Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 320: The arrival of the little white dragon

At this time, in the Yellow River mansion, Haotian in a cyan robe came here, and it didn't take long for Xiaobailong to come out and knelt down and said, "Xiaolong has seen His Majesty, and I hope His Majesty will soon realize the Great Way."

Haotian nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Bailong in front of him and said, "Little Bailong, have you heard about Xihai?"

Xiao Bailong nodded slightly. He has been paying attention to the affairs of the West Sea, so he is naturally clear that he has mixed feelings about his father, Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the West Sea. Although he didn't like him very much because of the events of the year, he After all, he is his own father.

The current crisis in the West Sea also made him faintly worried, but because of the gap between him and Ao Qin, he couldn't make up his mind to help the West Sea.

Seeing Xiao Bailong's tangled expression, Haotian sighed softly: "I know that what happened more than 500 years ago made you resent him, but that incident was intervened by Buddhism after all, although your father seemed too ruthless. , but also to save Xihai, and he is your father after all, I will not force you to rescue Xihai, everything depends on your own choice."

Xiao Bailong was silent again after hearing this. After struggling, he finally raised his head and looked at Haotian and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for unraveling Xiaolong's many years of heart knot, Xiaolong knows what to do next."

Haotian smiled and nodded, then seemed to sense something? Then he said, "The monkey has also come to find you, presumably because of the West Sea, so I will leave first."

The words fell, and Haotian turned into a streamer and left here. Not long after Haotian left, Sun Wukong also came here.

Although he already knew Sun Wukong's intention, Xiao Bailong pretended to be ignorant and asked, "How come Senior Brother is free to come to me?"

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong said, "Junior Brother Little White Dragon! This time, I mainly want to persuade you and your father to put aside their previous suspicions and fight against the invasion of the Demon Race together. Although your father was wrong in what happened back then, he had more or less difficulties. , and your father also regretted it, so you should forgive him."

Seeing that Xiao Bailong didn't speak, Sun Wukong was somewhat anxious, so he continued: "Junior brother, no matter what, he is your father, I have seen your father before, he is more haggard than he was five hundred years ago now. Young man, do you really want to stay away from him forever?"

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Bailong said: "Senior brother, don't say it, maybe you are right, no matter what, he is my father, I will order Qi soldiers and horses to go to the West Sea with you. "

Hearing this, Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief, and after waiting for a while, he saw Xiao Bailong taking 10,000 elites and following Sun Wukong to leave here and rush to the West Sea area.

At this time, in the heavenly court, Haotian, who had just returned to Yaochi, sat on the cloud bed and drank a cup of nectar, while Yaochi said with a smile: "Your Majesty broke the knot of Xiaobailong this time, and it will definitely make other people of the dragon family. I know, and the sense of belonging is stronger. Although there is no betrayal in the current dragon race, it is always a good thing to have a stronger sense of belonging."

Haotian said with a smile: "Maybe there are some reasons you mentioned, but I really didn't think about that many things. That incident was due to our Heavenly Court. After the estrangement, it is a good ending for us to resolve this matter now."

Yao Chi nodded and didn't say anything more, but listened to Tianfu music together with Haotian, while enjoying various nectar and jade dew and innate spirit fruit, it was really uncomfortable.

At this time, in the West Sea area, Sun Wukong and Xiao Bailong had already come here, and after being notified, they came directly to the West Sea Dragon Palace.

Looking at the Xihai Dragon Palace in front of him, Xiao Bailong was filled with emotion. After more than 500 years, he finally came here again. Since he fell out with Xihai more than 500 years ago, he has never been here again. Now, if it weren't for His Majesty and Senior Brother coming successively this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be here in the future.

At this moment, the haggard-faced Dragon King of the West Sea came over and looked at the little white dragon who suddenly arrived. Ao Qin's face was unbelievable. He couldn't believe that the little white dragon would come here, so his body actually trembled. .

Looking at Ao Qin with a haggard face, Xiao Bailong suddenly found that he couldn't hate it anymore, but after struggling for a while, he called out the word father.

When Ao Qin heard Xiao Bailong's words, he trembled and said, "Child, it was your father who was not good and was too harsh on you. I hope you can forgive me, okay? Now I only have you. a child."

Xiao Bailong couldn't help the tears in his eyes when he heard it. After crying for a while, he said, "Father, everything is over, let all the grievances and grievances in the past melt away."

Ao Qin nodded, and then discussed some countermeasures with Xiao Bailong and Sun Wukong. Among them, Ao Qin looked at Sun Wukong and said, "I wonder if the Great Sage has any good strategies to defeat the enemy? Now my Xihai people have suffered heavy losses. Going down, sooner or later, it will be unbearable."

Xiao Bailong asked inexplicably, "Could it be that the water army of the nine-headed insect is really so difficult to deal with, Father?"

Ao Qin said with a wry smile: "If it's just about elites, the other aquariums can't deal with one of my West Sea elites, but they are ten times as many as us, or even more! In the case of trade-offs, we simply can't support it for too long."

Sun Wukong on the side heard it and said, "I think I have a way. Since we can't fight the army of these nine-headed insects from the front, why not fight from the side? We can find a way to sneak into their camp and mislead them secretly. , and then secretly contacted the elites of the remaining three seas and annihilated them in one fell swoop."

Xiao Bailong immediately agreed after hearing it: "Eldest brother's idea is good, I agree. This way, the loss can be minimized."

Ao Qin heard the words and said, "Although the idea is good, who should be sent? Ordinary people are not up to this task."

Hearing Ao Qin's words, Xiao Bailong said, "Father, I will go with my senior brother."

Who knew that Ao Qin quickly shook his head and said, "How can this work? You are the only son left as a father. If something happens to you, what should you do?"

However, Xiao Bailong made up his mind and saw him say: "Father, there is a saying that if you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son. As long as this crisis in the West Sea can be successfully resolved, everything will be worth it.

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