After Sun Wukong heard this, he sneered: "Don't try to trick my grandson into being fooled any more. Before, my old grandson deliberately tried several times, and you have already revealed the truth. The place you passed by before is not your dojo Nanhai Luojia Mountain at all. Penglai Immortal Island in the East China Sea, it's ridiculous that you don't even understand that."

After hearing this, the fake Guanyin no longer hid, but looked at Sun Wukong and said with a smile: "As expected of fighting over the Buddha, there is indeed some ability, but do you think you can really give a headache to our palms? I'm not afraid to tell you, now the Tathagata has come If you die, many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in the West will be captured without a single hand, but you should obediently join the Buddha who rules Buddhism."

"What a monster looking for a fight!" Sun Wukong didn't believe what the fake Guanyin said at all, so he picked up the golden hoop and hit the fake Guanyin in front of him. The fake Guanyin saw this scene and knew that nothing could be done, so he could only fight and retreat to try to get rid of it. Sun Wukong, but in the end, he was beaten by Sun Wukong with a stick and fled in a panic.

Just when Sun Wukong wanted to continue chasing, he found that the scene in front of him had changed. He was surprised to find that he was still in the cave, and the canopy was in front of him.

Looking at the shocked Sun Wukong, Tian Peng smiled silently in his heart, and then said naively, "Brother Monkey, what is the black lotus on your head? Could it be that some kind of baby can't be made?"

When Sun Wukong heard the words, he just wanted to get up, but he found that he was actually blocked by Hei Lian. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong said directly to Tian Peng: "Don't smirk anymore, my old grandson was blocked by this thing, so come and help."

Tianpeng pretended to be shocked when he heard the words, then nodded dumbly, and took out the nine-toothed nail rake and smashed it at the black lotus. The black lotus that was attacked immediately shattered, and Sun Wukong also regained his freedom.

After regaining his freedom, Sun Wukong looked at the Tianpeng in front of him and said: "You idiot is not your Tianpeng Marshal in the heavenly court, how can you come here to find my grandson when you have time."

Tianpeng laughed and said, "I'm not bored? There is no war in the sky now, and I'm either going to court or eating and drinking all day long. Brother's Huaguo Mountain, so I came to see it specially, but Junior Brother Sha will not have such a good life, and now he has to follow the Jade Emperor's side every step of the way."

Sun Wukong nodded when he heard the words, and then told Tianpeng what he had seen before, Tianpeng pretended to be shocked when he heard the words, and at the same time secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the people of the Demon Race can't wait, they want to fool so soon. This monkey rushed to Lingshan, no, I can't let the people of the demons succeed easily."

Thinking of this, Tianpeng said deliberately: "I said Brother Monkey, I think you are having a nightmare, but some strange things happened in Tianting some time ago."

Sure enough, when Tian Peng said this, Sun Wukong immediately became interested, and he temporarily forgot about going to Lingshan.

"Fool, tell me what happened?" Sun Wukong asked impatiently.

Tian Peng said solemnly after hearing this: "A few days ago, the tremors in the heavenly court continued to harass all the demons in the Hua Palace. Although the turmoil was quickly pacified, some of the big demons at the head were rescued by a mysterious person, and the Jade Emperor was furious. , and immediately ordered Li Tianwang and his son to lead their celestial generals to search and arrest Dongsheng Shenzhou."

As for why they didn't go to Xiniu Hezhou to search, even Sun Wukong knew some reasons. After all, Xiniu Hezhou was a Buddhist site, and it was impossible for people in Heaven to search for no reason.

Seeing Sun Wukong's puzzled look, Tian Peng immediately said carelessly, "Brother Monkey, I'm also here to see you. Is it the way of hospitality that you don't even prepare food for me?"

When Sun Wukong heard the words, he immediately smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Junior brother came here, how could my old grandson not know how to treat guests? You can eat whatever you want in Huaguo Mountain. endlessly."

Although Buddhism prohibits alcohol, Sun Wukong is not drinking real wine, but fruit wine, so it is not a big deal. Under Tianpeng's deliberate instigation, Sun Wukong immediately got drunk. As for Tianpeng, he also pretended to be He looks drunk, but is actually sober.

Not to mention the drunk Tianpeng and Sun Wukong. At this time, the people sent by Heavenly Court to show off had already set off. Millions of Heavenly Soldiers and Gods of Luotian were led by the Emperor Jiutian Dangmo himself. Respectfully known as the Great Emperor of Zhenwu in the North, his position is no worse than that of the Four Imperial Courts of Heaven, and he is considered unparalleled in power only under the peace of Haotian.

The scale of the people sent to play is also very luxurious, including the twenty-eight constellations, the twelve Yuanchen, the nine luminaries, the six Dings and the six Jias, the five directions, the four merits, the east and the west stars, the two gods in the north and the south, the stars in the universe, and The Four Heavenly Kings, Li Jing and his son, and others, traveled in the skyship.

Heavenly Court's expedition naturally attracted the attention of many great supernatural powers. I thought it was here to fight against the Demon Race, but who knew that so many Heavenly Court troops were just wandering around in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and they didn't know what they were doing. As for the demons, they are relieved, after all, as long as Heaven doesn't find their bad luck.

When they succeed in accumulating their strength, it is not a matter of a word to win the Heavenly Court, but it is a pity that they overestimate themselves and underestimate the Heavenly Court today.

However, these armies are not really wandering around. Along the way, they not only slaughtered all the evil spirits and monsters in Dongsheng Shenzhou, but finally infiltrated their forces into Nanshibu Continent, and gradually controlled this area as the control area of ​​Heavenly Court.

This scene shocked many great magicians. Although they were a little worried about the expansion of Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court is a local force after all, and they will be treated more or less politely. Even if it is really impossible, joining Heavenly Court can get a lot benefit. "

In contrast, the expansion of the Demon Race really worried them. Although the Demon Race didn't make any big noise during this time, it doesn't mean that they won't have any big movement in the future, not to mention that these Demon Race are outside the territory. people, they will not be treated as politely as Heavenly Court.

Therefore, many loose cultivators gradually moved closer and began to hug together to resist the infiltration of the demons. Of course, there were also some monks who could not resist the temptation and joined the demons willingly, but their fate was already doomed, it is conceivable And know that their future life is not destined to be easy.

After all, the demons are destined to last forever. Once the demons fail, they will be liquidated, but all this has not happened yet, and those who have taken refuge in the demons are still living and dreaming, unaware of their tragic ending in the future.

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