After hurrying and rushing, Sun Wukong finally came to an overseas island, where he met Fu Lu Shou Sanxing who was playing chess. Among them, the birthday star was watching, and the chess game was Fu Xing and Lu Xing.

After Sun Wukong saw it, he quickly said: "Three stars, my old grandson is polite."

Sanxing heard the back and retreated the chessboard and returned the salutes one by one, only to see the birthday star teasing with a smile: "You monkey has never been good at etiquette, such a big gift today, it can be seen that something must be wrong, I heard that the great sage abandoned the way and followed , take off his life to protect Tang Seng and go to the west to get scriptures, why did you come to us when you have time?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled, showing no embarrassment at all, and handed over to him to steal the ginseng fruit, and how to push it to the ginseng fruit tree.

After talking about the cause and effect of the incident, Sun Wukong sighed again: "The old grandson had the intention to escape, but he captured my master and junior brother, so I had to promise him a way to heal the tree, thinking of Fang Cong from the sea, so he traveled to the fairyland. , I happened to meet three star kings, I wonder if they have any good ideas?"

Hearing this, Samsung took a breath of cold air, then shook his head and said, "You monkey, you are used to doing such big things that pierce the sky, that Zhenyuanzi is the ancestor of the earth immortal, and I am the ancestor of the gods. How can you dare to fight with him and how can you escape? If the great sage kills beasts and birds, and the scales of the worms grow, I can only use the elixir of millet to save them. How can the ginseng fruit be the root of the fairy tree to heal? Let the saint ask elsewhere."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong frowned immediately, but he asked Sanxing to go to the Wuzhuang Temple. First, he asked the Zhenyuanzi for a few days, and secondly, he also asked the old monk not to go back for a few days. Making himself uncomfortable, Sanxing immediately responded when he saw this, turned around and went to the Wuzhuang Temple.

After Samsung left, Sun Wukong went to other places to find a cure, and encountered many immortals, but without exception, they couldn't help, and the time passed slowly.

This time, Sun Wukong was really in a hurry. He secretly thought that the East China Sea had nowhere, and maybe there were other magical powers in the four seas. He immediately turned around and went to the South China Sea.

However, at this moment, an auspicious cloud suddenly came, and above the auspicious cloud was Taibaijinxing. When Sun Wukong saw it and was about to rush to the South China Sea, he quickly stopped him and asked, "Where is the old fairy Venus going? "

When Taibaijinxing heard it, he laughed and said: "It turns out to be the Great Sage! I was ordered by His Majesty to invite the Great Immortal Zhenyuanzi to the Heavenly Court to have a talk, and then the Great Sage, if you don't go to protect Tang Seng to study the scriptures, why do you have time to drive Yun Zai? It's running around here!"

After Sun Wukong heard it, he smiled embarrassedly, and then told Tai Jinxing the cause and effect of the incident again.

Taibaijinxing pretended to be surprised and said: "You monkey has really stabbed a hole in the sky, that Zhenyuanzi Daxian is an old-fashioned supernatural power, who does not give him three-point face in the great wasteland? How dare you give it to him? Was his fruit tree toppled?"

Sun Wukong said helplessly: "What else can I do? The old man was so powerful, and my old grandson would not do such a stupid thing. I wonder if Jin Xing can do anything about it?"

When Taibaijinxing heard it, he immediately said: "It just so happens that I am also going to Wuzhuangguan, and I also have some Sanguang Shenshui in my hand. It was given by His Majesty back then, and now I can just save the fruit tree."

Sun Wukong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then quickly took Taibaijinxing to Wuzhuangguan, and at this time in the chaos of Xumi day, Zhunti said dissatisfiedly: "Senior brother, this Jade Emperor is too much? This should be my Buddhism. That's right, how can he let Heavenly Court forcibly intervene."

Xie Yin said helplessly: "Junior brother, you are a little obsessed now. As long as you can ensure the smooth progress of the Journey to the West, let this difficulty be left to Heavenly Court. Now is not the time to turn against Heavenly Court."

Zhunti nodded reluctantly after hearing this. Although he really wanted to ask the Jade Emperor for an explanation, he knew that the current Buddhism was completely incompatible with the strength of the Heavenly Court. Only after Journey to the West might have the strength to compete with the Heavenly Court. , However, how can I think of it at this moment? After 500 years of Buddhism's great prosperity, it will encounter another disaster, but they can't take action at all.

But this is for the next time, let's not mention it for the time being. At this time in Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi knew that the scene was almost over after seeing Sun Wukong pulling Taibaijinxing over, so he immediately went forward and played according to the script. Jishou said: "It turns out that it is Daoist Taibai, I don't know why you came here this time?"

Upon seeing this, Taibai immediately returned the salute and said, "This time, I was invited by His Majesty to invite the Great Immortal to go to the heaven for a talk, but when I came, I met the Great Sage, so I came here to treat this ginseng fruit tree at the request of the Great Sage."

Zhen Yuanzi said quickly after hearing it: "If it can really be rescued, then there will be fellow Daoist Lao."

Taibai nodded slightly when he heard the words, then took out a bottle and threw it upwards, and then the Sanguang Divine Water in the bottle was like rain and dew, dripping moisture from the sky on the fruit tree, and it didn't take long for the ginseng fruit tree to recover after being knocked down and disappeared. The fruit has also returned to its original position.

This scene shocked Sun Wukong, because he went to meet so many overseas gods before, but no one was able to help. Instead, the old man took out a bottle of Sanguang Divine Water and even saved the ginseng fruit that was pushed down by himself. Tree, it seems that this old man is not simple.

In fact, Sun Wukong thinks so, and it is also justified. 500 years ago, he personally experienced the power of the Jade Emperor, and that powerful momentum has made him unforgettable to this day. How can it be weak?

If this is the case, the immortals in the heavens 500 years ago may not be so simple. At least that year, Sun Wukong had a hunch, and the immortals and soldiers who were footsteps in those days looked a little absent-minded.

Although this alone is not enough for Sun Wukong to reveal the truth of Journey to the West, this question has already taken root in his heart, and it will become bigger and bigger until the truth is revealed.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi suddenly coughed softly: "Pindao's words are counted, since you took Taibai as someone who came and rescued my fruit tree, I will let the four of you go away, from now on you two Just get out of here."

After speaking, Zhenyuanzi waved his robe and sent Tang Seng and his group out of Longevity Mountain. Tang Seng and his disciples who were sent out of Longevity Mountain did not dare to stay for a long time. If you take it back, you will really have nowhere to cry.

In the Wuzhuang Temple, Taibaijinxing also said goodbye and left, and the so-called invitation to Zhen Yuanzi to go to heaven is just to fool Sun Wukong.

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