Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 241: Lao Jun collects green cattle

When Taishang Laojun heard it, he laughed and said: "Your Majesty has won the prize, this time to let this cow go to the realm, one is to set some hardships for the monkey, and the other is for the cause and effect of his overturning the gossip furnace, and the time is right. When the time comes, the old man will naturally bring the cow back to the sky, and won't let the monkey find anything wrong."

The Jade Emperor nodded when he heard the words, and then continued to look at the picture in the Clear Sky Mirror. As for the Taishang Laojun, he was not in a hurry to leave. After all, he also wanted to see what kind of trouble this monkey could make?

At this time, Sun Wukong, who got his golden hoop, didn't know that he was being watched, because he was overjoyed when he got the golden hoop, and couldn't wait to return to show off in front of everyone.

However, what he didn't expect was that his display was exchanged for the scolding of Li Tianwang and others. The reason is naturally very simple, because Sun Wukong, who was excited, only took his golden hoop stick, but took the magic weapon of the heavenly immortals. to fall.

In order to express his apology, Sun Wukong could only break into the cave again. Although this time the theft was not as successful as before, he still managed to **** all the magical treasures of the immortals in the heavenly court back, and this also barely quelled the dissatisfaction of Li Tianwang and others.

At the request of Sun Wukong, Li Tianwang and others, who had regained the magic weapon, reluctantly attacked these requirements again, but this time they all learned to be smart, and they firmly held the magic weapon in their hands and said nothing.

Even the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals fought these little monsters and monsters at close range, and the third prince of Nezha and Sun Wukong joined forces to fight against the Green Bull Monster, and they stuck to each other all the time and prevented them from using magic weapons.

It has to be said that the Green Bull Monster's ability is inseparable from the circle of the white forest. Once he is approached, he can't stand it, but he is not easy to capture.

I saw that he released a demonic mist, covering the sight of Nezha and Sun Wukong, while he himself took advantage of the chaos to get rid of the entanglement with these two, so he took out the diamond bracelet again, and wanted to use these people's magic weapon again. Set away. "

This time, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals with a relatively low cultivation base were the first to be unable to support them.

Of course, they are all intentional, not to mention others, just say that the cultivation of the two stars of water and fire has reached the quasi-sage, this time, although not personally dispatched, but it is also a big Luo Jinxian. I put water on purpose for acting.

After the two people's magic weapons were taken away, the magic weapons in the hands of Sun Wukong and the third prince of Nezha were also not kept. The former really couldn't keep it, and the latter didn't want to keep it at all.

So far, only Li Tianwang Li Jing, who has never made a shot, the pagoda in his hand has not been taken away by the white circle, but so many people's treasures have been taken away. Of course, Li Tianwang will not let his own pagoda also be covered. go.

And as all the treasures were taken away, it also means that the attack of the heavenly soldiers and the generals has once again been defeated. Even Sun Wukong himself was a little discouraged. Li Tianwang, who was on the side, saw it and immediately came over and said: " The Great Sage, why don't you go to the Western Heaven to see? Maybe there is something for the Tathagata to do?"

Sun Wukong nodded when he heard the words, and then left here on a cloud and rushed to Lingshan. As soon as he arrived at Lingshan, Tathagata knew Sun Wukong's intention, so he said directly: "Wukong, the poor monk already knows what you are asking for, no matter what the matter is. , you still have to go to Heavenly Court to check it carefully."

How smart is Sun Wukong? I quickly understood the meaning of the Tathagata, and when I went to the Heavenly Court to inspect it carefully, it proved that the source of the monster was still in the Heavenly Court.

As for why the Four Heavenly Masters were not found? In fact, it is very simple. First of all, the so-called search of the heavens by the four great celestial masters is naturally not false, but there are some places that they cannot check and dare not check.

Among these places, one is the Yaochi Wonderland where the Queen Mother is located, the other is the residences of several great emperors, and the five elders of the five directions, and the third is the Tusita Palace of the Taishang Laojun.

After he figured this out, Sun Wukong drove somersault clouds to the heaven, but Sun Wukong did not visit in Yaochi, because mounts would not be tamed there, because the entire Yaochi only had Luan drivers and no mounts. It can't be Yaochi Wonderland.

Therefore, after bypassing the Yaochi, Sun Wukong went to see the Great Emperor of the Four Imperials and the Five Elders of the Five Parties. However, to his disappointment, they all said that their mansions did not lose their mounts, so Business Kong could only leave in disappointment.

However, what he would not have thought was that the Emperor Qinghua had just left the front foot of Sun Wukong when he privately put down his mount, the nine-headed lion, on the back foot.

If he knew this, Sun Wukong might really vomit blood, but unfortunately he didn't know this.

After leaving the mansion of the great supernatural powers from all sides, Sun Wukong came to the Tusita Palace of Taishang Laojun with the last glimmer of hope, and made a lot of noise to see Taishang Laojun's cattle.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Laojun had no choice but to take Sun Wukong. After seeing the green cow disappear, Laojun immediately woke the sleeping boy.

The sleepy boy knelt down and said, "Master, forgive me, master! That's because I found a pill in the palace, and after I ate it, I fell asleep unknowingly."

When Taishang Laojun heard it, he suddenly realized: "That's the seven-day anti-fire pill that I made, and if you eat one, you can fall asleep for seven days. So it seems that the cow has been in the lower realm for seven years, and my The diamond bracelet was also stolen by him."

Sun Wukong was shocked when he heard the words: "Is that the one you used to smash my head?"

The old gentleman nodded helplessly, while Sun Wukong said angrily: "You old man can kill my old grandson, you know? Go! Follow me to the Jade Emperor to judge."

Hearing the words, the old gentleman said quickly: "The Great Sage, don't waste time, I'd better go with you to save your master first."

After Sun Wukong heard it, he didn't say anything more, and took Lao Jun directly to the cave where the Unicorn King was. After arriving here, Sun Wukong immediately replaced the Unicorn King.

The one-horned king who was called out said coldly: "What do you want to do, monkey? Are you still not reconciled after so many defeats?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said, "My son, it's not my old grandson fighting you this time. Let's see who is here?"

The Unicorn King was shocked when he heard the words, and then he looked up immediately, and then saw the Taishang Laojun coming here on a cloud. The diamond bracelet was taken away, and then with another wave, the Unicorn King showed his original shape. As for the surrounding monsters, they also ran away and scattered.

After doing all this, Lao Jun said with a smile: "I will take this cow away from the Great Sage. You should go and rescue your master and them."

When the words fell, Laojun disappeared. Although Sun Wukong was a little unwilling, he also knew that Laojun was not easy to mess with, so after rescuing Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie and others, he left here and continued westward.

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