Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 303: The Buddhas are captured

At this time, in Lingshan Mountain in the west, many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Arhats were imprisoned here, while Wutian, not far away, looked at everyone and said, "Now that the Tathagata is dead, you are willing to surrender.

"I don't understand what you mean by surrender?" Tang Xuanzang asked after hearing this.

Wutian heard the words and said coldly: "Of course it is to surrender to me Wutian, why don't you want to wait?"

Tang Xuanzang asked back: "We only surrender to the real Buddha, but are you? For the sake of the Buddha, we must love others, love all things, love everything in the world, and righteousness, righteousness and righteous deeds are the foundation of Buddhism. Can you do it? If not we Why should I surrender to you?"

"Xuanzang is absolutely right," Guanyin stood up and supported him.

Most of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats expressed their approval after hearing it. Only the two direct disciples of the Tathagata were determined to be traitors. This made Tang Xuanzang and others angry and anxious, but they were helpless.

Wutian even sneered and said: "Do you want to move me with kind thoughts? Five hundred years ago, the Tathagata did not do things, just rely on you to do it? It's just wishful thinking."

The words fell, Wutian launched an attack directly, and waves of mana Boheng hit Tang Xuanzang's body. At first, Tang Xuanzang could hold on for a while, but after a while, he vomited blood and flew out.

Looking at Tang Xuanzang who fell to the ground, Wutian said impatiently: "Don't blame the deity for being so stubborn and reckless, the deity will cut off the three flowers in the chest of yours and let you Waiting to become a total waste."

Speaking of Wutian, he directly used his great magic power to forcibly start to weaken the cultivation of everyone. Although everyone resisted desperately, after all, the supernatural power was not as good as the number of days, and the cultivation was cut off one after another.

Looking at the people who were paralyzed on the ground, Wutian said to the black-robed Dharma protector on the side: "Detain this group of people temporarily in the prison, and then detain them there after the preparation of the Asura world is completed."

"Yes!" After hearing this, the black-robed Dharma protector left to prepare to handle the matter, leaving Wutian alone who didn't know what he was thinking. At this time, there was a sense of irritability in his heart.

Because it was only just now that he discovered that he did not really rule the Buddha world, and the Tathagata did not fall, but was reincarnated. When he returned to Buddhism in the future, he only ruled Buddhism for a short period of thirty-three years. If During this period, he can't completely kill the Tathagata, so what awaits him is ashes.

Even Heavenly Court is staring at him. As long as he makes a mistake, he believes that Heavenly Court will never miss this opportunity.

As for finding the Tathagata's reincarnated body, it is also extremely difficult for him, because the underworld is still under the control of the heavenly court, as long as the Great Emperor Fengdu uses a little trick, it is enough to make it difficult for him to find the Tathagata's reincarnation body.

And once the reincarnation of the Tathagata cannot be found within the specified time, not only will he be wiped out, but even the plan of the ancestors of Luohu to come back to the prehistoric wasteland will be blocked. This is something Wutian does not want to see anyway. He did not hesitate to pay any price.

After all, for this plan, they have been waiting for countless years, and they can't wait any longer. At this moment, they will become the masters of the flood. If they can't succeed, then they will Destroy the entire prehistoric wasteland, and what they can't get must not be easily obtained by others.

Thinking of this, Wutian said to the black lotus messenger on the side: "I don't care what method you use, you must lure Sun Wukong to Lingshan."

"Please rest assured that your subordinates will live up to expectations!" The black lotus messenger said respectfully, and then left here.

At this time in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor looked at Tianpeng not far away and said, "The time is almost up now, Tianpeng, you should go to the realm immediately."

"Little God obeys his will!" Tian Peng said with a fist clasped after hearing the words, and then went straight to the realm.

Not only the canopy, but even the rolling blinds, he will see the opportunity to let him go to the lower bounds, but the time has not come yet.

It's just that when necessary, it is still impossible to give Sun Wukong's assistance. At least the shrimp soldiers, crab generals and sea dragon soldiers from all over the world will find a way to follow the command of Sun Wukong in the future.

But for the time being, I won't take the initiative to obey Sun Wukong's orders. After all, Sun Wukong may not even figure out what happened.

This is also the case. At this time in Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong welcomed a person who surprised him. This person is none other than Guanyin Bodhisattva, but this Guanyin was imitated by the Asura workshop. Mana and let people let go to check the cultivation base, it is impossible to expose.

But Sun Wukong is somewhat clever, and he soon discovered a suspicious point, because he did not deal with Guanyin for a day or two. Usually, Guanyin used to hold a bottle in his left hand, but now he has a bottle in his right hand.

This greatly increased Sun Wukong's suspicion, but after all, he didn't have much to say without evidence. After learning that the Tathagata Buddha urgently recruited him to return to Lingshan, Sun Wukong did not hesitate at all, and left Huaguoshan directly with the fake Guanyin.

However, on the way to Lingshan, Sun Wukong decided to give her a try. After arriving at a place, Sun Wukong suddenly asked: "Bodhisattva, do you remember where this place is?"

The fake Guanyin is now only thinking about lure Sun Wukong to Lingshan, how can he pay attention to these places, so he just said casually: "The world is so big, how do I know where this is? Don't hesitate to follow me to Lingshan, I'm afraid the Buddha will be too late. Be in a hurry."

When Sun Wukong heard it, he laughed and said, "Why is the Bodhisattva so forgetful? This is your dojo, Luojia Mountain, in the South China Sea."

The fake Guanyin was shocked when he heard it, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Of course I know this place is my dojo, but I just don't want to talk to you, so let's go!"

Sun Wukong sneered in his heart, he has already concluded that this Guanyin Bodhisattva is fake, but he still wants to continue to test.

I saw Sun Wukong continue to say: "I wonder if the Bodhisattva still remembers the mantra of my constricting mantra? Why don't you recite it for my old grandson to relieve fatigue."

The fake Guanyin said impatiently: "What happened to you hozen today? Why do you always ask this and that? How can I remember the spell after so long?"

Sun Wukong nodded when he heard the words, but when he was walking on the road, he suddenly pulled out the golden hoop stick and hit the fake Guanyin in front of him. The fake Guanyin was very shocked when he saw it, and then directly avoided the attack of Sun Wukong and said: "Wukong What do you mean? Why are you attacking me?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong sneered: "Don't pretend to be a monster, you are not Guanyin Bodhisattva at all, and you are not ready to show your true form."

The fake Guanyin continued to pretend to be stupid and said: "Wukong, what are you talking about? Stop making a fool of yourself, the Buddha is still waiting for us."

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