Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 326: Zhen Yuanzi was robbed

The fake Guanyin was a little anxious after hearing it, but he couldn't be too expressive, so he took out a bottle of nectar and poured a glass to Zhen Yuanzi and said, "This is the Bodhi wine that the sage asked me to bring to you, please comment."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and then drank the wine in one gulp, but as soon as the wine entered his stomach, Zhen Yuanzi used force to force the poison out, because the poison in it is only for saints or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or less. Useful, if Zhen Yuanzi didn't break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, once he drank this wine, I'm afraid he would really know the truth, but for Zhenyuanzi who broke through Hunyuan, it's useless, I'm afraid it's no heaven. things that come to mind.

After watching Zhen Yuanzi drink the wine with his own eyes, Jia Guanyin said quickly, "I wonder if Daxian can come to my Luojia Mountain for a chat."

Zhen Yuanzi pretended to hesitate for a while, then nodded, and after tidying up, he and Guanyin left here, but just as Zhen Yuanzi left his forefoot, a large number of magic soldiers rushed into Wuzhuang Temple Among them, what made them dumbfounded was that there was no one in the Five Villages.

Before they could react, there was a sudden scream of killing outside the Wuzhuang Guan, followed by 100,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, led by some of Zhenyuanzi's disciples, to fight against the rushing magic soldiers and devil generals, and there were no masters. The magic soldiers and magic generals immediately fell **** mildew, and they were beaten and retreated.

And Zhen Yuanzi, who was rushing to Luojia Mountain, suddenly pretended to be puzzled and asked, "How did I hear it? There is a scream of killing not far away."

Guanyin was shocked when he heard the words, and while secretly scolding those people for slaughtering, he didn't know how to make the movement smaller, and explained with a forced smile: "It should be a war between several countries in the world."

Hearing Guanyin's explanation, Zhen Yuanzi sneered in his heart, of course he knew what was going on, but he just didn't want to break it for the time being.

The fake Guanyin also took Zhenyuanzi away from here, but what he didn't know was that Wuzhuangguan was indeed massacred, but the people who were slaughtered were his subordinates, not Wuzhuangguan's disciples and heavenly soldiers. Heavenly General, this is probably something that the fake Guanyin never thought of anyway.

At this time, in the Wuzhuangguan, a group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals have annihilated all the surrounding magic soldiers and demon generals, and then they left here with the disciples of Wuzhuangguan. After all, Sun Wukong and others will come soon, so we still need to play. Better to do the whole set.

Therefore, after the preparations, the group left. It didn't take long for Sun Wukong and others to arrive here, but they were dumbfounded as soon as they arrived here, because there were piles of corpses all around Wuzhuangguan. , There are demons, there are heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and Wuzhuangguan Taoist priests, the entire Wuzhuangguan is somewhat messy.

"Brother Monkey, what's going on?" Tian Peng asked in disbelief.

Hearing the words, Sun Wukong said with a gloomy expression: "It seems that we are still a step late, and the people of Wutian have already taken the lead. I didn't expect them to be so crazy! Dare to directly attack Wuzhuangguan, which belongs to the heavenly court."

"Senior brother, what should we do next?" Little Bailong on the side asked after hearing it.

After being silent for a while, Sun Wukong said directly to the little white dragon: "Little white dragon, please return to the West Sea immediately and notify the dragon kings of the four seas, so that they can gather all the navy and prepare to attack."

Xiaobailong responded after hearing it, and then turned into a streamer and left, while Sun Wukong and Tianpeng continued to search Wuzhuangguan to see if they could find any useful information.

I don't know if Zhen Yuanzi did it on purpose, or if his hard work paid off. After searching for a while, the two Sun Wukong actually found the best innate treasure of heaven and earth! And through the treasures of heaven and earth to know the cause and effect of the matter.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong said directly: "I didn't expect it to be like this! Junior Brother, we will immediately return to the West Sea, and then lead troops to attack Luojia Mountain with the Dragon King of the Four Seas."

Tian Peng responded, and then followed Sun Wukong away from here, and like the other side, Zhen Yuanzi, who came to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, immediately began to act, and finally fainted on the ground in a daze.

The fake Guanyin also became the king of the white elephant. After a while, the black-robed Dharma protector also came here. The white elephant king asked respectfully after seeing it, "What should we do next to the black-robed Dharma protector?"

Hearing the words, the black-robed Dharma protector said, "Take this old guy down first, and when he wakes up, use all the methods for me. I don't believe it, and I can't find the whereabouts of the relic."

The White Elephant King responded respectfully, and then left here. On the other side, Sun Wukong and his party were basically ready. The 100,000 sea dragon army elites had been assembled, and they headed for Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea.

In the celestial court, Taibaijinxing walked over quickly and said, "Your Majesty! Master Ziyang, Master Du'er and others are all missing. I have sent Heavenly Soldiers to look for them, but there is still no news."

The Jade Emperor in Taiwei Yuqing Palace, after hearing this, said indifferently: "Everything is done without heaven, it seems that he wants to weaken our strength in disguise and relieve the pressure for his future, but he doesn't know, some things will not be like They went as smoothly as they thought."

"What does your majesty mean?" Taibaijinxing still asked in confusion.

The Jade Emperor said with a smile: "Sun Wukong will find them, because they are locked up with many strong Buddhists. When Sun Wukong rescues them, we will naturally have a reason to do it."

Taibaijinxing nodded suddenly, and then left here, because he knew that His Majesty had already calculated everything, and the rest just had to go with the flow.

At the moment when Taibaijinxing left, hundreds of thousands of sea dragon troops have surrounded Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, and they can launch a full-scale attack only after an order is given.

"Did the Great Sage launch an attack?" asked Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Sun Wukong heard the words and said, "The dragon kings can decide on this matter. I'll go in first and rescue Zhenyuanzi Daxian."

Several dragon kings nodded, and after watching Sun Wukong leave, they issued an attack order, and then the dense rockets were shot out, and the magic soldiers and generals who had no time to avoid were immediately shot dead, and the rest were either dead or dead. Remnant, only the lucky ones escaped and prepared to report.

In the Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, a demon soldier ran over in panic, and stammered towards the black robe and said: "Lord Dharma Protector, it's not good! The Four Seas Dragon Clan has reversed, and the Four Seas Clan army is attacking Luojia Mountain. We can't take it anymore, let's get out!"

Hearing this, the black-robed Dharma protector shouted, "What? Did the Four Seas Dragon Clan eat bear-hearted leopard gall? They dared to attack us. Who gave them the guts? This Dharma-protector will cramp and peel them off today as an example."

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