Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 229: Kuimu wolf returns to heaven

As the saying goes, one year in the sky, one day on the ground, it has been a year since Tang Seng and his apprentice left Wuzhuangguan. Although he encountered several disasters in this year, they were all easily resolved by Sun Wukong and others, but this time Sun Wukong is destined to be Lost.

Outside the vast Nantianmen, dozens of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals stood outside the door. One of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Zeng Tianwang, was in charge of guarding it. Although the battle strength was not strong, no one dared to attack Nantianmen in the vast wilderness.

Because the great supernatural powers of the prehistoric world know that even though the guards of Nantianmen are not strong, but they do have the power of heaven's luck to defend, it is impossible for a saint to break through, even if a saint is under the many means of heaven. will lose face.

Although Haotian is not there, the Jade Emperor is a real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although it is only the initial stage, with the special means left by Haotian, even the strongest Taishang Laozi among the six saints should not think about it. Take any advantage, not to mention that the three Xuanmen sects have long since returned to Heaven.

And the Western Second Sages are also begging for the Heavenly Court. Under the circumstance that these top powerhouses do not take action, even if there is no one to guard the Nantianmen, no one dares to trespass the Nantianmen without notice. Of course, the spirit of the Westward Journey Son of Luck Sun Wukong has some exceptions.

Although he also did not dare to trespass at Nantianmen, he would not be as cautious as those who knew the truth, but would come to Nantianmen carelessly.

Just like now, Sun Wukong came to Nantianmen in a grand manner, but he was quickly blocked by several heavenly soldiers in silver armor.

Sun Wukong's eyes froze slightly when he heard it, but he soon became smart. If it was before the chaos in the Heavenly Palace, he would ignore it with his temper, and just waved his golden hoop stick and broke into Nantianmen.

However, since being suppressed by the Jade Emperor, his temperament has been restrained a lot, and the matter of Wuzhuangguan has let him know that the heavenly court is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

Therefore, after being stopped, Sun Wukong did not get angry. After seeing the King of Growth, he immediately shouted: "The King of Growth has not been seen for a long time, it's my grandson, don't you remember?"

"It turned out to be the Great Sage! I don't know what the Great Sage has come to Heaven for this time?" The King of Growth who came over came over and asked after he lowered his cultivation.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong said a little embarrassedly: "That's right, my old Master Sun Protector went to the West to get scriptures, but he met a yellow-robed monster in Baoxiang Kingdom. His skills and magic are a bit like fairy magic, so I came here specially. Seeing the Jade Emperor, I want to ask the Jade Emperor to check if someone is embarrassing my grandson."

After hearing it, the King of Growth immediately said: "So that's what it is! Great Sage, you can rush directly to Your Majesty in front of the Lingxiao Palace, and you will find out when you go there."

Sun Wukong heard the words and thanked him. After being confirmed by the demon mirror, he turned into a streamer and rushed to the Lingxiao Palace.

In the splendid Lingxiao Palace, hundreds of Luo Jinxian and dozens of quasi-sage powerhouses have gathered, and this time they no longer need to conceal their cultivation, in order to give Sun Wukong a shock, and then as long as Just wait for Sun Wukong to come.

And Sun Wukong didn't let them wait long, but he came to Lingxiao Palace after a while, but just after entering Lingxiao Palace, he was dumbfounded, because there were hundreds of Daluo Jinxian here, and dozens of others he couldn't see through the realm , this made his heart very horrified.

If there were these people back then, how could I have the chance to make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace? I am afraid that it has been suppressed long ago, and why do these people suddenly appear now? There are even some acquaintances in it, such as Jiuyi Xingjun and so on.

But at this time, he didn't have time to figure it out. After seeing the Jade Emperor sitting on the dragon seat, he immediately cupped his hands respectfully and said, "My grandson has seen His Majesty."

The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "It seems that the 500 years of suppression have made you a little bit more polite. Tell me, what's the matter with you this time?"

Hearing the Jade Emperor's words, Sun Wukong smiled a little embarrassedly, but still said respectfully: "It's your majesty, there is a yellow-robed monster in the lower realm who is very good at using immortal techniques, and he has good methods, and he has a very good protective body with spiritual treasures. It's difficult, I want to ask Your Majesty to check if there is any immortal family embarrassing my old grandson, and then I can call him back to the sky and let me wait west."

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor frowned slightly, then looked at the entangled spirit officer on the side and said: "What immortal officials did not order Mao on time these days!"

After hearing the words, the picket inspected the list of immortals, and then said respectfully: "Your Majesty, only one of the 28 constellations, Kui Mulang, did not order Mao on time during this period."

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor immediately said: "Order the seven Eastern constellations among the twenty-eight constellations to recall Kui Mulang."

Dongfang Qisu responded respectfully when he heard the words, and then left the Lingxiao Palace, while the Jade Emperor looked at Sun Wukong and said, "Okay, I have sent people to recall Kui Mulang, and this person will accept it after he comes back from the lower realm privately. punish."

"If that's the case, my old grandson is leaving," Sun Wukong said respectfully after hearing the Jade Emperor's words, and then left the hall.

As for whether Kui Mulang will really be punished? The answer is no, because this is the task arranged by Heavenly Court, not only there is no punishment but also reward, and this is something that Sun Wukong can't think of anyway.

And somewhere in the chaos, Haotian wearing a Taoist robe is still moving forward, but his aura has changed a lot, not weaker, but stronger, because Haotian's cultivation base at this time It has reached the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

The reason is that Haotian encountered many broken worlds along the way. These worlds are big and small, strong and weak. Although the strongest is not as good as the great world, it has half its strength, but none of them have the same strength. Exceptions are broken.

Although these worlds have been broken and all living beings have disappeared, there are more or less world origins left behind, and these origins are exactly what Haotian needs. Yuan Daluo Jinxian middle period.

In the prehistoric times, only Hongjun who fits the Tao can achieve this step, but it is even more difficult to go further. Unless the world of the prehistoric can evolve, then the cultivation base of Hongjun who is in line with the Tao will be more difficult. It will also increase slowly.

Therefore, in this regard, Haotian is much better than Hongjun, and in addition to absorbing the origin of the world, Haotian also gained a lot of good things along the way. Although there is no Chaos Supreme Treasure or Chaos Spirit Treasure, it has collected a lot of Chaos Spirit Materials, and some Chaos Spirit Medicine.

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