As the night passed in a hurry, Sun Wukong rushed to the Lingshan Mountain in the West with his fake reincarnation body after it was dark, leaving Tianpeng to hide with the real reincarnation body.

At this time in the Western Lingshan Mountain, a monk walked into the Mahavira Hall and said respectfully, "Tell me that the Buddha Tathagata has defeated the Buddha and Sun Wukong has brought the reincarnated devil boy back to Lingshan.

Let the fight against the Buddha come in! The Tathagata who sat high on the lotus platform said lightly.

After a while, Sun Wukong entered the Mahavira Hall and looked at the Tathagata: "Buddha, I have lived up to expectations and brought the reincarnated soul boy back to Lingshan, and asked the Buddha to check.

The Tathagata was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, but when he checked it, his face was a little bad. After checking it many times, he still looked like this. It was only then that he realized that Sun Wukong had seen his details.

Looking at the Sun Wukong who was not doing the right thing, Ruo Lai sighed slightly, then looked at the Sun Wukong in front of him and asked lightly: "When did you find out that I was a fake?

After hearing this, Sun Wukong returned to a serious look and looked at the Tathagata and said: "It's very simple, that dream full of loopholes, the ambush of Luojia Mountain, the Jade Emperor and the ancient Buddha's words have something to say, and then to Qiaojiazhuang's reputation for the reincarnated soul boy , I can judge from this that you are not the real Tathagata Buddha at all, but a counterfeit, come on, who are you?"

The Tathagata sitting in the first place sneered, and then directly turned into the appearance of Wutian, while the originally kind-hearted Bodhisattva and Buddha all turned into monsters and monsters and laughed.

And Wutian on the lotus platform sneered: "You are very good, if my subordinates were half as smart as you, things would never have developed to this point, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, I can How about handing over the position of the ancient Buddha to you?

"Tao is different and not conspiracy," Wukong shook his head and refused directly.

"Then go to hell!" Wutian snorted coldly, and then shot directly at Sun Wukong.

And Sun Wukong is also fearless to fight with Wutian. However, the cultivation base of both sides is one in the sky and one underground. In any case, Wutian also has the cultivation base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Sun Wukong just broke through to the middle stage of quasi-sage. That's it.

The gap between the two is not too big, but after a stick of incense, Sun Wukong was defeated, vomiting blood and looking sluggish.

"Are you willing to surrender to me?" Wutian looked at Sun Wukong and asked again.

At this time, Sun Wukong knew very well that he was not an opponent of Wutian, so he decided to pretend to take refuge in order to find a way to escape.

"Can I allow my old grandson to think about it?" Sun Wukong struggled to get up and asked.

Wutian heard the words with a chuckle: "Of course, I will arrange accommodation for you, and let the six spirits be responsible for protecting you, but it will not disturb you, you can think about it during this period."

"Thank you so much for your kindness," Sun Wukong let out a disdainful snort and left here alone, without caring about Wutian's kindness at all, because he knew very well that these people had bad intentions and were just under the guise of protecting him. Just watch him from outside the door all the time.

The six spirit generals who were named by Wutian nodded and followed Sun Wukong away, and the black-robed Dharma protector asked worriedly: "Buddha, I feel that this Sun Wukong will never sincerely surrender, why do you treat him like this? ?"

Wutian sneered after hearing it: "Because I will deliberately let him escape from here, only in this way will he lead us to find the reincarnation of the Tathagata, and only in this way can we not fall short."

"Buddha is wise!" The black-robed Dharma protector immediately flattered.

"Okay, let's go back! There's nothing important, don't bother." Although Wutian enjoyed this kind of flattery, he still had to do it, so he said coldly.

Hei-robed Dharma Protector and others respectfully retreated after hearing this, and then only Wutian was left to sit here alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, the Jade Emperor looked at the immortals in the Lingxiao Palace in the 33rd layer of heaven and said, "This catastrophe is truly a catastrophe in the Three Realms. One day, my heavenly court will fight with the demons, and the immortals should be fully prepared to prevent it. accident."

"I'll follow His Majesty's will!" All the immortals present said after hearing it.

However, the Lingxiao Palace was somewhat free at this time. After all, the Northern Zhenwu Emperor had already taken away some of the immortals and left, and the rest had to sit on the 365 ancient stars to ensure the protection of the Heavenly Court. The normal operation of Tianxingdou, so there are really not many people in the Xianjia stranded in Lingxiao Palace.

Even so, the quality of the immortal family in Lingxiao Palace is definitely not bad, whether it is the Four Heavenly Masters, the Five Elders, or the Three Stars of Fortune, Lushou, or the Mother of the Stars, Doumu Yuanjun, Taibaijinxing, Taishang Laojun, Nandou Liusi, Beidou Qiyuan, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu Four Gods, Sangong the Great and others are all quasi-sage supernatural powers.

It can be said that in the Palace of Lingxiao, the quasi-holy war power of the small half of the heaven has gathered. As for the Daluo Jinxian, there are also many, such as the seventy-two evil stars, the thirty-six heavenly gangsters, the thirty-six generals of the Leibu, and the twenty-four heavenly monarchs. The Eight Immortals of Shangdong and the others are all powerful at the Daluo Jinxian level.

It can be said that in terms of the number of masters, Heavenly Court is definitely the number one in the prehistoric era. Apart from that, no other force can compare to Heavenly Court. Even in terms of territory and wealth, no one can surpass Heavenly Court.

At this time, Zhang Tianshi, who was in the lead, said: "Your Majesty received a report from the emperor of the human world, saying that there are often evil ghosts in the human world, and begging Heavenly Court to send troops to capture the evil ghosts and restore the world to a bright world.

The Jade Emperor frowned slightly after hearing this. He knew that this was Wutian's handwriting. When the catastrophe began, a large number of evil ghosts were let into the human world, disrupting the order of the human world. Over the years, the local mountain god, Land God, and others tried their best to fight the pressure. These evil ghosts, but because there are too many evil ghosts, they are powerless after all.

Some people were besieged to death by evil spirits, resulting in vacancies in the local priesthood. The Jade Emperor immediately said: "Gogo Chen Dijun leads the three talents of heaven and earth, Xingjun, Wuji war god, eight marshals, and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. Eliminate evil spirits in the world.

"The old minister is going to pass the will!" Taibaijinxing, who was not far away, quickly walked out after hearing it.

At this time, the Taishang Laojun also came out and said: "Your Majesty, your Majesty has already raised a large number of medicinal herbs for the recovery of injuries, as well as the improvement of cultivation and other uses, but there are still some materials. If there is any shortage, please pay your Majesty as appropriate."

The Jade Emperor squinted his eyes slightly, looking at Taishang Laojun who was silent for a long time, and Taishang Laojun was also a little embarrassed. After all, it was not that Haotian gave enough materials, but that he was greedy for a part of it. Anyway, his The deity is also the leader of the Human Religion. Once there were not many disciples, he could not detect it, and as the consumption of more and more disciples increased, he had to secretly engage in greed for ink.

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