Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 319: The origin of the black dragon

At this moment, a shrimp soldier hurried over to report: "Dragon King! Sun Wukong who defeated the Buddha suddenly came."

After hearing this, the Dragon King of the West Sea was a little puzzled. Speaking of which, he didn't have a deep relationship with this monkey. It was just that on the way to the west, the son who was angry with him had carried Tang Xuanzang, and he had dispatched Mo ang to help them in Tongtianhe. Besides, there is no friendship anymore, and why is this monkey coming back to find him? "

However, this monkey can't be seen. He has already learned from his elder brother that this monkey is one of the important people in this robbery, so after sorting out his mood, he was invited over.

"I don't know what the matter is when the Buddha came to Xiaolong?" Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the West Sea, asked with some doubts.

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong said angrily: "Well, you old dragon king, you actually let the dragon son and dragon grandson make trouble and flooded the towns of the common people. What's the crime?"

Ao Qin was shocked when he heard it. He really didn't know this was going to happen. At this time, he was also very dissatisfied. When is this going to happen, and there are still people who have done this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Ao Qin held back his anger and said, "I don't know which dragon son and grandson Sheng Buddha is talking about. This king will definitely punish him severely."

Sun Wukong heard the words and said: "This is not the dragon of your West Sea Dragon Palace, but it must be under your jurisdiction. It is a little black dragon, oh yes! His grandfather seems to be called the Old Dragon King of All Saints."

Who knew that Ao Qin was dissatisfied when he heard it: "Is Sheng Buddha here to entertain me on purpose? If so, Sheng Buddha, please come back?"

"What is the meaning of the old dragon king? Isn't that little black dragon your relative?" Sun Wukong asked puzzled, looking at Ao Qin who was suddenly furious.

Ao Qin said with anger on his face: "Then the Old Dragon King of All Saints is simply the scum of my dragon clan. Not only did he collude with the demon clan, but his son-in-law, the nine-headed worm, even led his troops to attack me all over the world. Killed by them, this king and they are completely inseparable."

Sun Wukong was shocked when he heard it. He didn't expect Mo Ang to be dead. He also knew Mo Ang's ability. In the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, there must be a spiritual treasure in his body. Killing, unless it is the powerhouse of Daluo's peak realm, is possible.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at Ao Qin apologetically and said, "Old Dragon King, it's my old grandson who blamed you this time, but Xihai is in such a dangerous situation, why didn't you ask Heavenly Court for help?"

After hearing this, Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the West Sea, made an excuse and said, "We also asked Heavenly Court for help, but there was news from Heavenly Court that there were frequent changes in the battlefield outside the territory, and a large number of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were patrolling the four continents. Therefore, there are no troops to send for the time being, and it will take some time."

Sun Wukong heard the words and said, "Then the old dragon king has a way to break the game now?"

After hearing this, Ao Qin smiled bitterly and said: "How can there be any way to break the situation? Now, Mo Ang, the only one in my West Sea Dragon Palace who has the ability to command the army, has died in battle and can only last a day. I also hope that the Heavenly Court reinforcements will arrive as soon as possible to rescue the crisis. !"

Hearing Ao Qin's words, Sun Wukong said after pondering for a while: "I remember that Moang is not the only one who has the ability to command the army? Doesn't the little white dragon Aolie also have the ability to command the army?"

Ao Qin sighed lightly when he heard the words: "Did you forget about that incident back then? My brother-in-law, the Dragon King of Jinghe, was asked to be executed for deducting rainfall points, although it was later found out that there was a reason, and the Dragon King of Jinghe was successfully revived. But Ao Lie's child, because he blamed me for not interceding for his aunt, has always been dissatisfied with me, how can he come to help? Speaking of what I did back then, it was a pity that regretting it is useless now."

After hearing this, Sun Wukong said: "Actually, this is not the case. You send someone to persuade Ao Lie, of course, it is impossible for Ao Lie to come back, but the relationship between my old grandson and Ao Lie is still good, and then I will go there in person, and I will be able to Get him back and help you with this crisis."

Ao Qin said in surprise after hearing it: "If the Great Sage can really do it, I will obey the Great Sage's orders and never shirk."

Sun Wukong nodded when he heard it, and then left here and rushed to the location of Xiaobailong. At this time in the Penglai Immortal Island in the East China Sea, Fairy Biyou was sitting here alone and weeping secretly. Linger was emotional, and Qiao Linger also liked her.

It's just a pity that Qiao Linger can't rest assured that Bai Lianhua is alone, so after saying goodbye to Bi You, she left Penglai Immortal Island by boat, but Bi You found that there was no Qiao Linger, and her life was suddenly a lot lonely.

"He's gone after all!" Lin Hao sighed softly, looking at Fairy Biyou, who was weeping secretly.

Fairy Biyou, who was weeping secretly, suddenly raised her head and begged after hearing her master's words, "Master, please allow me to go to find Ling'er."

Lin Hao sighed when he heard the words, then waved his whisk and took out a few pieces of spiritual treasures and said, "If that's the case, then you can go. You can take these other pieces of spiritual treasures for self-defense."

The words fell, and these spiritual treasures floated towards Fairy Biyou, and these spiritual treasures are not ordinary things, each one is a congenital spiritual treasure! And it is not an ordinary congenital spiritual treasure, but a high-grade congenital spiritual treasure and two middle-grade congenital spiritual treasures.

Among them, the top-grade innate spiritual treasure is the Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp with unparalleled power. Once you enter it, even if you have high mana, you will be confused and unconscious. If you are not careful, it will be completely refined by the Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp. The master entered it to practice, and it was even more effective.

And the two middle-grade innate spiritual treasures are not ordinary. One is called Jiucai Xianyi, which is a defensive spiritual treasure. Don't even think about winning Biyou easily.

Looking at these spiritual treasures, Bi You took them and said gratefully, "Thank you, Master, for the treasures, and the disciples are leaving now."

The words fell, and Fairy Biyou turned into a streamer and left here. Looking at Fairy Biyou who turned into a streamer and left, Lin Hao sighed lightly, because Biyou had to handle the crisis by herself, because here In the second catastrophe, he couldn't shoot at will, otherwise, something unknown might happen.

Glancing at the gloomy sky, Lin Hao returned directly to the mansion. He already felt that his realm had loosened. Maybe he could try to retreat to break through the peak of Hunyuan Daluo.

While Lin Hao was in retreat, Fairy Biyou also pursued the breath of Qiao Linger's departure and embarked on a journey to find Qiao Linger. She will regret it, because Qiao Linger has long been in her heart and cannot be dispersed.

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