Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 206: Sun Wukong's shock

Hearing Zhao Gongming's words, Sun Wukong nodded, and suddenly he seemed to think of something and then asked: "There is one more thing I want to know, Zhenjun, what is the cultivation base of the Jade Emperor?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gongming let out a wry smile, he knew that the monkey would definitely ask this question, he thought for a while and said, "I can only tell you that the Jade Emperor's cultivation has reached the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is equivalent to a saint. I don't know which step to take, but it has reached the point of immortality and immortality."

Zhao Gongming did not lie in this sentence. Although Haotianzheng was in the position of Jinxian of Hunyuan Daluo, not the saint of Heavenly Dao, but because it is bound to Heavenly Court's luck, plus the protection of Buzhou Mountain has made great achievements in transforming the prehistoric spiritual energy, etc. Thanks to his credit, no one dared to kill him in the entire flood. Even Tiandao could not do this, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Haotian is immortal.

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Hearing Zhao Gongming's words, Sun Wukong was stunned. He didn't expect that the Jade Emperor he was going to oust was so powerful. Although he knew the Jade Emperor's power when Taoshan was suppressed, He thought that even if he was strong, he would have a chance to surpass it, but now he doesn't think so at all.

Because of immortality and immortality, even his teacher Bodhi Patriarch once admitted that he couldn't do it, but the Jade Emperor could do it, wouldn't he be stronger than his teacher? Thinking of this, Sun Wukong laughed at himself, but he still wanted to drive the Jade Emperor down. If he had a bad temper, he would not be suppressed but wiped out.

From this moment on, Sun Wukong can no longer hate the Jade Emperor. If a person's strength is only a little more than you, you have the right to hate him, but if his strength has completely crushed you, you can't see the end. If you do, then you won't be able to hate it anymore, all you can do is look up.

And now Sun Wukong's attitude towards the Jade Emperor is also the same, because the gap between him and the Jade Emperor can be described as a gulf, and even in some respects, no matter how hard he tries, I am afraid there is no way to surpass the Jade Emperor. Now, let alone surpassing the Jade Emperor, even the True Monarch Xuantan in front of him may not have the confidence to surpass him.

Looking at the appearance of Sun Wukong, Zhao Gongming knew that Sun Wukong had been hit. He originally planned to tell him that the havoc in the Tiangong was just a farce, but thinking about the appearance of Sun Wukong, if he really told him, maybe Sun Wukong really If he doubts his life, he will never recover, and then he will be free from it.

So after thinking about it, Zhao Gongming still didn't tell the truth in his heart, but even he didn't know, even if he didn't say Sun Wukong's heart, he had also fallen into self-doubt.

From Sun Wukong's point of view, his behavior of making trouble in the Heavenly Palace was too stupid. When he was fighting against those Heavenly Court Immortal Clan, he didn't feel it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that these people seemed to be keeping their hands on purpose. There's no intention of trying at all.

Once you wait for yourself to be ruthless, the other party will pretend to be defeated. At first, he thought that these Celestial Court Immortals were frightened, but now it seems that this is not the case. These Celestial Court Immortals may not be so simple, but in his I am still not sure in my heart, or there is still a trace of luck in my heart.

In the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling and unwilling to admit that those who have been defeated by him are deliberately keeping his hands, but what Sun Wukong does not know is that some things are not for him to admit. You can find out that many things are not as simple as he thought.

Without mentioning the thoughts in Sun Wukong's mind, Zhao Gongming on the side looked at the silent Sun Wukong and couldn't help but sigh, because he found that Sun Wukong's cultivation has been slowly decreasing, and now there is only the late Da Luo cultivation, it is estimated that he will wait for him to regain it. When he was free, even the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian could not be preserved.

However, he also understands the Jade Emperor's approach. If Sun Wukong still retains the cultivation of Daluo's peak, then the monsters on the road of learning may not be his opponents at all, and even relying on powerful innate spiritual treasures may not be of great use. Therefore, his cultivation base must be suppressed first.

What's more, this is not a bad thing. Sun Wukong's cultivation has improved too fast, and even the foundation has not been stabilized. Although this method of improvement is refreshing for a while, the price is that the foundation is unstable. Hopeless, that is to say, if Sun Wukong's cultivation is not suppressed, then Sun Wukong will be hovering at the peak of Da Luo in this life.

In contrast, repressing Sun Wukong's cultivation can allow Sun Wukong to sharpen himself in the process of learning from scriptures, grow and cultivate slowly from the battle, and then rely on merit to hope to break through the quasi-sage in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gongming shook his head helplessly, and then took out some 3,000-year-old, 6,000-year-old and 9,000-year-old peaches to give to Sun Wukong, who was pressed under the peach mountain: "I didn't bring anything good this time. , give these peaches to the Great Sage."

Hearing Zhao Gongming's words, Sun Wukong blushed and said embarrassedly: "Then my old grandson will thank the true monarch, and the true monarch does not need to call me the great sage. This title is also an irony to me. ."

After hearing this, Zhao Gongming laughed and said, "I dare not. Although the Jade Emperor suppressed you in Taoshan, the title of Monkey King has not been taken away, which means that this title is still useful to you. When the gods from all walks of life see you, whether you are stronger or weaker than you, they will call you a great saint, even if you are a poor man."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was stunned. He didn't expect the Jade Emperor's influence to be so deep. It was just a title bestowed on him, and it didn't make people dare to violate the rules. He also thought of the respectful and respectful person next to the Jade Emperor. Tathagata Buddha, Sun Wukong felt the unfathomable Jade Emperor more and more.

At the same time, he is also very puzzled. What is the purpose of the Jade Emperor not only did not kill him, but also retained the title of the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, for the person who once made trouble in the Heavenly Palace? Sun Wukong would not foolishly think that the Jade Emperor was humiliating himself. If he hadn't heard Zhao Gongming's words, he might have thought so, but after knowing the strength of the Jade Emperor, he never thought of it again.

After all, a person with such a powerful strength can't make trouble with him, and there is no need to humiliate himself with a title, because this is simply not worth it if his identity is eliminated.

However, just when he was thinking about this, Zhao Gongming had already left Xue Er with him. Sun Wukong was helpless when he saw this, and then he started to eat these peaches slowly.

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