Looking at the embarrassed Taishang Laojun, the Jade Emperor shook his head slightly. He knew very well that the lack of materials must have been stolen by this old man, but he had no right to consider it as the hard work for the other party.

After figuring this out, the Jade Emperor immediately condensed a token with his mana and gave it to Laojun: "Laojun can take my token and go to the treasure house to collect the missing materials."

On the other side, Tian Nu flicked his whisk with eyesight and said, "Is there still something to be played by the immortals? If not, then retreat."

The immortals in the heavenly court were relieved, because it was obvious that Haotian didn't want to hold any more meetings. The report is nothing but confirmation of the Jade Emperor's authority over the heavenly court.

In the Western Spirit Mountain, the time gradually came to night, and Sun Wukong, who had been imprisoned in the ancient Buddha with a lamp, did not appear panicked, but meditated here in peace, without the slightest feeling of being a prisoner.

But soon a golden relic rose up and turned into an ancient Buddha with a burning lamp looking at Sun Wukong and said: "It seems that you have seen through the mystery here, Wukong, there is a picture scroll in my dojo called Western The Bodhi map is an innate spiritual treasure, you can find it and use the power of this spiritual treasure to escape."

"Many thanks to the ancient Buddha for pointing out the maze!" After Sun Wukong said with his hands folded together, he began to look for the Wonderful Bodhi Picture that the ancient Buddha said.

Kung fu pays off, and it didn't take long for Sun Wukong to find the innate spiritual treasure Myriad Bodhi map mentioned by the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, and this Western Bodhi map is not an ordinary spiritual treasure, and ranks among the top-grade innate spiritual treasures. It was the treasure that the two of them received in the Treasure Treasure Rock back then, and it was considered a good spiritual treasure.

After pouring mana into it, the Western Bodhi map immediately unfolded, breaking through the prohibition set by Wutian, and took Sun Wukong to escape from the dojo of the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha.

The six spirits guarding outside the door directly led troops to encircle and suppress Sun Wukong in panic, but unfortunately there is no Wutian in command, only the six spirits who have only Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base are not Sun Wukong's opponents at all. Some people died directly under the golden hoop of Sun Wukong.

In this way, in just a stick of incense, the Six Spiritual Generals were beaten to death by Sun Wukong, and the army under his command was almost wiped out.

Instead, he watched Sun Wukong escape from Lingshan, because he had already left some means on Sun Wukong's body, and he was not afraid that Sun Wukong could escape from his palm.

The Buddha and I were incompetent and let Sun Wukong go, and the surviving six spirits said shamefully: "I tried my best to stop Sun Wukong, but I failed to hold back Sun Wukong. Instead, I asked him to kill and wound me and ask the Buddha to punish."

Wutian looked at the people in front of him and chuckled: "Why should I punish you? You have nothing wrong, but you have a lot of credit."

After hearing this, the six spirits looked puzzled, and did not understand what Wutian Buddha meant?

Wutian explained: "Because of your desperate efforts, Sun Wukong didn't feel that something was wrong, so not only are you not wrong, but you have done great work. I am a person who pays attention to rewards and punishments. You can go to collect the healing medicine first, and then Go to the treasure house to receive a Lingbao as a reward.

"Many thanks to Wutian Buddha for the reward!" The surviving six spirits left here excitedly after being grateful.

There is a reason for leaving Wutian alone here. He is so generous. After all, sometimes he has to come up with some benefits to gather and win people's hearts. Otherwise, the people below will have little motivation.

As for the few innate spiritual treasures, Wutian didn't care too much. Although he didn't find the Buddhist treasure house, when he came to Honghuang, he got a lot of spiritual treasures from the ancestors of Luohu. Other saint sects, but also more than many ordinary forces.

At this time, Sun Wukong had already escaped, and Sun Wukong did not know that his every move was under the surveillance of Wutian. After successfully escaping, he returned directly to the Qiao family compound, and lifted the secret law to allow Qiao Linger to see the sky again.

And Wutian in Lingshan also sensed this, and then looked at the black robe not far away and said: "The location of the reincarnated body has been determined, you immediately lead your troops to the Qiao family compound to arrest him."

"Follow the will of the Buddha!" ​​The black-robed guardian did not dare to be slighted after hearing it, and directly led a large number of demon soldiers to the Qiao family compound.

At this time in the Qiao family compound, Sun Wukong looked at Tianpeng not far away and asked, "Junior brother, you are popular and familiar with all things in Honghuang. Is there any place that you recommend to let Qiao Linger avoid temporarily?"

Tianpeng rolled his eyes, then looked at Sun Wukong not far away and said: "If I really want to say, there is really a suitable place, that is the famous Sanxian Island, and the owner of Sanxian Island, Lin Haodaojun is even more so. The well-known great supernatural power, with a cultivation base that is superb, his strength is still above the Tathagata

In addition, Sanxian Island is a gathering place for scattered immortals, so there are also a large number of immortal soldiers stationed in Sanxian Island, plus the powerhouses of Sanxian Island itself, I think the demons should not attack this place by force. .

Sun Wukong nodded and said: "It's so good, let's go to Penglai Immortal Island without delay."

Tianpeng did not delay after hearing it, and took Sun Wukong directly to Sanxian Island in the East China Sea.

At this time in the Yaochi Wonderland, Haotian smiled helplessly, and didn't care about the flattering and showing good behavior of the canopy. Besides, if the catastrophe canopy can really take this one step further, then he also Don't mind giving him some favors.

At this time, Lin Hao, who was in Penglai Immortal Island, also chuckled, and then whispered to the boy beside him. The boy nodded immediately after hearing it, and took another virgin to open the protection of Penglai Immortal Island. At the same time, the two stood in the clouds and waited for the arrival of Sun Wukong and others.

Didn't make the two wait longer, and with the ability of somersaulting clouds, Sun Wukong and Tianpeng quickly arrived at Penglai Island. After seeing the two virgins, Sun Wukong was even more surprised, because the virgins and virgins had reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and the Taoist robes, Yu Ruyi, and whisk were all innate treasures.

It can be seen that the wealth of Penglai Immortal Island is definitely not blown out, and the virgins did not care about Sun Wukong's surprise, after all, it is not the first time they have seen this expression, and at the same time there is a little pride in their hearts.

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