Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 243: real and fake monkey king

Because the Jade Emperor took a fancy to the six-eared macaque, it meant that they could no longer treat the six-eared macaque as a pawn. Thinking of this, he directly transmitted the matter here to the Western Second Sage.

In the chaos, the faces of the Second Saints of the West were not very good-looking. They did not expect that Haotian had already left Honghuang, and the Jade Emperor was still so strong that he forcibly took control of the six-eared macaque away from them.

But can they refuse? Although the Jade Emperor's cultivation base is only in the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo, but with many means in hand, even if the two of them join forces, they are not sure to win the Jade Emperor, not to mention that saints are not allowed to take action in the prehistoric times.

Thinking of this, after hesitating for a while, the two Western sages finally sent a sound transmission to the Tathagata, so that the Tathagata agreed to the Jade Emperor's request.

In the Daleiyin Temple, the Tathagata also gave a wry smile, and finally looked at the many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas and said, "The Second Sage has sent a decree, let us give up the control of the six-eared macaque, and let the heaven take over."

Everyone in Daleiyin Temple changed their expressions when they heard the words, and felt a little unwilling in their hearts, but after thinking of the strength of Heavenly Court, they finally fell into silence. After all, with their existing strength, it is too difficult to compete with Heavenly Court. .

Just when the Buddhist side was silent about the Jade Emperor's will, at Huaguo Mountain, Wu Jing, who came to ask for luggage, really left in embarrassment, because the six-eared macaque had already occupied Huaguo Mountain and made a fake. The bible-taking group tried in vain to obtain bibles.

Although the roller blinds could take down the six-eared macaques, they couldn't reveal their strength when they thought about it, so they didn't make a full effort. After fighting for a while, they pretended to be embarrassed and rushed to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea.

After leaving here, there is no need to hide the roller blinds, and they left at the fastest speed, so they came to Luojia Mountain after a while.

After arriving at Luojia Mountain, he saw Sun Wukong not far away. Although he knew that this was the real Sun Wukong, in order to continue the trick, the roller blind still held the crescent shovel and hit the Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was stunned when he saw this scene, but he reacted quickly, but instead of fighting back, he ducked to the side.

When the roller blind saw it, he deliberately scolded: "You wicked monkey beat up the master, and now you are here to confuse the Bodhisattva again, don't leave, eat me a shovel."

Seeing this, Guanyin on the side quickly shouted: "Wu Jing, don't do it, tell me anything in advance."

After hearing that, the roller blind pretended to be angrily and said: "Bodhisattva, you must be the master of my master and apprentice. This monkey holds a grudge against the master for driving him away. I was knocked unconscious, and stole two packages and customs clearance ultimatum. Later, I used a few monkey spirits that could change as my master and apprentice. I fought with him and was not an opponent, so I came here to report to the Bodhisattva, Unexpectedly, the monkey ran over to confuse the Bodhisattva first.

When Guanyin heard this, he shook his head and said, "This is absolutely impossible, Wukong has lived with me for more than four days, and he has not left for a while, and where can he go back to beat your master and change into four monkey spirits? "

After hearing this, Roller Curtain was stunned and said, "But this is the first time I have seen a Sun Wukong with my own eyes. This disciple will never dare to deceive the Bodhisattva, and ask the Bodhisattva to see it clearly."

After hearing this, Guanyin said, "It's easy to handle, so let's go, I'll ask Wukong to go with you to the Shuilian Cave to see if it's true or not, and then we'll know what's going on."

After hearing it, the shutters knew that it was impossible to keep messing around, so they quickly rushed to Huaguo Mountain with Sun Wukong.

As for Guanyin, he was also a little puzzled. At this moment, a golden lotus flower slowly flew over. Guanyin saw this and caught the lotus for inspection. The content was not long. shook his head.

At Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong fought with him for a thousand miles, so he came directly to Huaguo Mountain with the roller blinds, but as soon as he came here, he exploded with rage, because there were actually people here who pretended to be themselves. Monkey King.

When the roller blind saw it, he pretended that he hadn't reacted yet, but Sun Wukong was in a rage. After he left the roller blind, he raised his golden cudgel and shouted: "What kind of evil are you? How dare you become me?" The appearance of the old grandson is doing evil here. "

The fake Wukong didn't answer, and also called with an iron rod. I saw that the two first fought in Huaguo Mountain for a while, and then rushed out of Huaguo Mountain to the sky to fight, but in a short time no one was there. prevailed, and in the end, the two were evenly matched.

The rolling curtain on the side wanted to help after seeing it, but he didn't know who was real and who was fake. He was afraid that if he shot, he would hurt the real Monkey King. After all, although he could hide his body and shoot secretly, the two Monkeys were too similar. Let him really be a bit of a jerk.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong, who was on the side, seemed to find that he couldn't take down the opponent for a while, so he turned to the roller blind and said, "Junior Brother Sha and I can't tell the winner for a while, you go and take the one here first. Tell the master about the matter, and then go to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and ask her to make a decision."

The roller blind responded with a sound after hearing it, and then left here on the cloud, while the two Sun Wukong were walking and fighting, all the way to the front of Mount Luojia in the South China Sea, all the gods and Buddhas were stunned when they saw the back gear, and then quickly rushed Invite Guanyin to come and look at the two who were still fighting. Guanyin hurriedly drank them, and then used his magical powers to check, but he couldn't tell them apart. In the end, they had to go elsewhere.

In desperation, the two could only continue to walk and fight, and unknowingly came to Tang Xuanzang's side, but at this time he had not awakened his memory, how could a mere physical mortal be able to see through it? I tried to move the hoop spell, but found that both of them felt a headache, and finally I couldn't find any other way.

In desperation, the two could only leave again. This time they directly hit the Yinshan area. This scene scared the ghosts to hide in Tibet, and they rushed to the Senluo Palace to report.

The Tenth Temple Yama, who got the news, glanced at each other and knew that the good show had already begun, so he hurriedly ordered his Yin soldiers to go to the place where the two were fighting. in front of them to identify.

However, Yama of the Ten Halls also couldn't recognize it clearly. After that, he deliberately let people go to get the book of life and death, but another subordinate deliberately said: "Did you forget the king? Back then, the great sage destroyed the original book of life and death, and now I can't find it anymore. Monkeys are native."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's face was slightly red, but at the same time there was some disappointment, so the two could only walk and fight to prepare to leave the underworld.

However, just as the two were about to leave, they saw that the Buddha's light on the Yinshan Mountain was victorious, and the sound of Brahma singing was incessant. It turned out that the king of Ksitigarbha came to help after learning about this, and only saw him pointing at the strange divine beast beside him. Said: "Wukong, don't be in a hurry, and let me, this mount, listen carefully to see who is real and who is fake."

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