Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 195: Bingwei Huaguo Mountain

This time, all the immortals in the heavenly court were even more shocked. Why did the bad luck happen one after another recently, but this is not the end of the barefooted great immortal, who came over and complained: "Your Majesty, Xiaoxian and others were sent by that demon monkey foolishly. The Tongming Hall is waiting for Your Majesty, I waited there for a long time, but found that Your Majesty did not hold a grand meeting in the Tongming Hall at all, this is all the monkey deliberately spread the will, and asked Your Majesty to decide for me."

As soon as the barefoot fairy finished speaking, Fu Lu Shou Sanxing suddenly realized: "It turns out that it was the monster monkey who made trouble. No wonder Yaochi Wonderland is already full of people at this time, but now there are only a few of us here. That demon monkey is playing tricks."

Not to mention the three-star complaint of Fu, Lu, and Shou, the Taishang Laojun, who was wearing a gossip robe, also said: "I have played to your majesty.

"Who the **** did this? Come and see, the picket," Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, asked pretending to be puzzled.

As Haotian's words fell, the entangled spirit officer immediately came over the clouds and said: "Your Majesty, the little **** is returning from a tour of the heavenly court. Those who found stealing peaches, pills, and disturbing the Yaochi event are all Monkey King, the great sage of Qitian. ."

Hearing the words, Taishang Laojun pretended to be curious and said: "So, the five-gourd nine-turn golden elixir refined by Pindao was also stolen by that demon monkey."

When the picket officer heard it, he cupped his hands and said, "That's exactly what Lao Jun is doing. It's all the work of that monster monkey who made a lot of trouble in the Taoyuan Garden, disturbed the Jade Pool, and stole the Tusui Palace."

Taishang Laojun said with emotion: "So this monster monkey has some ability. After all, my 33rd Heaven Dousi Palace is not an ordinary immortal that can go up."

Yao Chi, who was sitting in the first place, said helplessly: "This monkey is so stubborn, how should I train it?"

Li Jing on the side suddenly came out and said, "Your Majesty's majesty's majesty, that demon monkey refuses to obey the discipline and ignores God's grace, and now it is an unforgivable crime to disturb the grand event. Wei Chen is not willing to lead the army again and bring that demon monkey to justice."

When Taibaijinxing was about to say something, he was interrupted by Wen Zhong, who was also the main battle: "Taibai Shangxian should not intercede for that demon monkey again. Haven't you seen the essence of this demon monkey?"

After hearing this, Taibaijinxing shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Everyone really misunderstood the old man. The old man wants to say that this monster monkey is so ignorant, so he should indeed send troops to fight, in order to show the majesty and military power of my heavenly court."

Seeing that Taibai and others had unified their opinions, Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, immediately said: "That's the case, then Li Tianwang you will be the commander, and the great **** of the Santan Haihui Nezha will be the deputy commander. You two will lead the four kings. Twenty-eight constellations, twelve Yuanchen, nine luminary stars, five directions, four meritorious officials, five mountains and four sects, east and west stars, two north and south gods, universal stars and 100,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and 18 heaven and earth nets , go to Huaguo Mountain to besiege, and capture the demon monkey and deal with it."

Speaking of that, Haotian threw a token to Li Jing, and this token was the military order required by the Heavenly Court Xianjia, who had registered before, and the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals. With this token, Li Jing directly ordered all his The immortal family, the soldiers, and the five celestial ships left Nantianmen to Huaguo Mountain in a mighty manner.

After Li Jing and others left, Haotian asked people to re-prepare the banquet, and placed the banquet in Lingxiao Hall, and the invited immortals and Buddhists also sat down. After all were seated, Haotian sacrificed the Haotian Mirror to turn it into a large golden mirror, and a picture appeared.

And this picture shows Huaguo Mountain. In the picture, Li Tianwang and others have reached the sky above Huaguo Mountain. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are standing neatly on the huge skyship, and they can rush over with just one order. The dense figures even blocked the sunlight shining on Huaguo Mountain, and this phenomenon also attracted the attention of many people.

Because if such a lineup breaks out with all its strength, don’t say one Monkey King, even ten Monkey Kings have to get down. However, under Haotian’s order, they all lowered their cultivation levels, in order to fear that they would not be serious, and in the On the other side, at the bottom of Huaguo Mountain, Monkey Monkey Sun led by Sun Wukong, and Qierdong Demon King are also lined up, ready to deal with the attack from heaven.

However, before these people were ready, the sound of the war drums on the side of the Heavenly Court had already sounded, and Li Tianwang, who was holding the Linglong Pagoda, said directly: "Jiuyi Xingjun listened to the order, and you will go ahead as a pioneer to capture the demon monkey."

"Got the order!" Jiuyi Xingjun responded and rushed down with the immortal sword in hand.

Looking at Jiuyi Xingjun who took the lead in the fight, Sun Wukong roared, holding a golden cudgel and fighting against Jiuyi Xingjun. At the same time, the heavenly court also began to lower the net of heaven and earth, encircling the entire Huaguo Mountain tightly.

If it is changed to normal, any of the nine stars can fight against Sun Wukong. After all, although Sun Wukong has eaten a lot of elixir, there are only two of them. , and each of Jiuyi Xingjun is the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and he is not afraid of Sun Wukong, who has been promoted by medicine pills. However, even if the nine of them join forces, they will definitely not be Sun Wukong's opponents.

For all this, Sun Wukong did not notice, but he fought with Jiuyi Xingjun vigorously. At this time, in the place where the two sides were fighting, each of Jiuyi Xingjun held an immortal sword and attacked Sun Wukong from nine directions. However, Sun Wukong also attacked Sun Wukong. I was divided into nine, and the nine luminary stars who fought were retreating, and several of them were in danger of being beaten.

In this case, Jiuyi Xingjun could only deliberately lose the battle and withdraw to the sky. Among them, Jin Yaoxing looked at Li Tianwang and clasped his fists and said: "The demon monkey of Tianwang is really powerful.

Li Jing didn't get angry after hearing this, but after giving a faint hum, he continued to dispatch troops. Soon Twenty-eight Stars, Wufang Jiedi, Twelve Yuanchen and others went out to fight against Sun Wukong. However, it was obvious that, These people, whose combat power is much weaker than Jiuyi Xingjun, are also not the opponents of Sun Wukong.

Among them, the Wufang Jieti loses the fastest. This is not because they are Buddhist people now, because the current Wufang Jieti is a pure heavenly person, so they can only be mobilized by the heavenly court, and Buddhism cannot mobilize them.

The reason why he lost so fast was also because his own strength was not good. After suppressing the realm, he was only in the early stage of Taiyi, and naturally he was not the opponent of Sun Wukong at the peak of Da Luo.

In contrast, the twenty-eight constellations are much better. Directly use the constellation array, trap Sun Wukong in it for a short time, and use the power of the stars to turn into spears to stab at Sun Wukong. It is possible that ordinary quasi-sage powerhouses will hate it, but the weakened version will naturally not have such power.

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