. Maybe the Jade Emperor changed his mind temporarily. Go ahead."

The Barefoot Great Immortal nodded and said: "There are some truths, so there are more Great Saints to remind."

When the words fell, the barefooted immortal rushed to the Tongming Hall, and Sun Wukong then fooled some other immortals all the way to the Tongming Hall, and then dressed up as a barefooted immortal to the Yaochi Fairyland, and the immortal officials in the Yaochi Fairyland began to spoil these delicacies.

I have to say that Sun Wukong is extremely wasteful. Many fairy fruits are thrown away after taking a bite. You must know that these are all spiritual fruits that are picked from the innate spiritual roots, but they were discarded by Sun Wukong so wastefully. As for those fairy fruits The wine and wine are sprinkled everywhere by the tossing of Sun Wukong.

After a while, the entire Yaochi Wonderland had to be smoky and embarrassed by him. After eating and drinking, Sun Wukong was also a complete mess, but he still did not forget to take some melons and fruits and immortal wine with him. It is not very useful, but it is still very useful for children in Huaguoshan.

It's a pity that he lost his way and came to Lao Jun's Tusita Palace under various calculations, which surprised Sun Wukong because he rarely saw this old man, so he planned to go in and visit.

Unfortunately, what puzzled him was that there was no one in the entire Tusita Palace. It turned out that Taishang Laojun and others had already left the Tusita Palace. In desperation, Sun Wukong could only come in and wander around, but he happened to see the floating in the air. The five gourd golden pills, and it is written on the nine-turn golden pill.

Although Sun Wukong is not deep in the world, he also knows that the Jiuzhuan Jindan is very precious. As for how precious it is, he does not know, so he swallowed all the five gourd Jindan into his stomach without thinking, but how does he know These are not the so-called Rank 9 golden pills at all. The real Rank 9 golden pills have long been taken away by Lao Jun. There are only some Rank 7 and Rank 8 pills. Of course, there are also two Rank 9 golden pills among them. In order to enhance the strength of Sun Wukong.

Otherwise, with this strength, even if the immortals in the heavens release water, they can suppress him, and after eating these medicinal herbs, Sun Wukong's strength has risen to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the quasi-sage, but it is obvious that this is true. It is simply impossible, or at least it is completely useless for Sun Wukong during this period of time.

At the same time, while devouring these medicinal pills, one of the sobering pills woke up the drunk Sun Wukong, because he knew that he had caused a big disaster.

I saw that Sun Wukong was shocked and said in a cold sweat: "It's not good that my old grandson has caused a big disaster. If the Jade Emperor finds out, he will definitely be attacked by the heavenly soldiers. Let's leave here first."

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong turned into a streamer and left the Heavenly Court. Since most of the people in Heavenly Court went to attend the grand event, they did not notice Sun Wukong's departure. At this time, the purpose of Sun Wukong was very simple to escape back to Huaguo Mountain. Several brothers called for help to fight the heaven together.

However, how did he know that those brothers would not come to help him at all. The reason is very simple. Heavenly Court is not something they can offend at all. In addition, the constraints of the forces behind them will naturally fail, so Sun Wukong is destined to fight alone.

Of course, it can't really be said that Sun Wukong is fighting alone. At least the 72-hole demon king who has done many evils firmly supports Sun Wukong, because they know that the heaven will not let them go, so they can only bite the bullet and follow Sun Wukong to the dark Maybe they can still win a chance, but how do they know that this is simply impossible.

Not to mention that Sun Wukong fled to Huaguo Mountain, at this time, an immortal family in Lingxiao Palace stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty Qitian, the great sage, Sun Wukong, suddenly left the heavenly court and went to the lower world without guarding the deacon."

As soon as his words fell, the land of Pantaoyuan came to report: "His Majesty, Monkey King, Monkey King, stole a lot of Pantaoyuan, and was rude to the seven princesses. He has now escaped to the lower realm."

Haotian said displeasedly when he heard the words: "How unreasonable! He wants to give him the title of Great Sage Equalling Heaven, isn't he enough? Now he even dares to steal the heavenly peaches to scare the princess! Look! I have come to appease the rape."

Yaochi on the side heard it and persuaded: "Your Majesty put out his anger, after all, there is no one to train this monkey before, so it is inevitable that there are no rules, and it's just a few peaches, so there will be no more, there are still a lot of stocks in this palace, which can still be held. A peach event."

After hearing this, Haotian nodded and didn't say anything, but at this moment another immortal official came over and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know who went to Yaochi Fairyland to steal the Eight Treasures and Hundreds of Flavors, and even the whole The Yaochi Wonderland is a mess."

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