Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 316: Battle of Qiaojiazhuang

Under the leadership of the two boys and girls, Sun Wukong and his party quickly entered the Penglai Immortal Island, but they were shocked as soon as they entered here.

Because this is not innate aura, but a rarer chaotic aura, and it is not the kind of chaotic aura that cannot be absorbed, but a chaotic aura that has been transformed by a secret method. Even if it is absorbed by mortals, there is no harm at all.

You must know that the prehistoric innate spiritual energy of today is not as sufficient as it was when the world was created, not to mention the more precious chaotic spiritual energy. Such aura is probably only possessed by some treasures in the heaven, as for other places, there is only innate spiritual energy.

The group of Sun Wukong, who was so shocked, were taken directly to the main hall of Penglai Xiandao under the leadership of the boy and the virgin. They were shocked by various anecdotes along the way. Xiandao could find a whole pond.

For another example, there are many innate and acquired spiritual roots standing around, and there is even a treasure pavilion similar to Heavenly Court, which is also flickering with precious lights, and many immortal soldiers and immortals will patrol back and forth.

In addition, all kinds of ancient immortal beasts can be seen here, and even a lot of ginseng dolls can be seen here. It can be said that this place is definitely second only to Heavenly Court, and even most of Heavenly Court. It can't be compared, only places like Lingxiao Palace and Yaochi Wonderland can compare.

After entering the main hall, a young man wearing a white Taoist robe holding a whisk and sitting on a lotus platform attracted them, because this person was likely to be the owner of Penglai Immortal Island, Lin Haodaojun.

Just as they thought, Lin Hao, who was sitting on top of the 24th-grade white lotus, chuckled lightly: "I already know your purpose, the reincarnated body will stay here, as long as he doesn't run around, I will There are ways to keep him safe."

"Thank you so much, Daojun! Sun Wukong bowed slightly and left Penglai Immortal Island with Tianpeng to look for other relics. As for Qiao Linger, she was taken by Lin Hao's new female disciple, Fairy Biyou. take care of.

Looking at the leaving Fairy Biyou, Lin Hao sighed slightly. After all, Fairy Biyou in the original book died for the sake of her reincarnation. tangled together.

Although he is the deity who holds the corpse, he can't interfere with the heaven and earth, but this child Bi You is his own disciple after all, no matter how much he still has to protect him. Thinking of this, Lin Hao shook his head helplessly. After sighing, he left.

At this time, at the Qiaojia Village, a tragic scene had already happened. Countless monsters and ghosts suddenly appeared and bloodbathed the entire Qiaojia Town. Thousands of people in the entire Qiaojia Town lost thousands of people in the blink of an eye.

"Where did the monster come from to die!" Bai Lianhua was so angry when she saw it, she pulled out her long sword and rushed out.

However, after all, the white lotus is only a mortal body. Although it has some martial arts, how can it be the opponent of these ferocious magic soldiers and magic generals? It didn't take long before he was besieged by a group of magic soldiers and generals and was knocked unconscious.

I didn't care about the stunned White Lotus. At this time, the black-robed Dharma protector was burning with rage. After all, he had searched through half of Qiao's town, and he didn't even find the ghost shadow of his reincarnation. Surrounded, but there is still no discovery, it is obvious that the reincarnation body has been taken away in advance.

This made Hei Pao angry, and directly ordered to his subordinates: "Kill the little ones for me, and kill all the people in the whole town for me."

Everyone in Qiaojiazhen, who was lucky enough to survive, looked desperate, but at this moment, a thunder sounded, and then a white cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and then countless heavenly soldiers fell into Qiaojiazhen out of thin air. On the top, and fought with these demon soldiers and demon generals who had already killed the red eyes. Li Jing, the king of Tota, who stood at the top, and Nezha were not very good-looking.

Because they just wiped out the demons in Dongsheng Shenzhou, they didn't expect that these demons would dare to come here to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Nezha snorted coldly, directly holding the three-pointed fire blade gun and stepping on the hot wheel, and rushed out to start a battle with the black robe protector, but one of the two sides was the peak of Daluo, and the other was the early stage of Quansheng. Therefore, the black robe protector is naturally not Nezha's opponent. After only a few dozen rounds of fighting, he was stabbed by Nezha.

"Evacuate for me," the stabbed black-robed Dharma protector roared angrily, then drew a giant python to escape first.

The remaining Demon Race masters lost their souls after seeing it, and fled here one by one quickly, but before they escaped, they also took the white lotus away.

Glancing at the corpses all over the ground, Li Jing looked at the black and white impermanence that had just appeared and said: "These people are unjustly killed and are not suitable for entering the underworld, let them go to the Mongolian world specially prepared for those who have been unjustly killed, and it will be difficult to finish after the end. Give them back the sun."

"Little obey! Hei Wuchang nods his head after hearing this, and takes the souls of these unjustly killed people to the realm opened up by the Jade Emperor with great magic power.

After the black and white impermanence left, Li Jing also left here with the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, leaving only the surviving Qiaojia Town people cheering, becoming more in awe of Heavenly Court, after all, without Heavenly Court, there would be no them.

Not long after Li Jing and others left, Sun Wukong and Tianpeng suddenly returned to Qiaojiazhuang, but only saw the heavy loss of Qiaojiazhen, which made him clench his fists.

Seeing this, Tianpeng stepped forward and comforted: "Brother Monkey can't blame you for this matter, no one thought that Wutian would be so cunning, for today's plan, we can only gather all the relics as soon as possible, only in this way can we Defeat Wutian to welcome back the Buddha.

Sun Wukong nodded and stopped talking. He directly took the canopy and followed the instructions of the ancient Buddha, and embarked on the journey to find the relic.

And in Yaochi Wonderland, Yaochi looked at the souls of countless tragic deaths and said with some distress: "These devils are so cruel, you must know that it is not easy for so many creatures to grow!"

Haotian on the side said: "Don't worry! Today they killed them happily. In the future, I will make them regret that they are still alive. I want them to know what it means to fight a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood."

Yao Chi stopped talking after hearing this, and just silently accompanied Haotian to watch what happened next. After all, Sun Wukong and the others had already embarked on the journey to find the relic, and it would not be long before they would uncover the truth of the whole thing.

And their Heavenly Court will be ready to completely turn against the Demon Race, but at the same time, Yaochi is also a little curious, knowing that as Heavenly Court becomes stronger and stronger over the years, Heavenly Court can obtain more and more merits every year.

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