Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 327: Capture Luojia Mountain

The words fell, and the black-robed Dharma protector angrily rushed out with his weapon, and when he saw the Four Seas Dragon King in the clouds, the annoyed black-robed Dharma protector roared angrily: "The Four Seas Dragon King, you are so brave! Eat me! A knife."

After the words fell, the black-robed guardian rushed out, but unfortunately the Dragon King of the Four Seas did not intend to confront the black-robed guardian. Ao Guang, who was the leader, sneered, and then joined forces with the other three brothers to pour a large cloud of liquid on the black-robed guardian. body.

The black robe protector didn't care about this at all, but said with disdain: "How can the small liquid be used for this protector?"

After hearing the black-robed Dharma protector, Ao Guang laughed and said, "My Dharma Protector, don't you smell something strange? This is not water but oil."

Hearing the words, the black-robed Dharma protector changed his face, but before he could react, the archer who had already prepared put on rockets and shot the dense rockets at the black-robed Dharma Protector.

Although the black-robed protector tried desperately to dodge, he was still hit by some rockets, causing the whole person to become a fire man, and the mana all over his body was blocked by endless black smoke. two.

After seeing their leader, the Heipao Protector, being defeated, the morale of the demon army collapsed, and they were defeated by the Hailong army of the Four Seas.

Even the Hei-robed Dharma Protector himself could only escape back to Luojia Mountain with injuries, and instruct the remaining demon soldiers to fight stubbornly. not live.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, the black-robed Dharma protector said directly: "King White Elephant, you immediately bring someone to bring Zhen Yuanzi, and then we will escape from here as a submarine."

After hearing this, the White Elephant responded, and then left with a few of his subordinates, and the black-robed Dharma protector was very helpless when he made this decision, because those were not ordinary fires at all, but special fires, so he temporarily Inadvertently, he said, and now his cultivation base has been blocked, and there is no way to restore it at 1:30.

In this case, he could only ask the King White Elephant to bring Zhen Yuanzi over, and then take the opportunity to leave this place and return to the Western Lingshan Mountain, and then let the Wutian Buddha mobilize the army to pacify the world, but what the black-robed Dharma protector would not have thought was that the After the elephant king left, he would not be the real white elephant king when he came back, but the white elephant king disguised by Sun Wukong.

At this time, in the place where Zhen Yuanzi was imprisoned, the White Elephant King was about to lead someone to bring Zhen Yuanzi out, but he saw Sun Wukong suddenly appear and killed the White Elephant King with lightning speed, and then looked at Zhenyuan Zidao: "Da Xian, things are urgent now, and I hope you can cooperate."

After the words fell, Sun Wukong revealed his plans and details, and Zhen Yuanzi nodded after hesitating for a while, and then followed Sun Wukong and several disguised soldiers to join the black-robed Dharma protector.

At this time, on the side of the black robe guardian, the remaining magic soldiers and magic generals have become more and more unable to support them. No matter how they resist, they are not the opponents of the Sea Dragon Army that are several times larger than them.

Although the black-robed guardian was angry and anxious, he had nothing to do about it, because he had no ability to stop all this. Afterwards, he said, "Lord Dharma Protector, let's withdraw quickly!"

"But I'm really unwilling to leave like this," the black-robed Dharma protector said unwillingly.

After hearing this, King White Elephant persuaded: "Lord Dharma Protector, I don't know if you have heard a sentence, saying that if you stay in Qingshan, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we can go back, we will make a comeback sooner or later."

After hearing the words of the white elephant king, the black-robed guardian nodded reluctantly, and then asked Zhen Yuanzi to be brought into the boat, and then disappeared into the boat with the white elephant king.

And not long after they left, the surrounding magic soldiers and magic generals were basically annihilated by the Sea Dragon Army, and they controlled the entire Luojia Mountain and began to clean up the surrounding remnants.

In the Yaochi Wonderland of Heavenly Court, looking at the picture of Luojia Mountain, Haotian chuckled: "This monkey's plan is not bad, but he has to cooperate with fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi when he is wronged."

Yao Chi on the side said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing. After all, after this catastrophe, Daxian Zhenyuan will also gain some merits."

Haotian nodded, then looked at Taibaijinxing and said: "Taibai, you go to assemble the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals immediately! After a while, it is time for us to take action."

Taibaijinxing responded respectfully when he heard the words, and then left the Yaochi fairyland, while Haotian and Yaochi continued to pay attention to the actions of Sun Wukong and others.

In the deep-sea ship, the black-robed Dharma protector naturally didn't know that he was being watched all the time. At this time, he was still sighing, because no matter how he pressed him just now? There was no way to know the whereabouts of the relic from Zhen Yuanzi, which made him very angry.

At this moment, the white elephant king on the side pulled the black-robed protector aside and said, "Master protector, I have a solution here, as long as I disguise as Sun Wukong, I will be able to know the relic from Zhen Yuanzi's hands. son's whereabouts."

Hei-robed Dharma Protector's eyes lit up when he heard the words, then he looked at the White Elephant King with a laugh and said, "It is said that the White Elephant King is brave and foolhardy, but now in my opinion, this is simply a rumor, the White Elephant King, you are very smart! Don't worry! As long as your plan is successful, I will definitely report it to Buddha Wutian, and ask Buddha to reward you heavily."

"Thank you for the black-robed Dharma protector!" King White Elephant pretended to be surprised and said, and then let the black-robed Dharma-protector hide, and he returned to the appearance of Monkey King.

However, he did not go out immediately, but waited for a while before awakening Zhen Yuanzi. Zheng Yuanzi naturally knew Sun Wukong's plan, so he also began to cooperate and tell the whereabouts of the relic.

And Sun Wukong also pretended to be the White Elephant King again. Zhen Yuanzi was very angry when he saw this, but he didn't care in his heart, but the black-robed Dharma protector didn't know about it.

I saw the black robe protector looking at the king of the white elephant and said: "The king of the white elephant, you have done a great job this time! Let's return to Lingshan quickly and hand over the relic to the Wutian Buddha."

The king of the white elephant heard the words and said: "The black robe protector, instead of handing over a relic, it would be more beautiful to hand over all the relics after we have collected all the relics!"

After hearing this, the black-robed guardian hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, and under the flickering of the white elephant king, he did not hand over the relics immediately. , but this turned out to be a curse for his downfall.

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