Mo Yan's complexion changed when he saw this scene, and then he quickly controlled the black magic tower to block the light of the stars. However, the black magic tower was one level worse than the Zhoutian star map, and this was the anger of Emperor Ziwei. Attack, how could he be able to block such a quasi-Saint mid-stage.

After being hit by the light of the stars, the Black Devil Tower suddenly let out a whimper, and there were a few cracks in the tower body. If it is not repaired in time, it is very likely to drop the level.

But this is not the worst. The worst thing is that Moyan himself has also been hit hard. After all, he and the Black Magic Tower are connected with each other. Now the Black Devil Tower has been hit hard. As the person who controls the Black Devil Tower, of course he also Not good.

After spitting out a mouthful of demon blood, Mo Yan glanced at Emperor Ziwei resentfully and said, "Emperor Ziwei, don't be too complacent, one day our demon army will break through the outer starry sky and give birth to your Ziwei star completely. destroy."

Emperor Ziwei's expression darkened slightly after hearing the words, and then he controlled the Zhou Tianxingchen map and rushed towards the magic flame. Seeing the magic flame in this scene, he was startled, and he shredded a spell with a rolling and crawling, followed by the whole person. Turned into magic and disappeared.

However, he could run, but the surrounding demon army could not. Many demon armies were divided into demonic energy and dissipated under the light of the stars. The remaining demon army was also killed by the siege of heavenly soldiers do.

So far, this unexpected battle ended with the fiasco of the Demon Race. This time, the Demon Race dispatched hundreds of thousands of elite troops, led by a mid-stage quasi-Saint strongman, two early-stage quasi-Saint powerhouses, and dozens of other leaders. Luo Jinxian joins the battle.

As a result, at the end of the battle, the demons suffered heavy losses with one quasi-sage mid-stage powerhouse, two quasi-sage early-stage powerhouses fell, and dozens of Daluo Jinxian lost more than half and ended bleakly. It can be said that this time it was the demons again. A fiasco.

And this is not the first time that the demons have failed. In the early days of the establishment of the heavenly court, they were able to win some victories occasionally, but as Haotian broke through to the Hunyuan Daluojinxian and the background of the heavenly court gradually strengthened, they won only a handful of times. In the past few hundred years, it has not won once.

It can be said that since Haotian established the Heavenly Court, the battle between the Demon Race and the Heavenly Court army has been to lose more and win less, but the Demon Race, for some unknown reason, always invests troops tirelessly regardless of losses, and doesn't care about losing these people. What is the purpose of it? I am afraid that only Luohu himself knows.

After repelling the demon army, Emperor Ziwei said to the heavenly general beside him: "Pass on the emperor's will to immediately beat the drums and withdraw the troops."

Tian Jiang responded after hearing it, and then turned into a streamer to convey his will, while Emperor Ziwei took the injured Yang Jiao to leave first.

Shortly after Emperor Ziwei and the two left, the sound of the retreating drum sounded, and the heavenly soldiers and generals who heard the sound of the drums evacuated from the battlefield outside the territory and returned to the camp to rest in preparation for the next battle.

As for the Demon Race, a subordinate whose strength reached the peak of the quasi-sage Hui reported: "The Demon Ancestor, our attack this time has failed again."

The demon ancestor Luo Hu nodded when he heard the words, and then said lightly: "There is no need to continue such attacks in the future, just keep harassing them continuously."

The previous subordinates asked suspiciously: "The subordinates of Mr. Mozu are a little puzzled, why we don't launch an attack on the face, and once we launch an all-out attack with our strength, Ziwei alone can't stop us at all, not to mention And you, my lord."

Hearing this, Luo Hu sneered: "If you think you've lived too long, you can try it."

The expression of the previous subordinates changed when he heard the words: "I don't know what is the meaning of Master Mozu?"

Hearing this, Luo Hu said coldly: "Although only Ziwei and several other quasi-sage powerhouses are sitting in the battlefield outside the territory, once they are attacked in an all-round way, they can still block us for a moment by means of various means, and at that time, the reinforcements from Heavenly Court I will continue to arrive through the teleportation array, what will the result be at that time? I don’t need to say more.”

The subordinates were sweating after hearing it. Of course they knew what the result was. Although the strength of the demon army was not weak, once they faced the heavenly army head-on, they would still be in a weak position. Their preparations will fall short, which is something they never want to see.

Looking at the trembling look of his subordinates, the demon ancestor Luo Hu continued: "And the most important point is that once we attack now, we will inevitably be suppressed by heaven, but 500 years later, there will be no such factor, compared to heaven. , Buddhism after 500 years is easier to deal with, as long as you take down the things behind Buddhism, you can slowly figure it out.”

After hearing it, the demons present immediately felt that this method was a good idea, because Buddhism was indeed easier to deal with compared to Heaven. Obviously, the demons also understood the reason why persimmons were soft-touching.

At this time, in the main tent of the Heavenly Court Army in the unexpected starry sky, Emperor Ziwei had already helped Yang Jiao recover from his injuries.

"Thank you Emperor for helping," Yang Jiao said gratefully at Emperor Ziwei.

Emperor Ziwei said with a smile: "Accurately speaking, this emperor should thank you. Since you came, new training methods have been promulgated, and the strength of the extraterritorial army has increased by several layers, but it has reduced a lot on my side. loss."

Yang Jiao said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, although this training method was written by me, my uncle and some other immortals also made a lot of suggestions, so the credit should not be solely my own."

Emperor Ziwei nodded with satisfaction. In his opinion, this Yang Jiao is indeed a good seedling, not greedy for merit, not arrogant, not arrogant, and also humble, given time his achievements will definitely not be low.

But soon he seemed to think of something? Then he sighed lightly and said, "I'm afraid you don't know what happened to your sister Yang Chan, right?"

"Great Emperor, what happened to my sister?" Yang Jiao, who has always been calm in the face of trouble, asked in a little panic.

Emperor Ziwei comforted him when he heard the words: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, but it's not a trivial matter, your sister violated the rules of heaven and fell in love with mortals, and now she was suppressed under Huashan by your second brother Yang Jian, and it has been more than ten years now. past."

Yang Jiao's face changed when he heard the words, but he calmed down soon. In his opinion, his uncle must know about this matter, but he did not stop him, and he has his own difficulties, so he must not force his uncle, let alone There are two younger brothers, mothers, uncles and aunts who take care of them secretly. Presumably the third younger sister will not suffer much grievances, at most it is the same as her own mother was suppressed back then.

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