The Sun Wukong in the original trajectory became the guardian of Buddhism because of the golden hoop, and he had no ability to resist at all. In this time and space, no one can say what will happen.

The night passed like this. After Sun Wukong woke up, Tang Seng said with his conscience: "Wukong made a hat for you last night for your teacher. You can put this hat on."

Sun Wukong was overjoyed when he heard it, and then put on the hat directly, but as soon as he put on the hat, it turned into a golden hoop, no matter how Sun Wukong got it, he couldn't pull it off.

When Tang Seng saw it, he could only say with guilt: "I'm sorry, Wukong, and I don't want to do this as a teacher, but the Bodhisattva told me that you believe in disobedience to discipline, so you can only use this golden hoop to temporarily restrain you, but I promise you, as a teacher, When you arrive at Lingshan, I will definitely ask the Buddha for mercy and go to the golden hoop for you."

Hearing Tang Seng's words, Sun Wukong, who was on the verge of going berserk, gradually calmed down. Although he was very dissatisfied with the Buddhist people, after the two days of getting along, Tang Seng gave him a good feeling, at least not like the Buddhist people. insidious.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong said lightly: "It's not your fault, it's my old grandson who said it, but since my old grandson has promised to protect you to go to the West, he will never break his promise."

Speaking of Sun Wukong, he walked forward. Tang Seng sighed helplessly when he saw it, and then rode a white horse and followed Sun Wukong away from here. In this way, the master and the apprentice went all the way, although they encountered the black bear spirit and the greedy abbot. , but it was easily handled by Sun Wukong.

Among them, the black bear spirit was directly taken away by Guanyin. As for this greedy abbot, he was directly beaten to death by Sun Wukong, which can be regarded as venting his anger and dissatisfaction.

Tang Seng also knew that Sun Wukong was venting, so although he felt that it was not good for Sun Wukong to be so hasty, he didn't say much, but this gradually eased the relationship between the master and the apprentice.

After arriving, Tang Seng took the initiative to ask about the past of Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong also seemed to recall those happy times in those days, so he took the trouble to tell Tang Seng those things, and the estrangement almost disappeared.

In the Yunzhan Cave not far from Gao Lao Zhuang, a Taoist suddenly appeared here. This person is none other than the Grand Master Xuandu, and he is also the teacher of Zhu Bajie.

I saw Grand Master Xuandu looked at Zhu Bajie and said, "Teacher! The master and apprentice of Tang Seng have already arrived at Gaolaozhuang. You should find an opportunity to join the scriptures team at that time, and then you will gain a merit for yourself. By the way, see if you can dismantle the scriptures team. "

"Yes! Master! I will definitely complete the task you arranged!" Zhu Bajie said respectfully.

Archmage Xuandu nodded, then looked at the other party and said, "I know you have a great appetite, these are some spiritual fruits of the Pan Tao Club, and a few golden pills will satisfy your cravings!"

"Hehe! Thank you for your love! I know I like this!" Zhu Bajie said.

After hearing Zhu Bajie's words, Grand Master Xuandu laughed out loud, and then turned into a cloud and left here.

After the Great Master Xuandu left, Zhu Bajie turned into a cloud of black mist and entered Gao Cuilan's house, and Gao Cuilan also knew that Zhu Bajie was here, so she didn't seem surprised, after all, this was not the first time he had done this.

At the same time, her heart was also a little complicated, because when he knew that Zhu Bajie was the Tianpeng marshal of the heaven, but he was demoted to the earth because of a mistake, he still felt a little disgusted, but over time, she gradually got used to it.

And Muzhu Bajie also knew that his current appearance was really ugly, so he didn't plan to marry Gao Cuilan immediately, but waited for him to return to his original appearance after his task was completed. However, in order to prevent Gao Cuilan from getting old, he also taught Gao Cuilan some small lessons. Spells, in order to ensure their youth.

This is also the reason why Gao Cuilan can accept Zhu Bajie. After all, she can also feel how good Zhu Bajie is to her. In this case, it is false to say that she does not have a favorable impression of Zhu Bajie at all. She gradually stopped rejecting Zhu Bajie.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Zhu Bajie came over and hugged her and said, "Cuilan! I'll be leaving later, you have to take care of yourself."

"Why?" Gao Cuilan asked Zhu Bajie a little puzzled.

Zhu Bajie sighed softly when he heard the words: "I remember I told you before that I was demoted to the world because I made a mistake, so I have to complete the task given to me by the Great Heavenly Venerate in order to lift the punishment, maybe I can get some more Reward, so I have to go, and I don't want to marry you with this appearance."

Gao Cuilan pondered for a moment, then looked at the other party and asked, "Then when will you be able to come back? How long will it take?"

"Maybe twenty or thirty years!" Zhu Bajie sighed softly.

"Then what should I do?" Gao Cuilan suddenly said reluctantly.

After hearing this, Zhu Bajie said sincerely: "I won't leave you behind. When I succeed, I will come back. Pick you up!"

Hearing the other party's words, Gao Cuilan nodded, then snuggled into Zhu Bajie's arms.

Seeing Gao Cuilan leaning on her body like a bird leaning on her body, Zhu Bajie's mood is also very complicated, and her feelings for Gao Cuilan are also very complicated.

Because he thought about how uncomfortable it was when he was demoted to the world and finally turned into a pig. Even if the teacher went to the world to enlighten him in person, it still didn't make him feel much better. Thanks to Second Sister Mao for taking in her, she gave herself some comfort.

But the good times didn't last long. The second sister Mao died not long after that. Most of the time after that, he was in a better mood until he found the reincarnation of the second sister, who is now Gao Cuilan.

And during that time, it was Gao Cuilan who comforted him, just like the second sister Ruan comforted her back then, but now that he was about to leave, he also felt very reluctant, but he knew that he had to leave, which was his destiny. , but also an opportunity for him to change his destiny.

Maybe he can use this opportunity to let Gao Cuilan become an immortal together, and then he won't have to worry about dying like mortals, and the two of them can also be a pair of immortals.

Thinking of this, Zhu Bajie's sadness about the upcoming parting has also decreased a lot. After comforting Gao Cuilan, he came to the only way for the two of Sun Wukong and began to wait for the master and the apprentice. After all, as long as the two arrive, He can join the team of learning scriptures, and then complete his mission.

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