Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 220: The monkey king is free

Tang Xuanzang was very smart. He did not identify Haotian Emperor, but called Haotian as the Holy Father of the Human Race, which made Haotian a little embarrassed to refuse.

It didn't take long for Haotian's voice to sound in the sky: "Tang Xuanzang, I already know your request, the monkey has reached the moment of freedom, and now let him go to the west with you."

As soon as the words fell, Taoshan, who suppressed Sun Wukong, gradually disappeared here. Sun Wukong, who had regained his freedom, was overjoyed, and then he said to the sky: "Thank you for the grace of not killing, my old grandson is grateful and grateful."

"500 years of lessons should be enough for you, Sun Wukong, you should know for yourself," Haotian's voice sounded again, and then the huge breath began to disappear.

After seeing Haotian's breath completely disappeared, Sun Wukong was really relieved, and officially worshipped Tang Xuanzang as his teacher, and at the same time became Tang Xuanzang's eldest disciple, officially escorting Tang Xuanzang towards the location of Xitian.

Just as the two masters and apprentices rushed to the west, the monsters and ghosts along the way also got the same news, and they made preparations. Many of the Xianjia mounts also opened up mountains and established mansions, becoming monsters and stationed in the two masters and apprentices. on the way.

Among them, Kui Mulang, one of the 28 constellations in the heaven, left the heaven privately for decades, and still has no news but no one reported it. It has to be said that it is a strange thing.

This kind of thing is far more than one thing. However, whether it is Haotian, who has great supernatural powers, or other heavenly immortals, they pretend not to see it. It can be said that the future Western Heaven Bible Study Group will experience many hardships, and these hardships Many of them are the handwriting of Tianting, but the current master and apprentice know nothing about it.

Not to mention the two who rushed to the west, at this time in Xumi Tian, ​​Zhunti looked at the reception and said excitedly: "Senior brother's journey to the west has begun, and the great happiness of our west is coming soon.

After hearing the words of Zhun Ti, Ying Yin nodded with emotion. After all, the price they paid for this Daxing was too heavy, and even the notoriety of betraying the division, they took it up without hesitation, in order to make the West truly happy.

It's just that he didn't say the trace of worry in his heart, because he felt that the crisis of Buddhism was more than that, but he couldn't figure out whether it was the crisis, and now he can only take a step by step and see it. Let's talk about the situation.

"The Buddha eliminates the devil, the Buddha eliminates the devil!" A gloomy voice continued to sound outside the Great Barrier, and the words were full of excitement, because he was about to return to the Great Wilderness he had been away for a long time. To make everyone feel terrified and let everyone know that Rahu, his ancestor, is back.

Hong Jun in the Zixiao Palace frowned slightly, but in the end he could only sigh lightly. The return of the Demon Lord Luo Hu to the Great Desolation was destined by God. As the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, he could not refuse, and could only observe all this silently and not arbitrarily. Taking action, now he can only put his hope on Haotian and the others.

On the Lingxiao Palace, Taibaijinxing respectfully came out and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know why, there are many monks who have gone into the devil in the Three Realms, many of them are Daluo Jinxian, and there is also a quasi-sage. You two, they are stirring up trouble in the Three Realms and please ask Your Majesty to make a decision."

The Jade Emperor heard the latter hand beating on the armrest for a while, and then said: "Let's pass the order, let the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Dang Mo, the Northern Zhenwu Emperor, lead his troops and horses and the stars of the heavens, and clean up those who have gone into the devil."

"The old minister is going to convey the will," Taibaijinxing responded respectfully after hearing it, and then turned and left here.

But in the Great Leiyin Temple in the West, after seeing that Sun Wukong was still in his heart, the Tathagata pondered in his heart, 'It was decided that the monkey must shave off his true knowledge in order to be able to convert to Buddhism. Wherever he flew, he turned into joy with his eyes, anger with his ears, love with his nose, thought with his tongue, and **** for opinions.

Not surprisingly, after Sun Wukong saw the six hairy thieves blocking the way, he immediately attacked the killer and killed the six hairy thieves one by one, and then these six people turned into a golden light and entered Sun Wukong's body, trying to eliminate them. The anger in Sun Wukong's heart.

Seeing that Sun Wukong's hostility was about to be eliminated, a golden light suddenly appeared in his body, and entered the boneless relic with lightning speed.

This made the Tathagata of Daleiyin Temple a little surprised, but he smiled bitterly at the time. He knew that this was the method of Datianzun again, and he didn't plan to worry about it anymore. After all, he didn't have much loyalty to Buddhism. Just do what you should do. As for whether it is successful or not, he can't control so much, but this golden hoop must be sent out.

Thinking of this, the Tathagata looked at Guanyin and said, "Venerable Guanyin, you will give this golden hoop to Monk Tang, and let him restrain the monkey."

"Follow my Buddha's will," Guanyin, who was standing on the lotus platform, responded after hearing it, and then left the Daleiyin Temple.

In the chaotic Western Second Saints, their faces turned dark at first when they saw that the Six Thieves were useless against Sun Wukong, but fortunately they still had a backer. Little, but they didn't know that what they did was under the control of the Jade Emperor.

After all, as a person who is familiar with the trend of the prehistoric era, the Jade Emperor has long since eliminated the two sages in the West and made various arrangements on the Journey to the West, so he has also made a lot of corresponding responses to minimize the benefits that Buddhism can obtain from it. Although all the two Western saints have a certain sense, they have no idea how much the Jade Emperor has done.

In the mortal world, although Tang Xuanzang blamed Sun Wukong for killing the six hairy thieves, Sun Wukong didn't care. After all, he is a dignified and dignified sage who can be provocative by six hairy thieves, although this title is in heaven. Some are not worthy of the name, but they are still very loud in the mortal world.

In this way, the master and the apprentice continued to move forward. They stopped to rest until after the night. In the dream, Guanyin directly told the sleeping Tang Xuanzang of the magic of the golden hoop, and then disappeared.

It was not until Guanyin disappeared that Tang Xuanzang opened his eyes, put the hat turned into a golden hoop in his hand, and then continued to sleep peacefully.

And Sun Wukong, who was also asleep, didn't know that from today, he would be bound by a so-called golden hoop, and from then on he would be controlled by Tang Xuanzang, or by Buddhism.

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