This is not to say that the entire Demon Race is jealous of Yang Jiao, it's just some middle and high-level Demon Race members. For the top Demon Race members, Yang Jiao is nothing in their eyes and can be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

At this time, somewhere on the battlefield outside the territory, a quasi-sage early stage powerhouse of the Demon Race suddenly grabbed Yang Jiao and said, "I heard that your reputation is not small, I don't believe that you are really as good as you say. ."

"Don't you know if you try it?" Yang Jiao snorted coldly, then rushed over.

"Arrogant guy," Mo Ye roared, and then rushed towards Yang Jiao.

Both sides are strong in the early stage of quasi-sage, and the impact of collision with each other is naturally not small, but after several consecutive collisions, neither of the two sides can do anything about the other.

In this case, we can only compete for magic weapons. I saw Mo Ye took out a black bead, and then a group of black fire rushed towards Yang Jiao. This black fire is not an ordinary fire, but it was accidentally found by the demons. The kind of flame obtained, the power is also ranked in the top 100 on the Shenhuo list. The ordinary Da Luo Jinxian will die when touched, even the quasi-sage supernatural power will have to frown.

But Yang Jiao was not in this column, only a little of his feet were seen, and then a white lotus protected Yang Jiao in it, the black magic fire dissipated instantly when it touched the lotus, but let more white light above the lotus. .

This lotus is the ninth-grade white lotus. Like the ninth-grade meritorious golden lotus, it has a natural restraint against the attacks of the demons and the demons themselves, and this is the truth. I saw Moyan terrified and said: "How is this possible? Ah? How could you have a ninth-grade white lotus? It's impossible."

Yang Jiao didn't talk nonsense about it, but just stood on top of the white lotus and silently resisted the attack. Seeing that there was a flash of madness on Moyan's face, he even smashed the black magic bead directly at the white lotus, and he himself followed closely behind. He rushed out, but his figure gradually disappeared as he rushed out.

Obviously, he wanted to explode the magic bead to defeat Bai Lian's defense, but he took advantage of the rare opportunity to strike, only taking the opponent's life, and scavenging all the spiritual treasures on him.

But how could Yang Jiao not be able to think of the things he could think of? After the black magic bead exploded, Bai Lian's defense was also improved to the extreme. Coupled with Yang Jiao's mana support, it directly blocked the magic bead's self-exploding power.

But at this time, the magic rock also rushed over, and at the same time, the jet-black claws directly grabbed Yang Jiao's heart, obviously intending to kill him with a single blow. Seeing this, Yang Jiao snorted coldly, and controlled the ninth-grade white lotus to also rush over, and at the same time With a heavy wave of the immortal sword in his hand, he directly cut off one of Moyan's arms.

Accompanied by a scream, Moyan, who missed the attack, covered his broken arm with a pale face, and said incredulously: "This is impossible, how could you find me with my body hidden?"

Yang Jiao didn't answer the other party, the whole person turned into a stream of light and rushed over quickly, and when the magic rock had no time to react, he swung out a sword and slashed its head away.

The head is the most important part of the body. If a person loses any part of the body, there are still some remedies, but once the head is lost, there will be no remedies. This is no exception to the demons. It can be said that the strength Demons who have not reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can no longer be resurrected once their heads are cut off, and Demon Rock is no exception.

Looking at the magic rock that had lost its head in front of him, Yang Jiao directly used the white brilliance in the ninth-grade white lotus to slowly annihilate it. After the annihilation was successful, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of the battle with Demon Rock, although he finally won, the mana in his body was also consumed a lot. If he encounters a Demon Race in the early stage of quasi-sage, although he has the confidence to defeat him, he will probably wait until then. There is not much mana left, but fortunately there are no other powerful demons.

But things may not be what he thought, and I saw another demon strongman appear here, and said coldly: "Introduce myself, my name is Moyan, I am Moyan's brother, although his death I don't care, but after all, I am a member of the Flame Demon clan, and as his elder brother, I should avenge him, and as for the spiritual treasure on your body, I will naturally accept it with a smile."

The words fell, and the magic flame directly took out a black tower. This tower is a bit like Rahu's Heavenly Demon Tower, but it is not the same in terms of power, because this tower is only a high-grade innate spiritual treasure, while the Heavenly Demon Tower is a A half-step innate treasure.

The so-called Half-step Innate Treasure is still a top-quality innate spiritual treasure in general, but its power surpasses that of the top-quality Innate Treasure. Treasures, like Sanqing's righteous way magic weapon, Taiyi Fuchen, Sanbaoyu Ruyi and Qingping sword all belong to this level.

On the other side, Yang Jiao was a little shocked, not only because the other party had a high-grade congenital spiritual treasure, but because the other party's cultivation had reached the middle stage of quasi-sage, far from being able to fight against him today.

Before he could react, the magic flame launched the black magic tower and launched an attack, and the black magic **** slammed into the white lotus. It is not the mother after all, so even restraint is not as strong as the mother.

Therefore, under the continuous attack, the ninth-grade white lotus also let out a whimper, and the white brilliance began to dim gradually. Moyan sneered at this scene, and then launched an attack again, blasting Yang Jiao out in one go.

puff! Yang Jiao, who was blasted out, spat out a mouthful of blood essence, and his face turned pale.

Seeing this, Mo Yan was even more prepared to strike the last blow to end the opponent. However, at this moment, a burst of starlight enveloped the surroundings, and then a young man in a purple emperor robe appeared here. This person was not someone else. It is Emperor Ziwei who has been sitting on the battlefield outside the territory all the year round.

After seeing that Yang Jiao was fine, Emperor Ziwei was relieved. Fortunately, he arrived in time, forcing Mo Yan not to attack. Otherwise, if something happened to Yang Jiao, he really didn't know how to explain to Haotian. Although Haotian might not blame him, he couldn't get over it himself, which also made him feel a little angry at Moyan.

Looking at the magic flame in front of him, the Great Emperor Ziwei snorted coldly: "You are so shameless, but you actually pick a hand that is weaker than yourself. Since you like playing with this emperor so much, I will play with you."

When the words fell, Emperor Ziwei sacrificed a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian star map. I saw the Zhoutian star map floating in the air, emitting the light of the stars and hitting the magic flame.

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