When Sun Wukong heard this, how could he do it? He originally came to ask for help, how could the Jade Emperor not help? Thinking of this, Sun Wukong fell directly to the ground and rolled: "I don't care about Jade Emperor, if you don't help my old grandson, my old grandson will stay here and won't leave.

Looking at Sun Wukong's gag, many immortals in the heavenly court laughed, and even the Jade Emperor laughed softly and said, "You are so unreasonable! It seems that you haven't had enough of the lessons of the year!"

After Sun Wukong heard it, he hurriedly got up and said, "Lord Jade Emperor doesn't remember the villain's deeds, but no matter what, please ask Jade Emperor for your help."

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor pretended to be helpless and said, "If this is the case, you can simply choose a few immortal houses and go down with you to fight the demons."

"Many thanks to the Jade Emperor for his kindness," Sun Wukong said with a laugh, and directly chose Tota Li Tianwang and the third prince of Nezha.

The Jade Emperor said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so pompous as a monkey, that's good! Let Lei Gong and Dian Mu and Tota Li Tianwang and his son assist you in lowering the demons."

"The ministers and others only respect His Majesty's will," Tota Heavenly King and others responded respectfully after hearing it, and then ordered tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to leave here. As for the Four Heavenly Kings, because they wanted to guard the Nantianmen, they did not follow the army. Expedition.

But even so, the expedition of Tianting still attracted the attention of many people, but soon many people lost their interest, because this time, there were not many people sent by Tianting, only King Tota and his son and tens of thousands of soldiers. General, plus Lei Gong and Dian Mu to help out in order to strengthen the prestige.

Compared with the previous expeditions, this expedition is really nothing to watch, but even so, it still attracts the attention of many people.

And Sun Wukong, who received the assistance of Heavenly Court, also greatly increased his confidence. He called out directly in the sky. The Green Bull Monster, who had been prepared for a long time, went out to fight directly. With all the magic weapons of the third prince of Nezha, even the mother of thunder and lightning, who was helping out, lost his own magic tools.

After Sun Wukong saw it, he had no choice but to go back to Heaven to ask for help from others, and brought Luo Xuan, one of the Nine Lights Star Lord, Huo De Xingjun. Luo Xuan, as a disciple of the Intercepting Sect, naturally did not need to say more about his magical powers. , but how could he, who had already been ordered by the Jade Emperor, take action with all his strength?

Therefore, instead of taking out the spiritual treasure that he had displayed in the Battle of Conferred Gods, he took the beacon fire flag of the spiritual treasure that he had obtained after joining the Heavenly Court.

I saw Huode Xingjun waved the flag of the beacon fire, and suddenly fireballs fell from the sky one after another, and exploded around countless monsters. Many little monsters and monsters were running around on fire, and there were even some monsters. The wailing of the fire continued and finally died alive.

Even if the Green Bull Monster might as well go down for a while, he was embarrassed. Sun Wukong, who was on the side, shouted loudly when he saw it. However, when he saw the Green Bull Monster taking out his white circle, he knew something bad was going to happen, so he hurried out. Sound reminder, but unfortunately it's too late.

I saw the beacon fire flag in the hands of Huo Dexingjun, and in the blink of an eye, he was caught by the white circle, leaving only Huo Dexingjun, who pretended to be panic and looked overwhelmed, who didn't know what to do there?

Huo Dexingjun's deliberate defeat is tantamount to making Sun Wukong annoyed. In desperation, he had to rush to Shui Dexingjun's place. After all, in his opinion, this monster is not afraid of fire and must be afraid of water.

Shui Dexingjun, who had already been ordered by the Jade Emperor, took Lingbao and waited at the door deliberately, and Sun Wukong, who had just arrived, immediately asked after seeing Shui Dexingjun: "Shui Dexingjun, I don't know. Where are you going?"

Shui Dexingjun heard the words and said, "Isn't this hearing that the Great Sage is in trouble? So I came here with Lingbao to help."

"I don't know what magic weapon Xingjun has?" Sun Wukong asked immediately when he heard the words.

After hearing this, Shui Dexing smiled and took out a tea cup and said: "This is my magic weapon, the Great Sage should not underestimate such a tea cup, this half tea cup is half the water of the Yellow River, and a tea cup is A water of the Yellow River."

Sun Wukong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then quickly brought Shui Dexing to the gathering place of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and he himself rushed down to attract the Green Bull Monster. up and down.

However, as time went on, Sun Wukong also felt that it was not a problem, so after forcing the green bull monster to retreat, he directly shouted: "Shui Dexingjun, let the water drown in the monster, but don't drown my master."

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Shui Dexingjun directly took out his spiritual treasure, and read the magic formula, and then the surging Yellow River water fell from the Zijin small kettle, and mercilessly washed away those little demons The little monsters, when some of the water from the Yellow River rushed into the cave, deliberately avoided Tang Seng, but the monsters in the cave were **** and drowned without any precautions.

"Shui Dexing-kun, don't be too proud!" The green bull monster roared, and then directly sacrificed Bai Sensen's circle and threw it out.

"Quickly collect the magic weapon!" Sun Wukong hurriedly reminded after seeing it.

However, how could Shui Dexingjun, who had been ready to release water for a long time, listened? Deliberately pretending not to hear, watching his magic weapon quilt go away, and then pretending to be depressed and sighing: "I'm not guarded, I'm not guarded!"

Sun Wukong, who saw this scene, was very frustrated, but then laughed again: "Before I came, my old grandson told you to be careful about this monster, but you didn't listen to each one of you, now it's alright, all the magic weapons are gone.

After hearing this, Nezha said dissatisfiedly: "Monkey, it's not right for you to say that, we kindly came to help you, and even lost the magic weapon, if you don't appreciate it, it's fine, you're still laughing here, and we don't even have brothers. Gotta do it."

As soon as these words came out, other people also looked at Sun Wukong with dissatisfaction. Sun Wukong was immediately embarrassed. He knew that he had committed public anger, so he could only explain in embarrassment: "My old grandson doesn't really mean that, it's just that things are happening now. Become like this, is it possible that my grandson has to cry?

Nezha didn't know what to say after hearing it? Is it really necessary to cry? Everyone fell silent for a while. In the end, Shui Dexingjun looked at Sun Wukong and said with a smile: "The next thing the Great Sage trusts you, I think it was very easy for you to steal the peach and pill."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong understood, and he smiled and said, "Don't say it, this is my old grandson's housekeeping skills, and I will go to the cave and steal the treasure back."

Just when Sun Wukong was heading to Dongfu, in the Yaochi fairyland, the Jade Emperor looked at Taishang Laojun who was sitting beside him and said, "The old gentleman's mount is really extraordinary! Although Li Tianwang and others released water this time, I also I have to admit that this cow and his magic weapon are enough to break into the world in the wild.

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