Therefore, Sun Wukong directly turned into dozens of golden hoops to smash the entire array into pieces. Of course, this is also related to the deliberate release of water by the twenty-eight stars, otherwise, one Sun Wukong is simply not qualified.

After the Twenty-Eight Constellation was defeated, Twelve Yuanchen followed suit and launched the Zodiac Formation, and the power of this big formation was not weaker than that of the Constellation Formation. It also caused Sun Wukong to suffer a lot, but soon When Sun Wukong found a weakness and directly blew it up, the embarrassed Twelve Yuanchen had no choice but to withdraw into the Heavenly Court army.

In the army, Li Jing finally decided not to use the oil-filling tactic. Instead, he ordered the third prince of Nezha, the four meritorious cadres, the five mountains and the four ditches, the east and west stars, the two gods of the north and the south, the four kings, and the stars of Putian to stay. All of them went out to fight, and even if they deliberately released water, they were on par with Sun Wukong.

Twenty-eight stars, Twelve Yuanchen, Jiuyi Xingjun, Wufang Jiedi and others who had been defeated before also regrouped and began to fight with the 72-hole demon king. The demon king was defeated steadily, which made Sun Wukong see in his eyes and anxious in his heart.

Although there are quite a few demon kings in the Qierdong Cave, the average cultivation level is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal. The Taiyi Golden Immortal that has been in battle for the Twenty-Eight Stars, Twelve Yuanchen, and Wufang Jiedi is not at all. Opponents, not to mention that each of these people has an innate spiritual treasure, which has an absolute advantage.

Under the attack of these people, the demon king of the seventy-two caves can be described as dead and wounded. Sun Wukong is anxious in his eyes. He tried to help several times, but he was entangled by other immortals and couldn't escape.

What's even worse is that the 100,000 soldiers of the heavenly generals rushed down from the sky. Although these demon kings had hundreds of thousands of troops, they were not the opponents of the elite generals.

In particular, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals cooperated with each other, and they used their familiar battle formations to minimize their own losses and maximize the enemy's losses. However, for those monkeys and monkeys who did not harm the innocent, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were only wounded but not killed. , but for those subordinates of the demon king who have done a lot of evil, naturally they will not be merciful and they will kill them all. For a while, the surrounding area of ​​Huaguo Mountain is dyed red with blood.

And some great magicians and some monks have focused their attention here, and some monks who don't know the truth of the matter are even more disdainful of Heavenly Court. , is nothing more than relying on the Lingbao in his hand to be better. Other than that, it is no big deal.

However, what they didn't expect was that in the near future, some monks who dared to challenge the Heavenly Court would tell them what is truly powerful at the price of death. Later, these newly-born cultivators realized that Heavenly Court was just playing around with this monster monkey. Just playing monkeys.

Just when many people were focusing on the battle situation in Huaguo Mountain, the reorganized Yaochi Fairyland in Heavenly Court was also filled with immortal music. Fairy Chang'e, who was called Fairy Chang'e, and Hou Yi, who was not far away, was fascinated by it.

In addition, various congenital spirit fruits such as pan peach, ginseng fruit, yellow and middle plum, etc. have also been brought up one after another. In addition to this, there are also a variety of delicious delicacy that has been prepared for a long time, and even some mortal delicacies have also been served. When it was served, some monks who had never tasted mortal food were even more praised.

But there were also many people who focused their attention on the battle situation in Huaguo Mountain. Seeing that the immortals in the heavenly court were unable to take down Sun Wukong, Guanyin, who was not far away, got up and said, "Amitabha Buddha, this demonic monkey, is really capable. , it is excusable that the immortals in the heavenly court can't take it down for a long time, it seems that the poor monk should send another person to capture the demon monkey."

Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, said indifferently, "Then who do you think should be dispatched to capture this ignorant demon monkey?"

When Guanyin heard it, he immediately said: "If it is your Majesty's nephew in terms of ability, Guanjiangkou Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian can take the post."

Haotian nodded. In fact, this was an act of Guanyin to please him. After all, he also had the idea to give Yang Jian a military exploit, and then transfer him to the sky to serve as a judicial god.

Thinking of this, Haotian said directly: "The patrolling officer, you immediately ask Erlang Guanjiangkou to order the troops and horses to capture the demon monkey."

After the patrolling officer heard it, he responded, and then turned into a streamer and disappeared in Yaochi Wonderland. After the patrolling officer left, Haotian and Laojun and others discussed each other again, completely ignoring the situation of Huaguoshan below. The war, after all, this is just a successful monkey trick.

Just when the Yaochi Wonderland was peaceful, Li Jing's face was a little ugly after seeing that he couldn't win Sun Wukong for a long time. Although everyone suppressed his cultivation, it wouldn't be like this, right? Just when he was about to use Tianluodiwang, he received a secret letter that the Jade Emperor had already prepared to transfer the **** of Erlang, Yang Jian.

The matured Li Jing naturally knew that the Jade Emperor wanted to give Yang Jian a chance to make a contribution, and he would not spoil the Jade Emperor's good deeds, so he directly ordered the weakened version of the Tianluodi net to capture the demon monkey.

I saw that the 18 weakened Tianluodi nets quickly shrouded like Sun Wukong who was fighting with the immortals. Sun Wukong, who saw this scene, directly used his golden hoops to stir up the 18 Tianluodi nets. A slight disdain for this Heavenly Court Civilization's Heavenly Nets is nothing powerful.

However, how did he know that these heaven and earth nets were weakened at all. If the real eighteen heaven and earth nets were put together, it would be enough for any powerhouse under the quasi-sage to be caught by the net, even if the quasi-sage powerhouse wanted to break it. Take some effort.

Looking at the shattered Tianluodi net, Li Jing pretended to be surprised and said, "This monster monkey has such a skill, all the immortals will come and take it down quickly."

The immortals who were fighting with Sun Wukong at first responded after hearing it, and then accelerated the strength of the attack in their hands. Now Sun Wukong also felt a little tired, and even regretted that he should not provoke the heaven so early, but since it has been done, there is no Regret Medicine So he continued to fight with these Heavenly Court Immortal Clan.

On the other side, the patrolling officer also came to the Guanjiangkou where Erlangshen and others were, and saw the six brothers of Meishan there. What's the matter? I want to report to the second master and let him take the lead."

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