Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 242: The monkey king was demoted

However, he said that something big or small happened on the road to the West. There was a fight between Sun Wukong and Tang Seng. The reason was naturally that the former killed a lot of robbers, and Tang Seng kept complaining about it. He was forced to leave here by the latter.

Although Zhu Bajie and Shulian knew that what Sun Wukong did was right, their task was to delay the journey to the west, so it was naturally difficult to talk about Sun Wukong, but they felt that Tang Seng had made a big fuss.

In fact, after expelling Sun Wukong, Tang Seng also felt a little regretful, but his good-faced personality made him reluctant to admit his mistake, so the four-person master-apprentice group became a three-person master-apprentice group, and then continued to walk westward.

However, after walking for a while, Sun Wukong, who had been forced to leave, turned back, and came to Tang Seng's horse and said, "Master! Forgive the disciple this time, the disciple will not dare to continue the murder in the future, and he will definitely suffer. The teacher taught me, please don't drive me away."

It's just that Tang Seng didn't know what kind of stimulation he got! Since he didn't intend to leave a half-point of wiggle room, he directly started practicing the formula of the golden hoop. Then he saw that the golden hoop tightened and was embedded in the flesh. The pained Sun Wukong rolled over and over. In the end, he could only obediently kneel on the ground. I begged for mercy, I didn't dare to have the slightest thought, and finally left here directly on the cloud, and went in the direction of Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, intending to ask Guanyin to make the decision for myself.

Little do they know that the six-eared macaque was waiting for this rare opportunity. After Sun Wukong left, it turned into the appearance of Sun Wukong and hid, ready to wait for Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng to leave, and then stun Tang Seng and **** the customs clearance ultimatum and package.

And this time did not make him wait for a long time. After arriving at a place, Tang Xuanzang asked Bajie to go to find water, but after waiting for a long time, he could not see Bajie to get water and return, so he had no choice but to say: "Wu Jing, you go. Let's find Bajie and let him come back quickly, I'm really thirsty for the teacher."

Wu Jing responded after hearing it, and then put down the package and went to look for Bajie, but just after the two left one after the other.

The six-eared macaque turned into Sun Wukong came here, and looked at Xuanzang with a bowl of water and said, "Master doesn't have my grandson, I'm afraid it's a little troublesome to find some water? It happened that I got some water, and the master also asked Drink."

Seeing Sun Wukong's return, Xuanzang's face lit up with joy, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, he was displeased and said, "Why are you coming back? As a teacher, even if you die of hunger and thirst, you won't be needed, take your water. Where are you going, because the teacher doesn't want to see you."

The six-eared macaque sneered when he heard the words: "Master, it doesn't matter if you drive me away, but without me, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to go to the Western Heaven, let alone see the Tathagata, get the scriptures and return to the Tang Dynasty."

After hearing this, Xuanzang said with a stern face: "Even if you really can't go, that's the life of a poor monk, what does it have to do with you, the monkey? You want to come here to curse me, go away, or I'll recite the curse. ."

Seeing that Tang Xuanzang refused to eat, the six-eared macaque changed his face immediately, and cursed: "Well, you old bald donkey, my grandson has protected you to go to the Western Heaven for so many years, and there is no credit but also distress? You treat you like this. I, even you old bald donkey, don't blame my old grandson for being unjust."

The words fell, and the six-eared macaque directly knocked it unconscious with an imitation golden hoop rod, and then left here with the luggage package and the customs clearance letter.

On the other side, after fetching water, Bajie found a village, so he changed his appearance and asked for a fast food before rushing back, but on the way he met Wu Jing, who was also found, and then the two went back together. Going to surprise the master.

But they didn't expect that they had just rushed back, and they saw Xuanzang collapsed on the ground in a coma.

This suddenly changed the expressions of the two of them. After waking up the master, they learned the cause and effect of the incident, which made them both puzzled, because they never thought that the monkey knocked Xuanzang unconscious. This is not in line with common sense. .

Especially Bajie didn't believe that the monkey did this. Although he always spoke ill of the monkey in front of Tang Xuanzang, he still trusted this senior brother. In his opinion, the monkey was very filial to Tang Xuanzang. It is impossible to do such a dishonest thing.

But seeing this monk so sure, Bajie couldn't help but mutter in his heart. After all, this monk is also very familiar with this monkey. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to admit his mistake. Could it be that the monkey's fierceness broke out?

I thought so, but Zhu Bajie still didn't believe it in his heart, so he and Wujing took Tang Seng directly to the village to rest. After a few discussions, they finally decided that Wujing would go to Huaguo Mountain. Ask for the luggage and customs clearance documents. If you can't ask for it, you will go to the Bodhisattva to call the shots. As for the eight precepts, he will stay and take care of Xuanzang.

In the Yaochi Wonderland, the Jade Emperor looked at the picture in the Clear Sky Mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that after so many years of silence, these six-eared macaques can't bear it anymore, and they want to take a risk to break their own limitations, for the future. Breaking through the quasi-sage clears the way."

The Queen Mother on the side heard the words and sighed softly: "Speaking of which, this monkey is also a pitiful person. Back then, the master's words broke his foundation of enlightenment, and made many supernatural powers dare not accept him as a disciple. , is also pathetic and pathetic.”

Hearing the Queen Mother's words, the Jade Emperor sighed softly: "It's also those great supernatural powers who misunderstood the master's words, the so-called law is not passed on to six ears, it means that it cannot be passed on to other people, it is not to prevent these great supernatural powers from accepting six ears. I'm a disciple, but these great supernatural powers have misunderstood the meaning of the master, which has led to Liu Er barely breaking through the Daluo Jinxian now."

"Your Majesty! How do you think this monkey was adopted by Ben Gong in the back?" The Queen Mother said, looking at the Jade Emperor beside her.

The Jade Emperor said with a smile: "My lady is so kind-hearted, how could I be such a wicked person? I will pass on a will to the Tathagata, and he will naturally know what to do."

The Queen Mother nodded when she heard it, and then saw that the Jade Emperor took out the imperial pen and wrote an imperial decree. After covering it with the Heavenly Emperor Jade Seal, she picked it up and looked at it again. After confirming that it was correct, she closed it.

Immediately after this imperial decree, it turned into a golden light and flew towards Daleiyin Temple, and in Daleiyin Temple, the Tathagata caught it after seeing the imperial decree. According to the plan of Buddhism, the six-eared macaque originally had two endings, one was to be beaten to death by Wukong as a stepping stone, and the other was to replace Wukong, but now it seems that it will not work.

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