At this time, in the fairyland of Yaochi, the three of Ao Chen have come here, not only them, but Nu Wa also came here from the Wa Palace. As for the reason they came here, apart from visiting Haotian, they naturally wanted to see Haotian. Tianxin's little junior brother.

And Yun Yi also said respectfully, "Yun Yi has seen two teachers and three brothers."

Yao Chi laughed after hearing this: "Although the cultivation base is not very high, this talent is definitely the top in Honghuang, but no matter how good the talent is, it must be able to grow up smoothly, and the teacher will give you an innate spirit. Treasure!"

The words fell to Yao Chi and waved gently, and a fairy sword flew over and fell into Yun Yi's hand. Looking at the fairy sword in his hand, Yun Yi was amazed.

Because this is a middle-grade immortal treasure, this is not because Yaochi does not want to give him a better one, and the second is that his current cultivation level is not high, and he can't exert his full strength for a better innate spirit treasure, so it is better to give him the ability use.

Seeing this, Nu Wa also smiled and said, "Since Sister Yaochi gave it to me, I can't fall behind. I have a congenital spirit bead here. Although it is not a spirit treasure, it contains three attacks from the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and it can also resist three attacks at the same time. It's a good life-saving thing and I'll give it to you."

Yun Yi was overjoyed when he heard it. Although this is not the innate spiritual treasure in the mouth of the teacher, it is not worse than the innate spiritual treasure. It is definitely a good thing to save life at a critical time.

Ao Chen, who was on the side, smiled when he saw it: "The two masters have already sent things, and my senior brother can't be stingy. Here is a pair of armor of a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure that is unparalleled in defense. This time, I will give it to you. Little brother."

When the words fell, Ao Chen gave Yun Yi a pair of silver armor, Kong Xuan in the back gave five five-color feathers on his body, which could wipe out the other party's spiritual treasure five times, and Dapeng gave a storage ring , there are a million top-quality immortal stones in it, in addition to some elixir elixir, and precious refining materials and so on.

Yun Yi was overjoyed to have harvested so many things at once. Although he knew that his master was not easy, he didn't expect that the two masters and several brothers were equally good. Many of these things were available in their world. Unforgettable treasure.

After everyone had given away the treasures, Haotian took out a mirror and said, "This is a high-grade Xiantian Lingbao Tianlei Mirror. Once used, it can release the Nine Heavens Divine Lightning, and you can't fully use it with your current cultivation. However, considering that you will have to practice later, this treasure will be given to you in advance, and it is still possible to reluctantly activate it with your current cultivation."

"Master, I understand," Yun Yi replied respectfully after taking the Tianlei Mirror in Haotian's hands.

Haotian nodded, thought about it, and then took out a few spells and handed them over to Yun Yi: "This is an escape talisman. You can use one to escape for a million miles. There are a total of three that you can use carefully."

After Yun Yi heard it, Zai Du responded, and then left Yaochi Wonderland respectfully. After Yun Yi left, Dapeng couldn't help but ask, "Is there really no danger for a junior like Master?"

Haotian heard the words and said: "The things that should be instructed have been instructed, and the things that should be given are also given. Whether he can make a name for himself in the flood depends on whether he works hard. We can all help. Not on him."

Several people present did not speak after hearing it, because they knew that what Haotian said was right, and they went their own way, and other outsiders could not help.

At this moment, Taibaijinxing walked in, and looked at Haotian and said respectfully: "Your Majesty! Emperor Ziwei sent someone to report that the demon army in the extraterritorial battlefield launched an attack again, this time, even a few people appeared. Quasi-Saint Powerhouse!"

Haotian sneered when he heard it: "It's just to test our reaction. Tell Ziwei to let him let go of his hands and feet. This time they are going to fight with fear, and they won't dare to make any big moves for a hundred years."

After Taibai left, Haotian took out three more golden pills and said, "Ao Chen, the three of you are now at the peak of quasi-sage, and you are far from Hunyuan. Daluo Jinxian is only one step away, but this step is difficult to take, these three golden pills can help you three."

Ao Chen and the three were overjoyed when they heard it, but Dapeng said that he had just broken through the quasi-sage peak, and he was not in a hurry to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but Ao Chen and Kong Xuan had been trapped in the quasi-sage peak for many years, and now they finally How can you not be excited when you have a breakthrough opportunity?

Therefore, after hearing Haotian's words, the three of them knelt down excitedly, and Ao Chen said gratefully: "Thank you for your generous gift, Master, with this golden elixir, we will definitely break through to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. , I must be able to help Master by then."

Haotian nodded slightly, and then took out another golden pill and handed it to Ao Chen: "The candle dragon has been stuck at the peak of the quasi-sage for a long time. Take this golden pill back to the candle dragon."

Ao Chen responded respectfully when he heard the words, and then left here with Kong Xuan and Dapeng. After the three left, Haotian said with a smile: "The time is limited and I only refined these few golden pills. I will refine some more, put some on the contribution list, and use the rest for your three corpses."

Yaochi and Nuwa responded when they heard it, with a slight blush on their faces. Haotian smiled when he saw this, and then sat on the seat with his two daughters in his arms and said, "Where is the fairy palace? Play music and dance."

As Haotian's words fell, Tianfu music resounded in the Yaochi fairyland, while Haotian and the three sat on the main seat and listened to the music quietly, eating some fairy fruits from time to time, and Haotian also Some things in the chaos were told to the second girl, which surprised the second girl.

And just when the Yaochi fairyland was singing and singing, in the outer space battlefield, the heavenly army coordinated by the Great Emperor Ziwei and the outer demons fought again. Teams of heavenly soldiers and generals wearing armors and capes directly interacted with the surrounding demons. The army fights.

And at the very front, a man wearing silver armor and holding a fairy sword even killed the Quartet. Everywhere he passed, the demon army collapsed, and no one could stop him. This man was none other than Yang Chan. and Yang Jian's eldest brother, Yang Jiao.

When Yang Jiao was released from Yaoji, he voluntarily joined the army outside the Heavenly Court. He started as a soldier and became the current marshal of soldiers and horses. Along the way, he accumulated countless military exploits and was regarded as a famous general under the command of Emperor Ziwei. , and among the demons, it is even more fearful to talk about it, which shows that many people in the demons are afraid of Yang Jiao.

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