Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 207: Break through the infinite holy shock

Just as Sun Wukong was eating the peach in silence, a powerful aura suddenly erupted in Taiwei Yuqing Palace, and then he saw the law of thousands of avenues coming to congratulate Honghuang. Some people who were on the verge of death also recovered.

Among them, the Heavenly Court, which is the most cared for, has many powerhouses who have directly broken through to the quasi-sage. At the same time, the Golden Dragon of Heavenly Court has also broken through from the original millions of feet to ten million feet. These changes are made by the Six Saints of the Great Desolation. I was shocked, to know that even the most fortunate human sect today is only a million zhang golden dragons, and the sect that lost the most is only a few hundred thousand zhang. About Zhang Zhang is only a fraction of the Heavenly Court.

However, this is not the end. As the aura gradually diminishes, the Jade Emperor, who is a good corpse, is also blessed by the remaining Dao Law, and has broken through to the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one breath. It is not just the Jade Emperor in the underworld. It also broke through to the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo, and Lin Hao, who was stationed in Penglai Xiandao, took a step forward and reached the middle stage.

As Haotian's wife, Yaochi also broke through to the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo, and this is the various visions and blessings produced by the Dao Law after Haotian broke through to Hunyuan Wuji. At the same time, Haotian also changed from Taiwei Yuqing Palace came out.

After Haotian appeared, congratulations rang out from the whole heaven and even in the prehistoric times. At the same time, the Falun of the Heavenly Dao also appeared in the prehistoric times, and announced in front of the prehistoric beings: "From now on, the prehistoric order will be changed to one emperor and six saints. , Haotian, the Lord of Heaven, shall be the Holy Emperor of the Great Desolation."

Hearing Tiandao's words, no matter whether he likes it or not, the Six Saints of the Wilderness know that it cannot be changed. As for Haotian, he has some experience, but soon he understands the calculation of Tiandao. Power, this can be regarded as pulling yourself into the prehistoric camp in advance, so if there is an invasion of foreign enemies, you will be embarrassed to stand by.

However, Haotian really wanted to say that Tiandao thought too much. He was born in Honghuang and developed Heavenly Court to its peak state in Honghuang. Naturally, he would not sit by and watch Honghuang be invaded by outsiders, but he did not refuse to win Tiandao.

After all, after breaking through to the realm of Promise, he finally understood how powerful Promise is. Hunyuan Promise Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are completely two realms. Perhaps a few powerhouses at the peak of Hunyuan Daluo can join forces to fight against chaos. Yuan Wuji, but it is only a competition, and it is impossible to defeat it.

Because Hunyuan Wuji has the biggest advantage, that is, you can entrust your own primordial spirit on the Dao, and unlike the heavenly saints who entrust their primordial spirit in the heavenly way, they are also subject to the heavenly way. Inside the Dao, this kind of thing does not happen, as long as you don't want to destroy Chaos, Dao will not interfere.

It is also for this reason that the Primordial Promise Luo Jinxian, who entrusted the Yuanshen to the Great Dao, can be said to be immortal in the true sense. After all, the saints of the Heavenly Dao can only be immortal in the wild, but the Primordial Promise Luo Jinxian is immortal. Not only in the Great Desolation, but also immortal in chaos.

For example, the great **** Pangu, although it is said that he fell from the sky, but in fact he just abandoned the body. The real main spirit has already merged with the avenue to become a part of the avenue, and it can also be said to be one of the spirits of the avenue.

However, the Primordial Profound Supreme Luo Jinxian is not really without rivals, because there is also the Primordial Supreme Luo Jinxian on top of it. At this level, you can have an equal dialogue with the Dao. Although the strength is not as good as the Dao, the Dao cannot force the other party to do it. What, if such a powerhouse takes action, then the Primordial Spirit of Primordial Promise will be stripped from the Dao and will naturally fall by then.

As for whether there is such a strong person in the chaos, Haotian can't guarantee, but according to his estimation, the great **** Pangu should have reached this state, and he is not very clear about the others.

Just when Haotian was thinking about this, Yaochi and Nuwa arrived here one after another. After seeing Haotian, the two women couldn't help but said in unison: "Husband, congratulations on your successful breakthrough."

After hearing this, Haotian smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, I finally made a breakthrough. I can spend some time with you, but when the Journey to the West begins, I may go out for a while."

"Where else are you going, husband?" Nuwa, who was beside her, was puzzled after hearing this.

Haotian chuckled lightly when he heard the words: "Maybe go to Chaos, because maybe I can break through faster there, but don't worry, I won't stay there forever, I will definitely return before the end of Journey to the West. "

Yaochi and Nuwa nodded when they heard it, and Haotian also took the two girls directly to Yaochi, ready to accompany them there for a while, but at this moment, Haotian seemed to feel something? Then **** swiped slightly in the sky, and immediately covered up a piece of heavenly mystery.

And this piece of secret is naturally the information that Zhao Gongming entered Taoshan. As for what Zhao Gongming said in Taoshan, he is also clear, but that information can be found if the saint wants to check it, so now he actually feels natural I don't mind helping the little fellow.

After doing all this, Haotian began to let people open the treasure house to reward the many immortals in the heaven, and at the same time distributed all the treasures of heaven and earth, innate and acquired spirit fruits, and some that performed well even more Got the congenital treasure.

This has made many people excited, and at the same time, the drive in their hearts has become larger and larger. With the efforts of these people, the development of the entire heaven has become orderly and stable. This is Heavenly Court's first large-scale opening of Star Tide to celebrate Haotian's breakthrough.

As soon as the Star Tide was opened, the whole prehistoric area was constantly bursting with the breath of breakthrough. Whether it was the Human Race, the Witch Race, the Monster Race, or the three ancient races and other races, there were a lot of powerhouses under the cover of the Star Tide. .

For a while, Haotian's prestige rose to a new level invisibly, and it was second only to the preaching of all races in the whole prehistoric world, and the ancestor of Hongjun who was in line with Taoism. As for the so-called Sanqing and the two Western saints, it is natural to beat the horse. Can't catch up.

But they are not in the mood to do so, because they know that from this moment on, they and Haotian are completely different worlds. Today's Haotian can look up to them from above, but they can only look up at Haotian. The blow made Sanqing and the Western two saints not knowing what to say? So silence is the best option.

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